Are valve the worst dev ever?

Has there ever been a dev so despicable as to leave bugs in the game for 3+ years without fixing, but instead focus on jewing yet more money out of the customers?

And then when expanding to a new market, on release, the new market gets what the main userbase has been asking for since release as standard, and the main userbase goes without?

Since the very first day of csgo mm people have been asking for 128 tick servers, but no, not happening. Chinese mm servers provided by pwe are launching with 128 tick.

I sincerely hope all valve employees, and especially fat kike gabe, get a very slow and painful cancer which drags their family into total poverty before they die. Never had there been such a dev even close to as nickle-and-diming as valve have done with csgo.

Brief list of gamebreaking bugs which have been in the game for over 3 years now:

Able to see through smokes using radar/name tags
Able to see through smokes using molly/HE to make player silhouettes stand out
Able to dupe nades by dying as one is thrown
Able to ignore/evade damage by manipulating landing animation (they tried to fix this and it is now worse than ever)
As a consequence of shitty 64 tick, an insane amount of shots per match just do not register even though they would have hit in 128 tick.
Although not a bug, pistols are hilariously OP, and accuracy of rifles are way more inaccurate than they should be for first shot.

Before anyone shit talks I'm ESEA A+, been playing cs since 1.5, never have valve been so garbage to the community as this.

Valve have yet to fix major problems in the game, gamebreaking problems, yet they add in skins for gloves, and for fucking sprays, which were always free and customizable before. I will never understand how retards on this board can possibly defend these fat subhuman jews.

is* valve


He said bad things about the game
Silver, learn to play, reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The above is a sample of what really makes the game shit

> Able to dupe nades by dying as one is thrown

Seems like a shitty trade off.

I everything you have listed is petty as fuck. The game works well enough it can be played competitively (not by you of course).

Are you really wishing death on valve employees because you miss shots?

How are they nickel and dimming you? You don't have to open crates - they only contain skins that don affect play.

Sounds like you need to play games a little less.

Valve doesn't care about the games they made, they don't intend to make new games either

They have reached a point where they will exist for as long as pc gaming exists, steam is so massive that valve can stay aroubd forever, they are titans of the industry that can effectively rival entire console manufacturers and they know this

Why work hard on a game when you can throw $100 at a guy who made some weapon skin, put it on the community thing, and roll in $100,000+ as everyone buys their rng loot boxes hoping to get it?

Why patch bugs when you can just do nothing and make a shit load of money because that new hyped up game came out or some youtube/twitch eceleb made a 6 million view video on some piece of trash game made to appeal to these people?

Valve doesn't make games, they make money. It's upsetting because they were easily one of my favorite game developers back around when the orange box first came out, now I despise them and use steam as little as I can

Reminder that the servers have been fucked for the past 48 hours and Valve hasn't said a word.

Brain dead retard

>Seems like a shitty trade off.

1hp friendly vs a smoke or molly is a shit trade off? confirmed you don't even play the game already

>Are you really wishing death on valve employees because you miss shots?

I don't miss shots except those that miss purely to RNG or I wouldn't be A+ on ESEA, retard.

>Sounds like you need to play games a little less.

Sounds like you suck at games and don't have a job tbqh, I doubt you are even old enough to post on Sup Forums considering your lack of basic logic and analysis.

>Reminder that the servers have been fucked for the past 48 hours and Valve hasn't said a word.

Yep that's the most disgusting thing, we can't even get stable 64 tick servers, which are garbage anyway for mm (and why I mainly play ESEA), while the western market gives them literally hundreds of millions of dollars a year through the csgo trading market alone, meanwhile chinks get 128 tick at launch.

Maybe cause no one there has fucking job titles. If a game dev hired you and said you could do anything you wanted, would you choose to be the guy who patches a 5-year old game?

Sup Forums is full of valve cocksuckers. Incapable of critical thinking.

EA are objectively better than valve in every way.

>As a consequence of shitty 64 tick, an insane amount of shots per match just do not register even though they would have hit in 128 tick.

There's literally zero way to objectively measure this.

But I agree with you.

There is, though.
1/64 = 0.015625
1/128 = 0.0078125
You fire a shot at 0.005, enemy fires a shot at 0.01, and assume you are both point blank aiming at each others heads (for simplicity reasons/1 shot), due to how ticks are handled, in 64 tick you die 50% of the time, enemy dies 50% of the time, in 128 tick you win the duel 100% of the time.

If 2 events happen in the same tick the order is randomised.

Ubisoft ranks pretty high.

Bought Rainbow Sixege recently and heavily regret it. I don't know why I expected them to fix bugs that had been present in their engine and netcode since AC:Brotherhood.

It's a fucking disaster, and while the game can be good at times, it is so plagued by bugs, and even a terrible GUI which is so bad it deserves a mention, that I just can't muster the strength to play it.

Valve as a developer died 2007.
They are a publisher now who squeeze as much money out of their IPs as possible.

You should probably redo that poster since its shit.

>valve gets given csgo after its already made
>spend a year making skins
As soon as I heard that shit I knew it was over. CS:GO never stood a chance.

Pretty much. They're incompetent and lazy because they know they effortlessly control the market and people will continue to shill and make content for them to sell for free. They'll never actually make anything probably for the next 5 years until the drain their IPs completely dry and then release the next CS/TF/Dota skin and then milk the fuck out of that. There's no hope for Valve and no one should expect differently. On the bright side, their steam controller/box shit bombed.

Agreed. I have played CS competitively for fucking years and years from the start, and valve is fantastic at what they do. Everything these fags complain about is the gayest thing ever


OP is an edgy faggot. You're a corporate shill, faggot.

>Able to see through smokes using radar/name tags
Name tags shouldn't exist at all, but as for radar, it's been that way forever.

>Able to see through smokes using molly/HE to make player silhouettes stand out
Real life lighting effect. Never seen moving shadows through smoke?

>Able to dupe nades by dying as one is thrown
Why should control be taken from you before you even die?

>Able to ignore/evade damage by manipulating landing animation (they tried to fix this and it is now worse than ever)
Legitimate issue desu, but then it's the whole ninja aspect of the game that should be taken out.

>As a consequence of shitty 64 tick, an insane amount of shots per match just do not register even though they would have hit in 128 tick.
Meh, speculation at best.

>Although not a bug, pistols are hilariously OP, and accuracy of rifles are way more inaccurate than they should be for first shot.
Pistols ARE OP, rifles are arguable but still hardly gamebreaking.

You should play Insurgency desu. It's like what CS should have evolved into: all the bullshit removed, more "realistic", less "arcade", and even then they're sadly slowly turning it into the CS clone it shouldn't be. But when played without markers, map and kill indicators, it's just pure perfection.

>It's like what CS should have evolved into
Fuck that, CS has a fuck-ton of issues, but Insurgency plays nothing like it and doesn't feel competitive at all.

Are the valve servers fixed yet?

valve simply doesn't care. dota is the only game they'll support and even now they're doing a shit job at that with the ui.

>Insurgency plays nothing like it
Insurgency started as pretty much a CS clone, made on the exact same engine, with the same base HL1 game rules. Then it moved to Source, and it had ocne again the same rules as CS. Now that it's an independant game, it still hasn't changed much desu fampai:

Only differences are:
>no radar
>no kill reports
>can't know who's dead and who's alive
>different weapon assignment system that's weight-based
>larger, more open maps with longer lines of sight
>more objective control gametypes, some with respawns
>no ammo counter
>magazine-based reload
>aiming down sights for extra accuracy though shooting from the hip is as viable as in CS in typical CS-grade fighting ranges
>accuracy affected with more amplitude by movement
>jump limitations and removal of all ninja tricks, bunny hopping and other commonly exploited glitches

Since then it has evolved quite a lot but remains pretty much the same. It simply is CS on a larger scale, and without the bullshit. It does play differently, but only because the usual CS tricks don't work in it, but then that's how CS would be played if it wasn't for all those tricks.

Valve actually struggled for years to enforce gameplay on CS, but eventually gave up once they realize people considered "bunny hopping" a "feature".

Why do I see so much ADADADAD/crabwalk spam in pro-level CS:GO?

It's surreal to watch gameplay like that being celebrated/highlighted. You'd never see shit like that back in 1.6.

>>different weapon assignment system that's weight-based
>>more objective control gametypes, some with respawns
>>larger, more open maps with longer lines of sight
>>magazine-based reload
>>aiming down sights for extra accuracy though shooting from the hip is as viable as in CS in typical CS-grade fighting ranges
>>(removal of skill based movement)

>>simmply is CS on a larger scale, and without the bullshit

>(removal of skill based movement)

Yeah, that's the bullshit right there.

>Are valve the worst dev ever?

Nope Blizzard exist.

>Has there ever been a dev
>so despicable as to leave bugs in the game for 3+ years without fixing
very yes
> but instead focus on jewing yet more money out of the customers?
EA did this long before it was cool, me1 is not fixed yet, and its a possibly gambreaking bug

shit on valve all you want, but get some perspective and realize that your complaints are infantile.

So, in other words, the only differences are that the game plays entirely different? The gunplay is completely different, the economy is outright gone, the main game modes are different, the meta/UI shit is all changed, the movement mechanics are dumbed down and entirely changed, and the maps are far larger and more cluttered.

crab strafing is only good with the AK in 1.5 at long range. everything else was too weak or too inaccurate.

>military and anti-terrorist units
>carrying 20 pounds of gear
>hopping left and right until they break the sound barrier
>jumping from the top of a roof while shooting
>"skill based movement"

What did he mean by this?
>Valve actually struggled for years to enforce gameplay on CS, but eventually gave up once they realize people considered "bunny hopping" a "feature".

Yes, because they don't even make games anymore

They probably fired everyone and let interns design hats and weapon skins

valve stopped being a real dev around after the orange box and portal

the over under on dota / cs / tf is just too ridiculous, people are content enough with it to pay them

Before the whole TF2 jewing started Valve were adored for being cool devs but over time they became more and more 'the company behind steam'.

>Able to see through smokes using radar
You know, radar was created for this specific reason, right?

Gunplay is identical, there's no frills aside from magazine-based reloads (and bullet-based reload sucks), ADS which only serves a purpose beyond the ranges encountered in CS, and no retarded running and jumping while shooting, the economy is still here because the winning team gets extra points for equipment, there are two different de_ style gametypes, a straight up clone of as_, and cs_ is the only one missing, the "meta/UI shit" is really not that important, the movement mechanics are realistic and not retarded Quake 3 grade bullshit which Valve always opposed, and the maps are simply better suited to the variety of weapons it offers and actual tactics, instead of sniping down a 10 ft long corridor.

I guess you never played Insurgency more than 10 minutes.

i fucking hate this fat fuck


don't you mean to say "The Jew Formerly Known As Valve"

>go from 64 tick rate to 128 tick
>complain about how 128 tick is worse than 256 tick

>wishing people would actually die in real life because of minor bugs in their electronic entertainment software that you can play for free

Other than hitreg none of that shit is gamebreaking.

No point of going to 128 tick while most people play on 60hz monitors/60 fps with vsync on

Jumpshots were patched out some months ago out of CS. I wouldn't try them even as a last resort desperation now.

>that you can play for free

>Gunplay is identical
How? Even the fucking TTK is completely different. Have you played CS recently?

>ADS which only serves a purpose beyond the ranges encountered in CS
ADS is objectively superior unless you get surprised without it up at close range. It severely reduces the recoil (literally just pull down and you have spray control that a CS pro could only dream of), zooms in, gives you a crosshair, and shoots exactly where you're pointing at instead of where the guy holding your gun is pointing at.

>no retarded running
You can strafe while shooting perfectly fine. It doesn't affect your accuracy at all.

>the winning team gets extra points
Ok, so it's not entirely gone, it's just really dumbed down and abstracted.

>the "meta/UI shit" is really not that important
Yes, it fucking is. Being able to tell whether or not somebody's alive or how many players on each team are alive is a huge fucking difference, especially in a 5v5 setting. Fuck, Valve had a patch awhile ago where they reduced the amount of time you could see shit while dead (more so if you got headshot) and that was a pretty big change that plenty of players asked for.

>the maps are simply better suited to the variety of weapons it offers and actual tactics
The maps are cluttered as fuck and I'd love you to show me people using 'actual tactics' in Insurgency any more than you'd find in a CS pug.

>I guess you never played Insurgency more than 10 minutes.
If you wanna play that game then I guess you never got past MG1 at most, or maybe you did when the ranks were fucked and you still go on about how you were LE before they fucked with your rank.

Even at 60Hz the lag is doubled on 64 tick compared to 128. The info has to go two ways, that's why 64 is not really enough.

I play with 15 ping 60Hz and have to stop firing before the enemy dies, then I wait a fraction before they die. Sometimes they don't. You don't have that delay in 128

yes. and it won't change because of MMR kids who ruinned PC gaming by buying skins.

u know that csgo is a moneygrab for retards and kids? all the real cs fans still play 1.6 or css

Because the guy who makes textures is the same guy that fixes engine bugs

insurgecy = love & life
best shooter

>Gunplay is identical

>for free
The game's $15 and for the Christmas sale they only knocked off $5

'member when valve made games instead of skins?

I member...

>real cs fans

oh u trollin though
