Reminder that Northstar is bae and if you use Tone you're a faggot

Reminder that Northstar is bae and if you use Tone you're a faggot.

Ion was here.
Get Beamed.

Ion with Prism is fucking amazing.

Scorch was here
Get the fuck back over here stop moving away fuck


On a scale of 0 to 10, just how hot are you right now?


You fucks go back to 9gag if you're gonna use your retarded slangs.

>if you use Tone you're a faggot
fuck you I'll do what I want

Except reliably take down Ronins.

>is bae
Fucking kill yourself. Or better yet, let me have the pleasure.

Ronin is shit tier

The pleasure of killing yourself?

who is the best titan and why is it ion?

What the fuck does "bae" mean?

Legion with 2 power shots is literally GOAT and unstoppable

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me


How do I git gud at Ronin?

Put nuclear eject on it and then swap to a different titan.

Is it even worth using energy for split shot over the laser or shield

don't rely on your sword and use phase dash when you reload your leadwall

>tfw burning through a fresh tone's tight little asshole with flame shield, taking it and two pilots out with flame core smash while dooming the ronin behind it, then using the scorch prime execution on the poor ronin
>immediately typing "TOASTY" in chat
call me autistic but these burning sprees give me life

You don't. Ronin is for cucks.

I like her, I really do, but fuck Ion is just better at her job.

Laser shot is hitscan and does around the same amount of damage of a fully charged Plasma rifle shot.

hit and run. If you try to just swing your sword at a Tone you're gonna have a bad time.

I found Ronin best dropping when enemy titans are dealing with my teammates and I take a few shots and then phase out.

What are you even supposed to do when your TF touches down and a Ronin turns the corner a mere feet from you? Are you just dead? Especially if you are Northstar?

Not him but I don't think so. Gotta save that energy for the qq beam. Shield for reflecting back at legions and tones is the way to go imo.

>tfw Tonebabs think they can run

Can you creeps not do this

Equip nuke
Dodge into melee range
Shoot until you nuke or they die
repeat for ???
Switch to Scorch when you realize hes the more fun close range titan

Nothing gets my goat more than dodging flame core as northstars flight

Ion, Tone, and Northstar have a female OS.


Nigga, it has a female AI, 3 of the titans do.
They would be referred to as female.


Is it me or Ronin's gun does piss poor damage? I get it he's supposed to be a close-combat Titan, but goddamn it, man.


>running straight at a tone
>tank the three shots, put up the shield just to catch the missiles (because they always fire them after three like clockwork)
>immediately drop shield and keep running straight for its face, repeat
>dashing in to close the distance
>see tone visibly start to panic as i get in its face
gets me HOT

>Start slashing at everything like a stupid faggot
>Try to fight that scorch with a sword while he has the flame shield out
>Become doomed like a dumbass
>Nuclear Eject, because you're too shit to get kills without ejecting, like the piece of garbage you are
>Try to land on the scorch that just fucked your ass and still survived because the Flame shield blocks the majority of nuclear damage
>Get goosed by a flying thermite grenade

get under it
look up
flame shield
toasted little northstar butthole

It does a lot of damage. You probably just don't notice.

Run with double shockwave. That and point blank Leadwall shots do the damage.

Run the fuck away from Scorches though.

Its you. His shotgun is great in melee range, despite its small magazine.

>Take double lightning arcs
>Nuclear blast

When you enter doomed mode, phase shift towards opponents and initiate nuclear blast. This shortens the amount of time they have to react. Dual arc shifts is for damaging multiple titans (since it travels through them,) as well as being a long-range attack against titans with dashes. Try not to use phase dash for reloading your shotgun unless it is vital. Lastly, treat Ronin more as a "pilot-hunting" Titan vs. one meant to take down other Titans. It's what the mobility and sword is for.

>prime titans look badass as hell
>great new terminations
>for some reason cant use war paint or nose art
fucking why would they do this?

Reminder that Ronin is bae and if you use Northstar you're a faggot

If you use Northstar and any titan gets the jump on you close up are you just auto dead?

Stopped playing once Prime scorch/ion were released. how dead is it?

last time i played it had 2000 players

Daytime USA is ok night time is shit.

>like DoT and residual damage in video games
>Scorch sounds like the titan for me!
>get kited by most titans, only effective when paired with another titan to force people into firewall
playing scorch is suffering

>Playing on PC

You're a retard

It had like 4k right after the christmas sales.

Ronin > Northstar

>have 5 advocate gifts
>open them with excitement
>they're all shitty banners

why are there so many banners
why are only 5% of them good

before anyone else

Ronin < Northstar

>playing FPS games on consoles

Yeah. But if you're playing Northstar right you should already have a tether down and hopefully know that titan is coming. Best case scenario: they doom you, go in for the execution, get tethered, and you nuke them.
If not, your mobility should let you get away with maybe 1 - 1.5 bar of damage

I haven't played in a while, did they nerf that annoying Ronin suicide bombing yet?

my entire scorch game changed when i started using flame shield as my main weapon. equip a dash and you can fuck people up.

>playing movement based FPS on console

No. Why would they? Ronin would almost be useless without it.

>playing video games

Scorch is all about setting everything behind your opponent on fire so you can Charging Star into them with Flame Shield

Legion main, its not really a problem even for me. Its a gimmick that you can see coming every time

>did they nerf that annoying Ronin suicide bombing yet?
dash away not towards

>Legion main

How's playing on easy mode working out for you?

>playing on the lowest userbase platform

This I have been playing since day 1 never got killed by that nuclear shit

>Better than based Tone-fu
Contrarian hipsters, everyone.

someone teach me how to fast.

i want to become the fastest

How the hell is Legion easy mode? I fuck them up as Ion and Scorch all day.

But I barely play Tone or Ronin

When this game drops DLC again is it going to only be one fucking map?

Highest DPS and health, easiest way to deal that DPS with the usage of the shield and autoaim ult.

Honestly now that I have a good handle on the game the only thing Tone has over people is it's pilot killing ability and Salvo Core. At long range I can outsnipe you with Laser shot and at close Tones usually panic.

That double special charge is crazy good. It's also w+m1: the titan with a actual built in auto aim mode.

wallrun every time
never ever touch the ground

if for some reason you're forced to touch the ground, slide, jump and wallrun again.

OS voices ranking

prove me wrong


>Baby Mode:
>Use Stime

>Normal Mode:
>Use Grapple

>Pilot Mode:
>Learn to wall-run, and how to slide to get to other walls to continue wall-running

>not doing pilot mode while on Stim


Scorch Prime>all

Did you guys enjoy the campaign? I thought it was short but sweet. Not the main selling point of the game by any means but it was fun. Trust me.

that fucking time travel section was baller

This is very good advice. It's worth emphasizing that with Ronin you mostly want to focus on hunting pilots; your strength is speed and evasiveness, not attrition, so avoid straight up slugfests with other Titans, never forget that nobody can chase you down, so don't hesitate to pass on a fight, circle around, and fight on your terms.

Get in, do what damage you can, and phase out before they can fight back.

And don't neglect sword block.

This. Under no circumstances take a Scorch from the front.


Good for you user, we take what joy we can in this life.

i thought it was pretty great, loved the back and forth between BT and the pilot.

wich titn wud u fug?

northstar hands down, i have a weakness for accents.

Great ideas that didn't outstay their welcome.

I have a lot more fun with Ronin than I do Northstar, dual smokes and dual arc blade is absolutely nuts, though I do play with someone who regularly hits 75-85k damage with her in LTS, swears by Optics and dual smokes.

Shut the fuck up faggot
I bet you're one of those little bitches who goes into overwatch threads to whine about how there's so many

>being an autist playing on lowest populated platform

Best girl coming through

user you still there

atta boy

ronin is a best

Best Ti-tan

>gimping the game by playing with the skill cap of a mentally challenged monkey on console