>2017 will be completely empty when it comes to FPS games
Do you consider this a good thing or a bad thing?
>2017 will be completely empty when it comes to FPS games
Do you consider this a good thing or a bad thing?
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I still have Titanfall 2 with free dlc, so... I'm fine with it.
>forgetting Call of Duty: It Ain't Me
I've had enough generic FPS games for a lifetime
>literally nothing besides COD and Destiny 2
What? there was FPS this year?
I don't remember any good FPS coming out this year.
Destiny 2
Battlefront 2
CoD 2017
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
Battalion 1944
Get Even
Rising Storm 2
Who cares, same mechanics and gunplay in a different setting.
One that's already been used.
So boring.
>Titanfall 2
>Battlefield 1
>Killing Floor 2
>Battlefront 2
Oh yeah. Forgot about that
>Strafe and Get Even
Literally who
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
Insurgency: sandstorm
Just come to mind. I'm sure more will be announced as the year goes by
Metro 3
Cod is surviving on new generations getting into gaming.
I don't know a single person my age that still plays them but they keep selling.
This actually got a laugh out of me
It was my first death, too.
Good, I get motion sickness playing first person games so I prefer third person.
Strafe and gibhard
squad will supposedly be finished this year
>2017 will be completely empty when it comes to good games
Isn't Quake Champions likely to come out late this year?
russian quake imitation will probably have a alpha/beta test but only if you pre-order the elder scrolls 6
Does Escape from Tarkov come out this year? Naturally, will someone buy it for me?
battlefront 2
Titanfall 2
Over meme, if that tickles your fancy.
>that FPS drop
>that amount of pixels particles on screen
Wow, good game I guess.
yeah not bad for a unity game with 500 enemies on screen at once
it's almost like it was some kind of stress test huh?
Have they cut back on the features they intend to add or are they stepping up their work schedules?
That's fine. TF2 is still by far the best non-dead FPS available.
Thanks for doubling confirming it's trash
check your email ;) you fuck
Halo 3 Anniversary is coming up.
fuck this looks cool.
if SQUAD ever actually gets released I'll be heavily considering purchasing it
Isn't that FPS made by Hitbox coming out this year?
no jets, because they would have to fly at unrealistic speeds and such.
no sniper class, because it would go against the teamwork aspect of the game. still has marksman though.
their words. other than that they're on schedule afaik. they have the funding to complete every stretch goal from the kickstarter now at least.
It's crazy how overrated TF2 is here. That and people talk about how deep it is but 90% of their playtime is in casual servers.
>Star Citizen
>CoD: Vietnam
>Rising Storm 2
Not really OP.
>overrated TF2 is
How is it overrated? Name another FPS that's better than TF2
I'm mildly excited for EAfront 2, mostly because it is the first Star Wars game with a legit campaign in years.
Multiplayer will be regular BF/COD trash, but singleplayer might salvage it, just like it did with D44M.
Star wars is more of a third person shooter.
>>Battlefield 1
>>Killing Floor 2
He said good games.
>people have wanted the constant stream of shit fps titles to end
>the genre finally starts getting some quality games as soon as it dies
fucking monkey paw
>but singleplayer might salvage it
im sorry user.
but you ignored the other 2 proving you think there was good games
I'm not that guy you quoted..
Fucking idiot.
Overwatch and D00M are out. What more do you want?
>Halo 3 came out 10 years ago
I don't care about FPS anymore.
Poland to the rescue.
The premise seems good, but the second one was complete fucking trash. I paid 90 cents for it in the Steam sales and I still felt the need to have it refunded.
Play Project Reality, its finished predecessor, in the meantime, my friend.
you guys will all be playing quake champions right?
I replied to a guy who quoted someone listing games
he said
>good games
but there was good games, he implied in the same quote, by excluding them
so either he's retarded, or if its you, you're retarded for not even understanding basic english
kill yourself fucking retard
I'm the retard? You claim to list a handful of good games but at least half of the list is shit.
It's not an issue with understanding english, the issue is that you tried coming up with a list of good games but most of them actually sucked, then you get angry when someone points it out. You should have just listed Doom and Titanfall.
You're fucking stupid. You're just back pedaling by saying "but there's good games there". So fucking what? If you're going to list good games, make sure that the list is actually full of good games and not just two.
m8 in its current state it's better than most multiplayer games