>Final boss main theme plays
>Second form of final boss remix of main theme plays
ITT: Shit you love in vidya
Hey guys! I think that looks like cropped porn.
Patrician taste
>final boss theme begins with an echo of the melody that played the first time you entered the first level
>I recognize that pigfucker image!
> google
> yandex
> saucenao, iqdb, tineye
Please user. Source?
>Music cuts out
artist's name has already been posted
character is lottie from the text-game corruption of champions
come on man
Hope you don't mind that she's getting BLACKED
i'm black
>First boss becomes a standard enemy
Always feels just right
Needs to stick to his cute pig female. Viewing his Tumblr page is like seeing a freakshow.
>Hope you don't mind that she's getting BLACKED
The artist make white/black edits so everybody is pleased
This thread is relevant to my interests.
>vocals kick in
That's so progressive.
What games do this anyways?
I know Tales of the Abyss kind of did that, along with Tales of Xillia 2. A lot of Sonic games do it too, the most obvious being SA2 and Sonic Unleashed/Colors.
Leave now
Wish he would stop drawing that fucking pig...
Isn't that Emelie?
the fact that i recognized the character without ever seeing that image before scares me....might be time to stop playing CoC
>character is lottie from the text-game corruption of champions
Dude this piggie is a OC
her name is Emilie
how bout a source senpai
>the best
I like how it implies she fucked a whole lot of other shit before declaring "beast"
well fuck me then
Persona 3 when you're doing that mostly scripted Death fight.
What did he mean by this?
No seriously, that last boss is everybtrope you find in these shitty threads
His other characters look like TMNT rejects.
You get your porn, shut up and fap no-fun poster.
Onigashima no Iinazuke
>Final Boss 1st form is literally the same base size as the player character and looks like the boss could be playable
>Final Boss 2nd form is just a generic RPG monster
>Beat the game
>Final Boss 1st form is now playable
Every fucking time.
same thing he meant by THIS
It means that he likes fluffy tits
Stalking Girl
>boss kills himself if he can't hit you
Alonne, right?
>Second form of final boss
>remix of series' previous title main theme plays
>it's revealed at the end that a character you like is actually the villain
>upon replaying realise that there's a ton of subtle foreshadowing right from the start
Castlevania LoS 1 did this, I got a bit surprised, although I had my doubts about Zobek, since you tell him to go to the vampires' castle and he just follows you throughout the game without doing shit
>Boss has his own playable arc
I wanna shig that pig.
>main character dies
>rest of the party gets a power up
>can beat unwinnable boss fight on new game+ and the game acknowledges it
warning - a lot of obese character, especially ponies
>The entire game is a massive powertrip.
>You're a literal force of nature.
God damn I love Nu-DOOM
Character is Amelia Abernachy.
>game mode that allows you to play the story from a side character's perspective
Resident Evil 4.
>starter weapon becomes end game weapon
Also Breath of Fire 4. Something about the number I guess.
Total bullshit.
>haha just keep all of your early game clutter, maybe something nice will happen :)
>thicc loli
What is this from?
>game takes your equipment for the DLC
>DLC is doable if I leave my equipment behind
Rondo Duo. It's 100% shaky cam futa.
While there's lolis in the game, she's hardly one. Out of all the characters, she has possibly the most mature body-type.
Anyway, the source is Rondo Duo.
And that's why you never sell equipment. Ever.
Also Monster Hunter.
>not fapping to traps
What are you? Gay?
Got a sauce for it?
I don't think you know what that means.
>final boss theme is a slow piano piece
>you beat a boss without taking any hits
>get bonus loot
MGR Revengeance did this too, the part with Sam was pretty interesting, especially the taunting
boys > girls > furry >>>>>>powergap>>>>>> traps >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> futa
>not keeping everything
But it's not futa...
I just looked at this guy's art and I am so fucking disgusted, degeneracy gone wild
Shovel Knight too and we're getting more bosses soon. Really gotta sit my ass down and play Plague knight arc one of these days, more games should do boss/side characters, really fleshes out the game.
>take off your clothes and put on this exploding slave collar
I've played Shovel Knight a while back, never got to play the DLCs, but being able to play the bosses is always fun af, and I've seen trailers and all in all, it seems pretty good, especially Plague Knight.
A bit of an old memory, but back when I played a Devil May Cry, I completely forgot which one, you could play as Virgil when you finished it, and that was pretty cool, although it didn't change a thing iirc
That's DMC3 special edition.
Recently DMC4 did the same with its own special edition. When I say same, I mean it literally. No new stages, no new story, just a few cutscenes to introduce the player to the new character and then its copy-pasted stages/bosses/music. Pretty lazy but hey, its Vergil and they threw in Lady/Trish in the package, everyone with their own combos/abilities/upgrade paths so its still worth a play.
Let's hope DMC directors new game announcement for 2017 will be something good about the series.
I love traps but hate futa. Futa is literally worse than NTR.
>you can kidnap people
You are still a fucking faggot and will be purged once Trump is sworn into office
>Futa is literally worse than NTR.
Shit preferences but at least you posted pish lover. I'll overlook your cuck ways just this once.
ignore that tag, you can't even tell there's any futas just going off the images and animations.
I don't recall ever seeing a futa and her penis in the same image in Rondo Duo.
>everyone lives in burgerland
Who does this? The soulborn series?
Yep, I liked the combos a lot, plus I was just starting to realise I really enjoyed beat them up games, and I remember always comparing other beat them ups to DMC, even MGR, when I first played it, because everything seemed too slow.
When I replayed it a few years later, i realised my mistake with MGR, what a damn game, simple scenario but an effective one.
Also one of the only games on my Steam Library to have a title IN FULL CAPS MAKING IT STAND OUT WAY TOO MUCH
Everyone RELEVANT lives in the US.
Chrono Trigger
Bravely Second
But no one relevant is on Sup Forums
MGR was solid, maybe I'm just weird about the story because everyone played the previous games when they were younger while I'm only learning about their story now, playing with a friend, and still on Peace Walker, gotta play 4+5 next. But I feel the sillyness of MGR wasn't too far off from lets say 2+3, those were full anime as well.
And the gameplay felt as speedy as DMC+Bayo for me, just a tad easier once you learnt that parrying is way more lenient than royal guarding in DMC. Still very solid.
But we got mentioned on the telly once user. They wanted to know who we were.
>game has crafting
I don't know what critics have against crafting, I love it in every game
When i talked about the scenario, i meant that the scenario is really simple, it's just you get your ass kicked and you failed at your job, so you go kick their ass in return.
But the whole Armstrong speech, and Sam's arc are what made a simple scenario feel like something really big, i don't really know how to explain, but they really went in-depth with the story, much more than in some other games with better scenarios, but nothing else, for example, Bioshock Infinite, where they tell you once again that totalitarism is bad and racism is not okay.
When MGR is just a revenge story, but with economics mixed in, and Armstrong's dream and stuff.
And about the gameplay, although speedy, I had trouble because I was a fucking retard the first time I played it and did not understand how the parry system worked, I was too used to rolling in DMC and it felt slower in that regard.
Shame on me, please don't hit me but [spoilers]I've never played any MGS, I just watched some guy do a walkthrough of MGS 1 & 2 with no commentary and all cinematics like I was watching a movie[/spoilers]
Crafting is fine when the core of the game is about survival and resource management. But when an RPG goes
>haha just bring me an iron nugget, a wooden stick and 4 bear asses and I'll craft you a bear axe
>for a price of course :)
then there is no point. That is not how things work, when you pay for thing you expect the vendor to do the thing for you. All it does is make you pad your inventory with useless clutter in an attempt to extend playtime. And yes, I'm looking at you, TW3.
I'll hit you for fucking up your spoilers faggot. No worries though, when I said I played the games with a friend it was 80% him holding the controller so I watched most of it too, played some important sequences/bosses but that's it. People shat on 4 for being a movie and then they praise all previous games that do the exact same shit. People are dumb.
haha, i'm not a big poster, sorry about that mate, i thought i didn't need to check how to do it again. I feel shame
The previous MGSs had a big cinematic value though, I haven't heard anyone near me say that MGS 4 was a movie, it's sounds dumb to complain about that especially if you just play the first MGS, or just watch someone play, it's mostly cinematics, which isn't bad in and of itself.
You should play/watch 3 sometime if possible, previous games were amazing in their own right, 3 is in a league of its own though imo.
Also on the talk of hack&slash, check out Sengoku Basara for a hybrid of DynastyWarrios+DMC, very addicting. Honorable mention goes to Dragons Dogma as well for having an amazing battle system, makes you feel extremely skilled/powerful when moves/sequences connect properly.
Will check out Sengoku Basara, and about Dragon Dogma, shit, it's just like MGR, I played it about 5 years ago, didn't get into it, and dropped it. I was kind of out of games to play, i'll reinstall Dragon Dogma. I'm gonna have to leave now, my social life is calling me.
Thanks for the recommandations!
>Game has romanceable beast race party members
>Game set in a world with tons of beast races
>Only human characters are party members
Fuck FF12 for that shit. And I don't care what you say Fran is basically a human outside of the ears.
What game has beast races that are useful?
The ones I've seen sacrifice gear slots for internal bonuses which are far inferior.
>beast races are completely naked when you remove their equipment