Why would i buy overwach when I can play tf2 for free?

why would i buy overwach when I can play tf2 for free?

Now saying that, I'm about to buy overwatch. Am I being memed?

Because the gameplay is better, the community is bigger and its a fun game.

That said, I bought it and I regret it every day.

>That said, I bought it and I regret it every day.

oh shit why? I just got paycheck and this is the last day I'm able to buy it. Does it get boring to fast?

>why would i buy ow?

For the waifus and some random fun, mostly.

It's not a bad game at all, but don't expect good balance and serious competitive scene because there is none.

> Am I being me-

Yes, just play paladins or TF2 instead. It's all the same shit

Overwatch is super polished.

For some reason it makes me incredibly angry when I lose.

Not that I'm the most calm guy out there, but this game has something that makes me extra angry.

I unironically enjoy overwatch.

I have also previously unironically enjoyed TF2, but got tired of the way valve was treating the game.

Both games are fun, popular games where you shoot guns.

Both games will be around for a long time.

Being good at TF2 requires learning nigh-infinitely more fiddly details, but also has a higher skill ceiling.

Overwatch may cost money, but everything is unlocked immediately. It will take you a long time to get every class swap in TF2, which is a shame because you may end up missing out on playstyles for characters that you would otherwise enjoy.

It gets stale a lot quicker than TF2. You might like it if you like MOBAs or just have low standards but like that other user said you should just try paladins first and see if you like it. The two aren't exactly the same but they're still very similar.

Fun game, but lower skill ceiling than tf2. I wish I had friend to play with it, I couldn't stand playing with randoms anymore. Every match there is someone doing mediocre, and 1 person sperging out, giving them shit and trying to boss him around

Polished but will never be balanced and a low skill ceiling while having the most shallow bland cast Save for like three people who ironically are mentally unstable (Reinheart , Junkrat and Roadhog).

does not interest me at all.

I liked tf2 but stopped playing it after 200 hours. Is overwatch more of the same or it adds something? Or is it just shallow? I loved dota 2 so I don't mind it's a moba.

The design is a mess, hard to tell what's going on. Too many classes, too.

If you don't like Paladins gameplay, you won't like Overwatch.

Overwatch has shorter games and smaller teams, so one player can be more pivotal for the match.

>Now saying that, I'm about to buy overwatch. Am I being memed?

what did he mean byt his

Who is this nep?

of every criticism I've heard for this game, this is the stupidest one

the game is pretty fucking simple dude

Paladins actually has more depth than overwatch, laughably. Overwatch has a lot more polish than paladins so you feel like you're making more of an impact and everything, but if you didn't like the overall gameplay then you wouldn't like overwatch.

How is it the stupidest? Have you seen the character designs? It's like a 5 year old with no artistic sense or restraint in color palette got a coloring book and a 120 pack of crayons. I feel like having a seizure every time there are many players on the screen.


Too many colors is a valid design criticism. Shooters are supposed to be pleasing to the eye and easily distinguished. That means selecting 2-4 main colors and working with them. Ever seen an early web 2.0 website? That's how overwatch looks.


I agree. They look great by themselves, I like the designs (not the writing, though), but whoever was designing them didn't think about how they would look together. It's a mess.

It's a frustrating game because you can be doing your job flawlessly and still you will end up losing hard.

I had a game were I was Reaper and I ended up with 3 golds and a 71% kill participation card and my team still lost hard. The game's mechanically fucked, and pretty shallow to boot.

Its funny, my plan with Overwatch was to play it a bunch when it came out and then start splitting my time between it and TF2. When I started wanting to get back to TF2 valve decided to introduce casual matchmaking and kill any drive I had to play the game.

>Meet Your Match update

>It's a frustrating game because you can be doing your job flawlessly and still you will end up losing hard.

well yeah, that's how a team game works. There is no "solo flanker carry" in "team"

The gameplay is simple, but it's simple because it's easy. It's not simplistic in a design sense when you have what, 20+ characters with extremely varied designs that all do their own thing? There's no uniformity and on top of it, they all have a massive variety of skins that change their appearance.

But when you have an argument like where people don't understand that clarity and well-defined design choices are instrumental in making readable games. It's why brown shooters are easy to criticize. It's not that they're just "lacking colour" but that there are a lot of details that end up blending together. At least you get people like who can differentiate a design from its practical use.

The big thing is that the game is slow and that hitting tab allows you to know who is on the other team, but it's not anywhere near as fluid for designing.

I never got angry in the beta, but I started getting mad at the game slowly after it came out. It used to just boil down to what classes beat which, where the classes I enjoyed were being countered by classes others enjoyed more, like Zenyatta against Widow.

>fan of hat fortress zwei says a game has bad design

Before hats were introduced TF2 had 10/10 visual design.

Is that from that one scene where the guy kills everyone in the car and then tried to kill himself, only to realize he fucked up badly soon after? I forget what movie that was.

probably, been a long while since I've watched it

Stephen King's The Mist, I think.

Please point out the design flaws in the original tf2

>had to queue up just to hop in a valve server and play the game
>can't sit in a valve server for a few hours with people anymore screwing around and having a good time

seriously, it's worked great for more than a decade

why change it? i don't understand why they would rework a system for a 9 year old game

Wait, you can just open the server browser and join a server the normal way?

The game is designed from the ground up to minimize what a single person can accomplish. Cool downs, healers, and classes that have soft counters to each other kinda ensure this.

You can accomplish much more on your own in CSGO and Siege, it also helps that those games have more depth than Overwatch.

only community servers, which granted still works

but the state of community servers is pretty weak now, lotta skial/darkly/massive community shit full of assholes, the trading servers, the 24/7 servers, etc.
your best bet is finding a server that operates on a close group and hope they're not assholes.
honestly, as bad as a lot of valve server players were, they've long been the best servers by a large margin and now random players just use the queue system, which leaves a lot of empty community servers

one of the better servers is the TF2maps ones, where they would constantly cycle through user-created maps


It's funny reading all the criticism about skill ceiling when even the pros haven't reached it yet, let alone some plat scrub on v who's mad cause bad. Maybe 2% of the people here making that claim are even halfway qualified to make it. Just the fact that the concept of ELO hell exists is proof of people being unable to accept accountability for their own actions.

I can't stand the community servers, it seems like every single one, no matter how un-modded it is has some sorts of stat system or even worse, fast respawn. That wait is there for a reason. So, to be clear, Valve servers are just plain invisible in the browser? What if I connect by IP?

>playing OW
>sitting on the point, kill an enemy
>spin around, see a giant blue D.va right next to me, spin back around.
>get shot and die fast
>kill cam shows the blue D.va right next to me killing me
>it was just her summer skin, I was too close to see any red outlines on her.

OW ha ring colored skins is the biggest offense really, they should of had a base color that would shift depending on what team they were on, similar to how Tf2 works.

that might work, the servers do allow people post-queue if there's missing spots, but i think they're still reserved for quicker queues

they changed it a little while after the update dropped, but even if that did work, you'd still have to follow through the new features like having to choose to do a rematch or return to queue instead of just letting the maps cycle naturally

Solo queue ranked is a dice roll and most characters in the game are increasingly shallow. You could easily reach the height of skill for a Lucio or a Reinhardt within like 5 months.

I think paints ruined the design more than hats. Grants a lot of the hats are nonsense garbage, the original ones that stuck strictly to the visual style of the game still gave the game 10/10 art design.

Not even the original ones made that much sense. Shit like the beanie and football helmet were random and out of place as well.

lucio has tons of very specific wall climbing routes that you rarely see used, the difference between a great lucio and an average one in terms of survivability is massive. If solo queue is a dice roll then how come there are people who can very consistently climb to top500 on multiple accounts with solo queue?

If they kept the hats to make sense for the world and time period and only had these paints then I think it'd still be 10/10 art design.

why you would give the russian a football helmet is retarded, however the ushanka was nice

If your mediocre solo que is a dice roll, that and even pro level players like IDDQD lost almost all of their solo placement matches. The influence of a single player is minimal on this game, every pro match is pretty much one ball of death slamming into another until one wins out.

That, and the current strongest DPS has a skill ceiling that's only marginally above CoD level play.

>If your mediocre solo que is a dice roll, that and even pro level players like IDDQD lost almost all of their solo placement matches.
Right but they still got into or very near gm right away, so it's not like they're having trouble climbing.
You still see a few select teams like envyus beating out tank teams with dive comps because of their higher individual skill. I think that once people learn the game better, the effectiveness of tanks will diminish.
>That, and the current strongest DPS has a skill ceiling that's only marginally above CoD level play.
In terms of mechanical ability maybe, but there is a lot more gamesense required in overwatch, like keeping track of team comp changes, ult charges for 12 players and short term cds for everyone near you, so you can't just aim well and be good. There's enough to keep track of that no one can do it perfectly.

The Spy probably has the most fitting cosmetics along with Soldier.

that's really sad to think about, because the spy is the one you'd never see

You're not refuting my point that solo que as a mediocre player will be more dependent on your team than your actual ability to play. A large part of this because one good player fighting against 2 or 3 mediocre players will probably lose, and he's even more likely to lose if those players compliment each other.

Also mechanical ability is king. Roughly keeping track of enemy ults is all you really need to worry about, you'll easily know when someone has an ability in cool down due to the short times and the in game tab menu shows you who has ult up on your team.

Why does the game rely on a team's W/L to determine your placement and skill? Did they ever say?

Why would you play Overwatch when Dota 2 is the better moba?

Well if they didn't people would just go for what ever helped them rank up. Like if scoring a percentage of the damage done caused you to rank up you would constantly see players staying away from the objective and only going for easy kills.

I enjoy a few games of Overwatch casually on occasion, but I've long since given up on ranked play in that game. To me it just doesn't feel like a game that was made for competitive play at all. Very few characters on the roster are considered truy viable and people have a tendency to sperg the fuck out if you pick something outside "the meta", regardless of how well you're actually performing. In many cases the game boils down to a stalemate where both sides have all their ultimate abilities ready and end up poking and prodding at each other endlessly, until one guy gets a pick or one guy is out of position and then the screen just explodes with ultimates going off simultaneously.

The game is very polished however and the first 50 hours or so will probably be a blast to you and that isn't too bad considering the price. Blizzard have also introduced various alternate gamemodes to play in the Arcade mode, most of which are quite fun.

I don't like click to move and top down view.
I may actually have more playtime in Smite than Dota.

>You're not refuting my point that solo que as a mediocre player will be more dependent on your team than your actual ability to play.

When you're performing better than the average player at your rank, you will climb when you average out several games.

>A large part of this because one good player fighting against 2 or 3 mediocre players will probably lose, and he's even more likely to lose if those players compliment each other.

I'm not sure how they would make it so a skilled player could consistently wreck everyone. They could try lowering TTK drastically and making it all about who shoots first, but I don't think this would be a positive change. The other thing they could try is adding bunny hopping or more skilled movement mechanics, I'm all for that, but if only a small percentage of the player base can use it then people will get pissed off unfortunately. People around the same rank in a comp game aren't that much better than the people on the other team so they shouldn't really be destroying everyone 1vs3 most of the time anyway in a team focused game, but it's certainly possible already with the right positioning and ults. I agree the game could improve here but most of the people making these charges would actually be hurt by the changes they propose.

different people in the same match will rank up/down more or less depending on how much the game thinks you contributed. It's a good system they have right now where both winning and your personal performance are taken into account. If you're not winning most of the time at your rank, then you shouldn't be ranking up.

Because controlling one character from a top down view isn't that interesting after playing RTS games for a good while, I'd rather be "in" the character and have aiming and movement skill matter more, whether that be third or first person.

Hestia is fucking hot, but Ryu is best girl.

>When you're performing better than the average player at your rank, you will climb when you average out several games.

No you will not. What you need to do to rank up is to win consecutive games in a row, you can easily get trash teams and be put in unwind able situations in a row and end up losing some major ELO because of it.

I posted this and this happened after an insane losing streak that broke my hope for a functional solo que experience. The fact that someone can do over half the work themselves and still lose the game is just shit design all around, I also lost a fuckton of ELO because it was after a long losing streak, personal play level isn't that huge of a factor in ranking.

>No you will not. What you need to do to rank up is to win consecutive games in a row
If the game thinks you're contributing more than the average player in the match, it will give you more points for a win, and deduct less for a loss. Additionally, your actions of playing better than average give your team a better than average change to win, which will stack up over time and translate into more wins until you rank up enough that you start having a lot of trouble. I've been able to consistently improve every season which has resulted in promotions that translate across multiple accounts. There is nothing random about it on aggregate. I'm going back to sleep now.

I contributed more than half of my teams effort and still lost a ton of points, so what you're staying is just wrong.

Be glad you didn't play support or you would have lost even more.
This is my first comp season and I figured I could be a good guy and help my team by playing support since no one else wants to.
After losing 3 games in a row and 150 sr, I realised why no one wants to play them.

>anime girl image
>don't have money to buy OW


>there is an annoying turret
>you jus pick spy and fuck that shit up
>there is a pyro spychecking? then try to go safer, pick demo/soldier and do it from afar
>the turret is well guarded by the team itself? Just do the same as last but with the help of a medic
>there is an annoying turret
>You can't just change character because that would "imbalance the team"
>you have to wait to the dumb offense of the team to realise that they have to shoot the turret
>even if they do so, there is have to be a tank take the damage of it
>that would never happen so your best option is to wait to the moment your team go full "YOLO LMAO" and that probably doesn't end well either

Overwatch's gameplay is not better than TF2's.

Overwatch is glorified scissors-paper-rock; the game is made of a very strong hard counter system, where if you run into your counter, you're almost guaranteed to lose the fight, no matter how good you are.

Blizzard designed their game like an MMO or an RTS, because they have no experience in FPS game design. Much of the game is comprised of autoaim, walls, or AoE attacks that take little skill to execute and have little counterplay, with few exceptions.

Meanwhile in TF2, the game is a soft counter system. While six out of the nine classes do have advantages over each other by design (and a neater design than Overwatch, too,) you can defeat your soft counter by having superior skill or luck.

Valve has a strong history with FPS games, and TF2 is heavily movement-focused, aim-focused and mechanical skill-focused as a result.

Overwatch even has multiple "counterpicking" sites where you can find out about your free wins, go look if you don't believe me.

>For the waifus
just go to porn websites then
>some random fun
TF2 has this in spades already, 3000 hour player reporting in


Well it's either too many classes or a ton of weapons for a few classes. They have to find variety somewhere.

Because Overwatch is a better game that isn't riddled with nearly as much cancer as TF2 was 2 years into its release.


Shit dps is the main reason you will lose matches in OW, shit's a bummer.

"overwatch is a better game"
already proven wrong, see >that isn't riddled with nearly as much cancer as TF2 was 2 years into its release

Overwatch is only one year old and already has fucking Punk Tracer, Zarya, Sombra lol

yeah its The Mist
loved that movie but the ending was straight up retarded

they fixed pretty much all the issues now, they just have to let us use the server browser again and it'll be 10/10

TF2 and every other fucking fps=chess

I played OW for 90 levels and I realized I just don't like playing with smallass teams and infinite ammo.

I'm actually real tired of the Overwatch is a moba meme.
It's not a moba in the sense of lanes and shit, but if you think character abilities and ultimates is what makes a game a moba, that's pretty retarded.

That's like saying smash brothers is a moba.

That being said, I enjoy both TF2 and Overwatch, but i fell out of TF2 because of the mannconomy cancer shit, but its a great deathmatch game for sure.

Overwatch is fun as well. Both games have their merits and demerits.

But i mean, I love how partisan these two games. You either hate one or the other not both.

You're allowed to like both honestly

whether it's a moba or not, it's a pretty shit game. One of my friends quit playing after only three months because he said he was so fucking bored of every match playing out the same way

> he was so fucking bored of every match playing out the same way

>playing out the same way

The same could be said of Team Fortress 2
Basing your opinion on your friend's experience?
You do understand there are multiple heroes to cater to different playstyles, if you just keep playing the same one over and over of course you'd feel burnt out.

all i can say without having bought it, but having played a little and watched more, is that several of my friends have given up on it for just being a really, really boring and uninspired shooter.
i have many more friends who have stuck with it and liked all the overwatch meme pages and shit and just talk about it nonstop.
the gameplay is really superficial and unexciting to play, it's unskilled and unrewarding, and generally gives very little feedback or 'recoil' if you could call it that.
do what you want with your money, but be cynical about it. there's probably a good reason you haven't bought it already, other than your paycheck.

You should only buy Overwatch if you like forced loss streaks even in non-competitive modes.

when will this competitive team based shooter faze die already? Fucking tired of every single new shooter forcing me to play with incompetent people that will just shit down all the progress you can make towards yourself and ranking you down.

I just want to play a rewarding FFA game that isn't fucking dead.

Its like playing extremely small TF2 CP matches.

I'd rathet play Wells on TF2 than any map of overwatch.

post more hestia

why would you post this semen demon?

now i have to fap

>The same could be said of Team Fortress 2
he played that for well over 2000 hours
>Basing your opinion on your friend's experience?
also from what I have watched of the game
> if you just keep playing the same one over and over of course you'd feel burnt out
I remember he played Reaper, Tracer, Pharah, Roadhog, Junkrat mainly, but he never said anything about not playing all the heroes

Don't buy Overwatch. The characters (and the porn of them) are the best part of it and you can get it for free.

Buy Battleborn instead. Gearbox needs your help.

Its tf2 with more characters and more gimmicks per character.
Only thing I dont like about it is ults, theyre kinda gay

there's really no reason to bother with tf2 anymore. the fun has long sunce been wrung out of the game. the only people who suggest ff2 is more fun are memeing or delusional.

why do you have to throw in unironically? I think maybe you spend too much time on here

Hat Simulator 2 is a shuffling zombie of a game

It once was good but now it's dead

Nice, I can take a screencap during a half a second animation too. What's your point?

I really want to fuck hestia.

Well you know what user?
That's fair. But you can't really call a game shit without playing it.
I can watch a TF2 streamer, form an opinion of it good or bad without playing it based off of videos? Then again that is most of Sup Forums.

I enjoy both TF2 and Overwatch. Don't call a game shit without playing it, had you played it yourself then I can respect your stance. But you're still free to think that way.

this is your example of visual clutter? are you literally retarded?

>buy overwatch
>only play quickplay
>get tired of it in a month
>go back to it when the ranked matches start in season 1
>play it at least once a day since I have something to strive for

The original spy watch was stupid