It's official - all Senran Kagura threads will now be moved to /vg/ from here on out

It's official - all Senran Kagura threads will now be moved to /vg/ from here on out.

Other urls found in this thread:

But Mirai threads stay on Sup Forums.

You fags NEVER make threads on /e/ I need it


Why is she allowed to be so perfect?

We had a pretty good one yesterday, and it died normally at like 530 posts. The homu one was /skg/ tier so it makes sense it was moved.
This one will probably be 404'd too for being meta, even though there are worse threads on Sup Forums right now.

you're /skg/ tier

There were some good threads when they were about people hooking up online and playing some SK2.

That's about it, though. Most are just New Wave card dumps that everyone has and the typical "I want to fuck that cat/crab/snek/YUMI IS MY WAIFU" garbage.

>people hooking up online
PBS might bring back that back, if the online isn't dead on arrival that's it, and there's still like 3 months to wait.

Just bought Estival Versus because it was cheap. How do I be the girls I wanna be? Is there sidequests I can choose my character in?

Also, can I remove Shiki's hat? I love everything about her but the hat.
Renka, Homura and Katsuragi are the most fun to play as, excluding Shiki anyway.

Only if Mirai actually improves instead of staying a disgusting flatty

Once you beat a story section then you can choose whoever you want for it.

Sadly all the missions are character locked at first, so you're stuck with only that character unless you want to replay it.

>can I remove Shiki's hat?
Yes, all hats, ribbons, etc. are now accesories you can remove and use in whoever you want.

>Having her become a Jiggle Junkie

Oppai loli is an abomination.

Oh, so that's how it works.
Do higher difficulties have more enemies at least?

>Yes, all hats, ribbons, etc. are now accesories you can remove and use in whoever you want.
I understand that's a thing, but I don't know how to do that.
That and Shiki's hat gets used in her Special attacks.

>Picture dump threads made over and over again with almost 0 discussion gets moved

Oh no plz don't go.

No, they just hit harder and have more health.

Go to the dressing room and select Shiki, then go to accesories and remove the hat, that's it.

muh discussion

It's a vast improvement to her current state.

Hit start/select when you select Shiki on the character selection screen to remove her hat. Doing so also removes Murakumo's mask and Imu's glasses.

There are side missions that every girl gets with a mini story, but you have to progress through the main game and destroy festival platforms as you go.

Well, that's a shame.

Appreciate the help guys.

No it's not. Mirai is perfect the way she is.

Her design is genius.

When's the bingo card being made?

I want to touch her dress. It looks soft and fluffy.

Anyone got the Shiki version of this?

I thought no one wanted it desu so I stopped.

Well this thread is already shit thanks to the Mirai fag, please kill yourself.

Here, all of them are available on the official site.

It would bring more shitposting if anything.

Literal fags not welcome.

I want to impregnate Ikaruga

Which one? Me or the other guy?

Now we just need the Murasakifags.

Not the user that asked, but it's kinda funny how Katsuragi is less sexual now.

Will she ever learn how to button/tie a top?

What's up with the art now? It's so bulbous.

It's also pretty funny just how god awful her character portrait looks.

She wears it like that on purpose.

I want to fuck Mirai with her dress still on.

Thanks, user. I was really looking for those half bodied ones since they're more bigger than the portraits.

The more I look at Shiki's new look the more I miss her original look. The forehead was her charm and brought out her sexual eyes

I hope not.

How is she less sexual?

i want to hug, fug, and marry the snek

i don't want to go to /vg/.

Nan is slowly turning senrans into slime girls.

Just bear it for one game, she and the rest will probably get back their original hairstyle on the next action game.

Fine fagballs

Say that we SK3, BUT they add in the EV characters in as antagonists to keep the sonygger faction of the fanbase satisfied they get their blander than rice characters in. How would you have the plot work where it keeps with the themes of Burst and Deep Crimson?

Meant for
Also the Yoma make a return again.

What's so bad about /skg/?

>no bust
>mediocre butt
If your standards are as low as they can get

>what's so bad about any general?
It's nothing but a circle jerk between then same 10 people.

Have you seen the threads that are nothing but "I want to impregnate X", /skg/ is that but turned up to eleven, and they've been doing that for almost 1000 threads.

And we've already 18 IPs in 50 posts, and so it's more fun

It's got less of a lewd thing going on.
Open white Bikini just looks like a wardrobe malfunction, rather than the stylish lewd open shirt.

There's just something about the Braless+Button Up Shirt look that wins.
I also don't think Bikini's are that attractive.

I'm a fan of loli and oppai loli.

How perverted.

It's a completely open bikini top, that's really just draped across neck. With any movement her breasts should be revealed completely or the entire bikini top should just fall off. Seems more lewd than an open shirt.

Why not go there yourself and see?

Haha guys Ikaruga is a slut! SHE'S A SLUT! ISN'T IT JUST SO FUNNY?!

It's not the same fun it used to be.
Jokes that tend to repeat themselves and weren't really that funny to begin with.
Become less amusing and more obnoxious the longer you stay around.
That being said I haven't been there for half a year now, so perhaps things have changed since then.

>roleplaying faggots ruined SK threads
Steam port of SV was a mistake

Easy. They don't do anything storywise in the game as if they were guest characters.

then stop being part of the fucking problem

That's a thing in Japan too though, not something that comes from /skg/.

>as if they were guest characters.
I've been thinking that could be a good way to introduce New Wave characters without making the story more of a clusterfuck.
We already have Leo, Yuyaki and Souji, so maybe just make the leaders playable and the rest can be supports or something like that.

Say we get it. Wut platform?

No user, you don't understand. It lacks the lewd under and over tones.

White Bikini just isn't very tasteful, you know? It's as simple and base as you can get without stripping her naked from the start.
It's personal preference, I guess.

Nah I'm good. That's all I needed to know.

Yeah. I've always seen some 2ch senran art and she's always the one who gets it the worst.

Ok and?
It's not like anyone talks about the game anyway

Another good way to introduce New Wave character is if they make a 2D fighting game spin-off with only New Wave characters.

I just want a Senran Kagura 2D fighting game spin-off where you could recover all your health when you transform or boost your damage by going into frantic mode at the beginning of the round.

PS4 most probably.

I'm just using that one shitty meme as an example, it's their favorite after all. They're so far gone in their meme vision that they genuinely believe she's a slut and is a cuckold or some other shit like that.

There's also something about Murakumo being super into bestiality and the husband dungeon last I went there.

i actually am considering stopping, i don't wanna get threads deleted and shit. that and i'm starting to run out of time to check Sup Forums for a senran thread every hour or so

Plus every single Katsuragi "character select" artwork so far has been hinting nopan which is the reason i started searching that tag so fucking often from then on

>with only New Wave characters.
But only a small portion of them are popular, and selling a SK game without Yumi is suicide at this point.

I'm pretty sure people post stuff about that because it gives them boners, not because they think it's canon.

That stupid husband dungeon stopped
And some people still bestiality post but fucking nobody else there likes it.

This is new to me. The slut thing was all I knew.

>mfw I have a shitty waifu

Both threads have faggots. /skg/ blames the shitposting on Sup Forums, and Sup Forums tells the shitposters to go back to /skg/, and both have the same amount of both shitposting and actual game discussion. Maybe you should just shut the fuck up and learn to coexist.

She's pretty cute without the mask and personality at least.

Then make Yumi the final boss or something.
In fact, make the New Wave fighter a meta story about the girls climbing to the state of relativity, with Yumi being the final obstacle.

B-but she's ugly

Then they have no reason to make SK3 and just another game with more characters.

>actual game discussion
Fuck off, faggot

>Doesn't love his big strong stutterbug that's lowkey alpha as hell

Jeez user you really shouldn't take your opinions out of garbage cans

>actual game discussion
>Sup Forums
See how easy it is to flip it around?

At the very least /skg/ doesn't spend a upwards to a hundred posts on just shitting on their Sup Forums counterpart. You are the same.

>B-but she's ugly
I don't know any inside jokes yet, but she's just as attractive as a lot of the other characters.

>Doesn't love his big strong stutterbug that's lowkey alpha as hell
I love her when she takes off the mask, but not before.
Also Samurai Bikini's are a little out of my strike zone.

So for the OVA where they did show nipples, did only the popular characters get their nipples shown?

I'm just speculating, but after the 3ds line was declared finished and the ps made the main one, and the fact that Takaki wants to "finally put the series in one big world" starting with PBS, I wouldn't be surprised if the next action game adopted the name of SK3, or at the very least drop the Versus title.

>At the very least /skg/ doesn't spend a upwards to a hundred posts on just shitting on their Sup Forums counterpart
That's because they are too busy shitposting with their waifus with their same post every single thread. At least Sup Forums tries to talk about the games. Go back /skg/ and take all these shitposters and roleplaying faggots with you.

Sure. You can stay in your hate filled shithole as well, fag. I really hope OP is right and soon enough you'll be extinct.

Is she really shitty though if someone like you can love her?
That's basically her joke in game. She thinks she's ugly, but everyone else treats her normally.

>I really hope OP is right and soon enough you'll be extinct.

SK fags just like to bitch whenever one of their spam threads gets deleted. The mods dont care enough to actually enforce the no general on Sup Forums rule most of the time.

Homura's nipples were shown, so no.

Yumi, Homura, Asuka and Ryouna got most of the focus.
Shiki, Ikaruga, Minori, Ryoubi and Miyabi also get some shots too.
If they showed any other nipples then it was for like a split second in the background and I don't remember them.

Homura is popular!

When will Crimson Squad return to take back their main character chairs?


Homura's had a pretty shitty birthday so far.

Only here.

>tfw I don't care when SK threads are deleted by mods

I just like to join in whatever's made whether how long they take to get deleted or somehow stay alive till the bump limit. Some of the fanbase are appreciable.

>yesterday there were 2 sk threads on Sup Forums at the same time
>one with all the waifu posting and nw card spam
>other with something resembling gameplay and story/lore discussion
>today is a stupid fight between Sup Forums and /vg/

Man, I can't wait until PBS is released.

Homura was pretty popular around the EV period. Not to mention she even got an alarm clock app in early 2016 along the most popular Yumi and Ikaruga.