Perfect games don't exi-
Perfect games don't exi-
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>inb4 muh e-sports viability that I don't really take part in and never will
>inb4 someone mentions Tr4sh
That game will be abandoned once the next Smash is released, like Brawl.
Its popular and fun, and you cant change that. Stay mad, elitist fuck.
Anyone else having a character crisis? I can't decide between my Fox, Falco, Marth, and Shiek. They all do equally as decent and they are all fun as fuck.
No, I stick with Falcon and probably always will
Pick one to develop and just use the others for fun during prolonged session
Its popularity will be short lived and your retarded ass will jump ship to the next game.
Where were you when melee was saved?
Falco is most hype
-Falco main
Yeah its looking like my Falco is my best but I suck shit against Fox mainly because I have no idea what to do when I face a leffen tier Fox or a campy full jump fox.
A very good game but far from perfect. Still love watching it.
and by leffen tier I just mean has a similar punish game to him, obviously not as refined but you get what I mean.
>Mango x Armada GFs again
>Armada wins LOL
The ball hit the wrong melee killer.
You faggots never talk about the game, it's always e-celeb circlejerking.
You should be the nervous one considering it only has a %50 chance of even making it to EVO this year.
There is a shit ton more fighting games out this year and people are getting tired of pushing out real fighters for smash.
Stop being delusional and think of the money McRib would make with smash4's 2000+entries and views
Now think of a reason of why would he abandon it for a 500+entries game that not even the FGC cares because it is just SFV right now.
Worked by based Armada
You are a special kind of stupid.
That's because Smashboards is basically dead. It's a lot easier to make comments on celebs because it's only the surface of the game. People often get deep enough to where I'm sure there's a handful of people who can tell you everything there is to know about Samus's SWD from memory.
>e-celeb faggotry
>a percent 50 chance
Smash Bros is shit
I haven't really played against a fullhop campy fox but sometimes you need to give them ground, don't challenge them when under them on platforms and use the gun, the gun is your best friend against fox and without it fox will just steamroll you because of how much faster he is
also maybe fullhop nair or dair to call them out when they fullhop
>Mango x Armada GFs again
Leffen has a better chance at beating armada than any of the other gods. Mango and m2k could go either way.
Leffen isn't perfoming as he used to, armada 3-0'd him last time they played.
Only m2k has a good shot at winning vs him, and he'll have to play mango first, which is a coin-toss.
>Only m2k has a good chance at beating him
You're retarded, m2k has the worst record against Aramda and has only taken two sets from him I think
>"what is UGC?"
I'll admit he's not there yet but he's made some serious headway
where the fuck is /our guy/?
>I'll ignore literally the last tournament they played
Who's retarded again? And don't even try saying it was a fluke, just watch the matches and you'll see.
If i told you that Hbox had a decent shot at beating mango, you'd be the first to say "my 20 something-4" record mango had vs hbox, now it's at least even, if not hbox favored.
Records only work when the recent results back it up.
I missed UGC, how did m2k do?
>Should be back in a couple of months. Genesis is looking pretty likely!
>Should be back in a couple of months. CEO is looking pretty likely!
He's never coming back, even if he does he won't make top 8.
Won vs mango, hbox, leffen and 1 set off of armada, 3-1 set 1
Arguably lost game 4 (last game) set 2 because of a stitch face.
at least get things straight if you wanna shitpost fampai
Oh wait, I think I do remember watching this, I would still put my money on an on point mang0 over m2k though, the only reason m2k was taking stocks was because armada kind a lost patience and wasn't as focused on locking m2k down with turnips. That's at least how I remember it
is that kjh