Does Sup Forums like Arcana Heart?

Does Sup Forums like Arcana Heart?

I like it's gameplay ideas, but not a fan of it's overly moe aesthetics and weird flow.

I really want to get into it, but my gay faggot friends only want to play Sleep Fighter and KI. I guess they got sick of getting thrashed in Melty and are afraid to touch any more anime.

>tfw good enough to thrash my friends and make them quit
>tfw not good enough to win even one match online
How am I supposed to learn anime fundamentals?

played it last on 360, did they ever add an english dub?

i know most are cringy but the characters would have full speeches right as the fight was starting and no subs for them

Watch videos, practice, fight other people and learn, etc
Though the only way you're going to get regular matches for this game is if you join the discord for it

Problem there is that I feel like I'm wasting their time. They might as well fight the AI, y'know? Every time I hit people up in the melty discord they give me a quick 3-0 and then just scuttle back into their internet cave. I figured AH3 was similar.

I want to sniff all the girls pantsu

There's people like that in any community, but I'm sure most would like helping out a newer player if they show willingness to learn and improve

I think it's a pretty fun game, cool mechanics the arcana system is interesting. It needs a new, hd version.

Tonight I will work hard and get crunched into a garbage heap!

I haven't played the game but I think the slime rider is a cool concept.

That's the spirit

I liked the futa doujins. Can't stand playing fighters though.

I think ah4 is in the works

Petra a best.

>randomly got messaged by a guy I haven't talked to in months asking if I want to learn Arcana Hearts
It was the best thing to happen in a while. Scharlachrot is pure gold, and her voice makes my dick diamonds.

is she hard to use?

Yeah, I'm still new so I'm obviously not the best to advise concerning this, but she feels really non-standard even compared to the others. She's a zoner with odd movement options and inputting her stuff feels really weird sometimes.

I like it, but its far too complicated and difficult for me to play effectively.
I was a bog standard Petra, but playing online is hellish when the community is so small and so... fuckin good at the game.

Way too many systems and made up technical jargon to learn even for a fight game.

I just want to punch cute girls in the face.

It's actually way easier of a game compared to others like BlazBlue or Guilty Gear.
Every character in the game can do ABC combos for good damage and easily get good damage with their supers, Since your super meter automatically regens.

anyone have this on steam and want to play?