Risk of Rain Bread Dead Edition





Game started I assume?

yea ill post when its open but we suck so probably soon


so I was reading down descriptions of items...and I'm confused by the one on the happiest mask. I mean what the fuck. is the guy who sent it got trapped into some slavery-tier work or something? please don't what?

Usually in spite you want to run away from things as soon as they die so it kind of fucks with eyes when a ghost appears

No, I mean the catalog descriptions in-game. from the item log.

>ror thread at this hour
Not even yurohours



I just got my first win 5 minutes ago!
Artifacts used were command and spirit (the only useful ones I had).
Providence took like 10-15 minutes. I was so tanky that as long as I didn't get hit twice I'd just regen all my health/shields back in no-time, but I was dealing next to no damage so it took a long time.

Out of Hunter/Sniper/Engineer which is the most fun to play? I can't decide on which to roll with until I get my next win. I like to dedicate myself to a single character until I achieve something satisfying.

Also is there anything you can do with these dudes or are they just a neat easter egg?

OP room open


This is so outdated it hurts.
Ladders and ropes on TP don't crash the game anymore.

How cute

Engineer is best. No iframes and requires strategy.

Easter egg.

For those asking for happiest mask...


Going in, just finished my easy run and reached level 3 on normal.
no bully please

come friend we await

connection failed, retrying

You'll get to see how real bad everyone else is.

this is mine not the image

oh dammit, I tried to connect and all it says:
Failed to connect
or something with a red exclamation mark sign.

I'm sorry for the delay but if I take too long please go on without me.

ill say open on the next one :(

Did you put three zeros or just two? I always used to put three zeros because I'm retarded

open desu

open again



>requires strategy.

I now know how they feel.

Something crashed?

bork is hosting on a laptop so yes. room is open tho

Re-enter, friends

How to git gud?
Every time I play with Sup Forums I die after 30 seconds.

It's Risk of Rain but every time Han-D doesnt ready up, it slows down

No, they still do. I accidentally crashed a game with them yesterday.

wow. why?

lobby reopening

I'm not your friend, faggot.

host when

Good luck trying to get past this

currently in game but itll be open again soon

Lobby crashed

Make sure to stay off ropes when the level ends



You could C all those parents ez from that rope tho.


Bork will always wait child




On the Risk of Rain right now

what just happened

we won!

One day I'll be good enough to play with you guys

Gg sory for potato pc new room up

Just get in the damn server anonymous

departure time soon fellow survivors

come on in, they take noobs like me as well!


It's stuck on the loading screen when I try to connect

You were too late to join in, wait until everyone in the server wipes

Room is quite full might need another host :/

Well fuck you too

my host state is Limited but I'll take over if need be

>enemies keep spawning after timer
Holy hell bork, fix your shit

It should be noted that while the Sticky Bomb, the Mortar and the Ukulele do not stack in chance, they stack their damage.
The first Sticky Bomb is 140% damage, and the rest is +40 (meaning that 5 of them is a 300% per explosion). Plus the explosion of an enemy dying will hit close monsters too.
The Mortar is 170% and + 170 per stack, which is a lot of damage.
The Ukulele adds a 33% of damage for each electrical bolt, and it's the best.

Like do you guys not understand im on a NETBOOK. Im visiting my parents mane

Are any lobbies in progress/open?

Only one but is on right now and fills fast. Need new hosts

I can host but I don't really like splitting up lobbies, it's annoying for everyone really

youre already our hero for hosting as much as you have

It would split into like 2 6man lobbies and my poor lappytoppy cant really deal with 10

FIIIINE, my comp can deal with 10 easily, you can always turn your res down


let's all fill this one, the more the merrier

I can't enter for some reason.

Try now unless you rejoined another

IT's been fun lads, and even if I wasn't a benefit to the team, I had fun. G'night from your fellow survivor roscoe

got it!

good night!

If you cant enter a server there's two possibilities:
1) If the screen freezes at the loading screen and you cant move your mouse -> Server doesnt exist or you inputted the IP/Port wrong.
2) If the screen is stuck at the loading screen and you can move your mouse -> Server exist and is either full or is already ingame.

Bork here, Gg everyone super fun night probably most fun i had playing RoR in a while

I tried to join and failed. Oh well, I did my part. You guys are probably faggot memers anyways.

Server died?

Just wait for the "open" user, it's not that hard

My internet went down, will probably happen again if someone wants to take over, but up for now

which one is open right now? looks like it's gone.



FFS, fatal code error, that's it for me.
Have fun niggas, Sex out

No more hosts?

error after spook carry i'm sorry my love

Did someone seriously die on a ladder?

I think someone dced while on a ladder feelsbadman