ITT:Stuff from your favorite games you never knew about until recently

ITT:Stuff from your favorite games you never knew about until recently.

>If Link performs the "Ballad of the Wind Fish" for Gorman the night before, on the night of the Second Day Gorman is seen playing cards with the Twin Jugglers, and informs Link that he and the troupe will leave town the next day since they cannot expect anyone to attend their show anyway. He even offers Link a place to stay with his older brother, who he says is a nice guy, at the Gorman Track

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Wow, I never knew about that. This game has so many little details.

There's a poster for Maria in the starting bathroom in Silent Hill 2. It could mean nothing, but it could also have serious story implications, and that's pretty neat.


Mario 64 is jam packed with neat shit, one of the all time greats.

You can tip Brahmin in Fallout: NV and Fallout 3 by crouching unarmed and tapping the activate button.

Oh shit

Yeah, it's right on the wall just by the exit. Only saw it while playing the HD PC port, blew my mind.

She was a stripper, wasn't she?

The cutscene that reveals the Flood in Halo 1 actually takes place in real time, as it's possible to get Jenkins stuck behind a Shade turret just before he enters the containment facility.

It's unclear: The "Lady Maria" poster from SH3 is only accessible if you have an SH2 save file on your memory card, and has a different woman on the picture. The one I found in SH2 has the character Maria on it, but

Don't you start "Born from a dream" in a strip club?

{Got cut off, excuse me)
it could be that the one from SH3 was what inspired James to create "Maria", and saw the SH2 character on it because he was already under the town's influence at that point.

I did, just fucked up my reply.

I just checked and she was a dancer at heaven's night

why was I not informed of this
can you do it in fallout 4? i just started playing it a few days ago

I know, see

There are no Brahmin in fallout 4.

What the fuck really

You can get a Thompson on the first mission if you avoid picking up MP40s until after the Captain dies.

blizzard the hollow bastion bubbles in kingdom hearts 1

also if you for whatever reason clear hollow bastion 1 before fighting the boss in monstro ansem riku shows up instead

There most certainly are. They're lugging stuff around the map for other settlers, you can get some in your settlement and build them a trough from a bathtub.

In Oot, if you hookshot yourself up kakarikos mill there is a chicken.

Everybody knows that.

What few knew is that when you activate nayrus embrace and fly down towards the entrance of kakariko with the chicken the dialouge of the two man at the tree by the entance will chage.

not a videogame but whatever

I don't understand how people didn't know this.

>you can stack Over The Top with Turbo Reboot

Have fun getting flawless victories on the secret boss no matter your equipment, stats, or difficulty



In Mario 64, you can latch onto the bottom of the bridge in Bob Omb Battlefield and climb it.

Not much, but surprised me when I noticed it

What the fuck



You know, cow tipping isn't real, right? It's not a thing? It's what you tell city boys so they go and tresspass on farms at night

I've tipped cows before.

They actually fucking love it and will stand up and come over to you so you can do it again.

Cows... cows don't sleep standing up.

I didn't do it during the night, user.

So you pushed a cow?

With some assistance, yes.

The anime showed this years before.
Still a neat and weird detail.

Nigga I worked on a farm. That shit's impossible. If some cow was getting too close to a pregnant cow, you know how difficult it was to get the fucking thing moving? These things weigh over 600KGs, You ain't pushing shit m8. You kick them quite hard in the side and hope they're bothered enough trough their thick fucking skin to slowly fuck off.