Can farm money infinitely from the first level

>can farm money infinitely from the first level
>two health refils
>health everywhere
>special moves that obliterate everything

It's like if someone took Zelda II, Mega Man and made it really, really easy.

Yeah, that's kinda the worst flaw of the game.

A proper hard mode should've been made available from the beginning.

I didn't like this game because it was generic 8-bit trash which kept shoving memberberries in my face with mediocre gameplay, generic level design, and almost zero originality or clever thought put into it because they had so many ideas to "homage" I mean steal from old games.
But hey, casuals determine the market's direction, not an old fart like me, and I've already played everything this game had to offer over 2 decades ago.

The gameplay is fine. But there is so much health you can be REALLY sloppy and it doesn't matter.

I didn't understand the point of a health system anyway, the fighting is easy as fuck, the only way to die is to be shit at platforming for the instagib. They should have just stolen mario or sonic's 2-touch death system while they were stealing every other mechanic.

That game is like 5/10
there's absolutely no reason to play it, it's like staring at a blank wall

If you want a challenge, don't use the health potions, it's not that hard

Clearly it's not too easy if you have to farm the first level repeatedly for money and upgrades

And ichor is for pussies too.

>fags who think they know how to make games here
Hilarious, the lot of you.

So... Like Zelda 2 and Megaman?

You don't have to be a chef to recognize bad food.

heres your epic hard retro game senpai

>So... Like Zelda 2 and Megaman?

Zelda 2 and MM have limited lives. Run out and then warped you to the beginning. Shovel has infinite lives from the checkpoint.

Also really really short

>It's like if someone took Zelda II, Mega Man
It's not zelda II or Mega Man though. It's quite plainly just Ducktales.

>farming on a non MMO game
You have no life if you ever did this or play a MMO.

>Also really really short

You mean like every single NES-era platformer?

New Game + fixes it to an extent, but phase locket still makes it easy.

Still love the fuck out of Shovel Knight, but unless you're going for all the feats, it's too easy.

>Also really really short
Not really.

I disagree OP. I really don't get the point of grinding in a single player game that lasts 7-8 hours.
You may be right on free health, but consider that the audience are not 80' kids: back then games were made hard as fuck to make em last longer, and kids couldn't download another game when sick of the hard one.
As far as i can see, the good part of this game is to enjoy the clever level design, and a bit of challenge comes with the bosses

>and a bit of challenge comes with the bosses
Actually, my major gripe with the game is most of the bosses are too easy. I think the levels themselves are fine.

Specter of Torment is changing them up though, so i'm excited about that.


The worst part of Shovel Knight has to be the armchair game design apologists that try to defend it.

Please tell me about its bad/mediocre design principles (being able to cheese earlier levels so bad people have a chance isn't terrible design)

>food analogy

I think what he meant was
>REEEE stop enjoying game i didn't liked REEEEE

Are you hiding candies from yourself too like your mom used to hise from you? Don't use easy ways, it's your choice.
>needing to be nazi'd out of easy things to not use them AND complain about them afterwords

>If I replay the first level a dozen times to grind money, buy every upgrade from the start, don't destroy all the checkpoints, buy a bunch of healing items, and use the most beneficial ichors, the game is REALLY EASY and SHIT what a SHIT GAME

Mario must be real shit then since you can just kick a koopa shell against a wall for infinite 1-ups

>He used ichors and relics

>two health refills
Only 2?

>he used upgrade
>he used armor
>he used subweapons
>he didn't play the game by slapping the keyboard with his testicles
fucking casuals all of you

Each of SK levels are 2 or 3 times longer than any MM level. I would be more of a nuisance than other thing having to start at the start of the level.

>really really easy
good luck if you're going for the achievements, challenges and perfect runs

casuals are part of gaming you like it or not ;)

What armor should I be using? I'm using momentum armor since knockbacks are annoying.

Gold armor to look fly as fuck

>farm money and health
>wtf why is this game easy lol!!!

baby blue or gold is the only acceptable answer.

So my thinking is that it's a good game, but just way too easy and sloppy.

What I would change:

>treasure can only be picked up once

No more farming. And each level has a score where you try to get 100%. This also means having to clear a level once by destroying all the checkpoints since those contain trasure.

>Limited lives

Maybe 6?

But there's no tension. You have infinite lives. It favors very sloppy gameplay. Zelda 2 or MM gives you sweaty palms since you're trying to beat the level without losing all your lives. I love MM games, but I totally suck at them. I typically only beat the games by using every last E-tank, on my last life. It's exhausting, but so rewarding when you actually beat it. Shovel Knight in contrast is just "yeah whatever. I died. Back to the check point 5 seconds ago".

The game is CONSTNATLY giving you new powers and tools, and you get way too overpowered too fast.

Take Zelda 2. You face these knights and they'er a total bitch for most of the game. It's kind of this very tense duel. In Shovel Knight, you face similar kind of knights, but can just use your charge shot and bam they're dead.

Gold armor would be the best if you didn't flip with every jump
Use the silver one

Oh and a bunch of boss fights are just me spamming some attack, not worring about taking hits and being sloppy.

I do zero farming, just saying it's possible. And you don't farm health potions, you're given them by the fish dude.

Already been mentioned, but New Game + fixes this a bit.

I don't mind the difficulty of the bosses. The only one that bothered me was Tinker Knight because of just how annoying it is to stay on him.

Let's be fair here, in most Mega Man games you want to avoid using E-Tanks because they're moderately rare. In Shovel Knight you can get free ichor refills between every stage.

OP is still a faggot though.

>But there's no tension. You have infinite lives. It favors very sloppy gameplay.
>Shovel Knight in contrast is just "yeah whatever. I died. Back to the check point 5 seconds ago".

Break the checkpoints then nerd

So are there two versions of that game or what?

>Already been mentioned, but New Game + fixes this a bit.

Should I just cheat to unlock Newgame+ and then restart? It might be more balanced, and thus more fun.

Stopped reading there

>m-muh 8bit art!

At what point did it reference any older game at all? I played through it last week for the first time.

Name yourself ENTSSYSQ for early NG+

It didn't reference anything, it just stole mechanics straight out of all of them and passed them off as it's own.

>But there's no tension. You have infinite lives. It favors very sloppy gameplay. Zelda 2 or MM gives you sweaty palms since you're trying to beat the level without losing all your lives. I love MM games, but I totally suck at them. I typically only beat the games by using every last E-tank, on my last life. It's exhausting, but so rewarding when you actually beat it. Shovel Knight in contrast is just "yeah whatever. I died. Back to the check point 5 seconds ago".

There's some tight platforming shit in SKt whereas in MM the only chalenging parts are yoku blocks and rush jet segments, because the rest of the stage are pretty easy. The stage lenght is also a pretty big factor: MM Unlimited, a fan game, is the harder MM game I've played. There's some platforming hell right there with long ass stages and hard bosses. Normal MM games have short levels. Shovel Knight is riddled with check points, yeah, but its stages are massive and would be annoying for the first timer go through that.

>At what point did it reference any older game at all?

i'm playing it now and I'm constnatly thinking

>oh I remember this from Castlevania/Mario/MegaMan/Zelda2/Ducktales/etc.

There's probably tons of shit I'm missing. Two examples: The mini-map is very similar to Mario 3. The anchors are similar to the Castlevania Axes.

Not an argument

I think that's called a genre.

Fucking Marathon, why did they have to just steal from Doom and not make something of their own

>games taking mechanics from other games
simply unheard of
>talks about references
>the game has no references or other meme shit
>i-it stole ideas!

Except it's not, it steals from everything from megaman to castlevania, it covers a broad spectrum of mechanics from 2d side-scrolling games; platformers, puzzle games, metroidvanias, action adventure, rpgs.

Reminder that all games with guns are ripping off Wolfenstein.

>other meme shit
To be fair, there's Reize.

>passed them off as it's own
Yeah like how one of the devs said he got the downthrust idea from Zelda 2

Except this isn't a doom-clone released a few years after the fact, this is 2 decades ago, and it's popular exclusively based on the fact it has mechanics that children think are new and interesting, when in reality they're just copypasted generic dogshit, you're just too young to know any better.

So this is what it must have felt reading comments during the Doom-clone and Quake-clone era.

I enjoy Plague of Shadows more, as Plague Knight is better equipped to handle stages but all of his options have higher risk. I just wish they didn't make the flask work like it does, as it's OP as shit. Luckily it's only available about halfway through but it does simplify things and I tend to avoid using it.
Plague Knight's is better because his very ability to move has risk attached to it, and it's a lot harder to get around with him because nopogo.

I am real excited to Specter Knight because he looks like an old Ninja Gaiden game and I hope his difficulty is higher.

Probably, but then again good games like doom and quake are actually remembered because they did original things and had their own style of gameplay, while shit clones line marathon are mostly forgotten.
This is generic trash which will be forgotten in 2 years, and in 20 years someone will rip off all of it's gameplay 1:1 and make some new fresh piece of "art" or whatever this tripe passes off as.

Literally nobody thinks the mechanics are new or groundbreaking, that's kind of the point

>Forgotten in two years
The game came out two years ago though.
We are still talking about it.

But the devs themselves outright have talked about their design influences for the game. They took concepts that worked back in the NES era from games and put it all together for their own thing


I also like how you could widely customize Plague Knight's movement and means of attack, it was definitely unique.

No one plays it because it's original, people play it because it puts together familiar mechanics and makes them good.
That was the goal.

No. Doom and Quake had the drive of popular developpers. They did invent things on their own, but so did other FPS's of the time.

What you're referring as stealing/cloning is called a genre. Shovel Knight does pay a few homages to the 8-bit era classics, but it really is a retro Action Platformer.

>Plague Knight's movement
Was there any reason to not use the float bomb jump?
I tried to switch around but none were as useful

>Finishing up ADGQ With Undertale..


>I don't understand how time works
2 years from now you dipshit child, stay in school holy fuck.
Except it's still shittier than most NES/SNES games, so it really has no purpose for existing other than selling old shit to ignorant kids.
This is the decay of video games.
People play it because they don't realize it's a shit clone of better games.

>making up problems to be upset about

First of all, I didn't write the post as support of yours. It's the opposite.

Secondly, fuck you.

The only thing it has in common with Castlevania is the subweapon use, how about you play the fucking games you claim it's ripping off.

>Except it's still shittier than most NES/SNES games

What was bad about it's design, that you don't have nostalgia for it? Honestly I found Shovel Knight to be one of the best designed 2D platformers ever made

Cannon ball was more fun. Being a rolling ball of destruction is pretty cathartic.

The only true new hardcore platform game.

Spin burst lets you go fast as fuck when you get a handle on it.

Going by your logic it's just a Wolfenstein ripoff

Looks pretty neat, but goddamn that art style looks like ass from that .gif

>implying that bottomless pits or spikes didn't kill you exclusively.

Friendly reminder not to take obvious bait!

I loved Volgarr The Viking so much.

This game was honestly really fucking bad

I'm not upset about it, I just don't know why I would play this game when I've already played this game 20 years ago.
> is the subweapon use
Correct, I didn't say it stole everything from castlevania you dipshit, it just stole all the best mechanics from all the best 2 decade old games and make a generic heap of shit out of it.
Nothing was bad about it's design, they didn't steal bad mechanics, it's just generic, it did nothing original, why even play it when it's just a shitty clone of a bunch of way better SNES/NES games?
Wolfenstein didn't have 3d levels.

As opposed to armchair game design critics like you?

100%. People think the most popular two things in every genre exist in a vacuum and everything else is a clone. Things aren't that simple. Everybody copies everybody. Some just have luck+timing.

Even if you trash it for being a copy of other games, the games it copies were all great themselves so that really doesn't hit Shovel Knight that much.
And if you argue it makes for a piss poor copy somehow, then I'd be very interested in seeing your arguments for how and why.

>This game was honestly really fucking hard.

Dude. Lame indie '8bit art' sucks. But 'memberberries' is a retarded meme.

Just being difficult doesn't make a thing good.

I played about halfway through the game and lost interest, it's not a good video game.

God dammit, rest of the world- you be some salty mother fuckers.

>Wolfenstein didn't have 3d levels.
And? That doesn't change the fact it's mostly Wolfenstein with technical improvements, it's obviously a shitty ripoff

Fucking hell Sup Forums is retarded.

>unironically using memberberries as a phrase

>and passed them off as it's own
When did it? The bomb combinations thing is pretty much the only thing that they didn't straight out admit to lift from other games. And even then they were partially inspired by older games.

Also, that's just game development in general. Originality is terribly overrated. Presentation and execution is what's actually important in the end.


Oh wow you have no idea what he was implying do you? You really are American

if the game and its art wasn't such obvious furbait I might want to play it, personally.