Another Nintendo console, another generation without third party support...

Another Nintendo console, another generation without third party support. Why do I always think the next time it will be different?

Anyone else already pissed off about this? I mean, we all know what happened when Nintendo was left with 1st party games only (see: Wii U, N64).


It ended up as a comfy as fuck console with many great games to enjoy that still hold up today?

>caring about third party support

The only reason to get consoles is for exclusives.

>Switch not getting this single game means no other developer is going to support them, despite some third party devs confirming they're working on Switch titles
Here's your (you)


You mean 5, which is less than the Wii U had? It was a terrible machine, famalam. I was basically forced to get a PS1 if I wanted actual games more than one time every two years...

Why did no one get a Wii U other than you, me and a few others, then? It's literally impossible to be a gamer and only own a Nintendo console, you'd be missing too much.

Its Mass Effect, if you think you're missing out, you'll be sorely disappointed when you finally do play it.

I really fucking hate the fact that I'm defending Nintendo, but this is true. There hasn't been a single top tier multiplatform game this generation, besides the Witcher 3. Third party/multiplat games have had a massive drop off in quality over the last few years. Like, do you actually want to play Mass Effect Andromeda? I don't give the slightest fuck about ever playing that game.

With that said I think Nintendo exclusives are mostly shit too so I won't be touching the new console.

>I was basically forced to get a PS1
>it's another "Sonygger shits on Nintendo" thread

Wow who didn't see that coming?


Why do you faggots want every multiplatform game to be on every fucking platform? Why not exclusives or new games instead?

>Dark Souls 3
>Witcher 3
>Titanfall 2

I can go on...

>It's literally impossible to be a gamer and only own a Nintendo console, you'd be missing too much.
Good thing people who actually like video games own more than 1 platform. Why do you think Nintendo + PC has always been top in platform polls?


I got bored of Mass Effect halfway through 2 anyway. Don't think I even finished it.

As much I'd love to see Nintendo get all these 3rd parties, I know I'm not going to be playing them so it's not that much of a concern.

PC doesn't get RDR2, so by your reasoning PC has no third party support.
One game alone doesn't mean shit. And EA are assholes in general.

Isn't Nippon Ichi making a Switch game though?
>It's weeb shit so it doesn't matter!
Nippon Ichi is a third party developer.

>this $300 console is great if you buy a $600 machine beforehand

Fantastic logic, my man.

PC is shit for third party support, since it always gets games much later than the major consoles. I don't know what your point is.

Not really.

I don't buy nintendo consoles for third party multi plats. I have a PS4 and PC for those.

Nintendo first party is where it's at.

Generally, people have computers in their homes already. A prebuilt can still play games despite generally having weaker hardware in it, you know.

>since it always

if you want to play halo and bloodborne you'll have to buy both an xbox and a ps4

That's why i have a PS4 and a PC as well.


Hello, Microsoft. I don't need to buy Halo, thank you very much.


What a coincidence, I have no plans to buy Mass Effect 4

Exactly why the Wiiu sold so well.....right?

With paid online it's not as if consoles are any cheaper than $600 anyway.
>P-PC is too expensive!
>A PS4 is cheaper!
>(Proceeds to buy a year of PS+)
>(Proceeds to buy another year of PS+)
>(Proceeds to buy yet another year of PS+)
>(proceeds to . . .

Same thing with Xboxes. Though with Xboxes no longer having any exclusives they've already been made redundant either way.

I guess they are still salty that no one bought Mass Effect 3 on the Wii U. Maybe it was because they were charging $60 for it while other consoles were getting the whole trilogy for that price.

PCs need to upgrade parts and repair faulty ones every 2 years on average, though. The cost is MUCH higher if you own a gaming PC and want it to stay relevant.

>every 2 years on average
Dude. What the fuck are you doing with your computers?
I have mine running almost 24/7, but I most certainly do not need to swap or repair parts every other year.

>The cost is MUCH higher if you own a gaming PC and want it to stay relevant.
Only if you are doing things to shorten the parts' lifespan like overclocking.

Most games don't require you to overclock nowadays, only if your parts can't hit ultra on all settings.

Andromeda has been in development for over 5 years. The Switch has been known to developers for 2.

Switch was always going to get a late port or nothing at all due to timing.

To be honest, there should not be any plans to release Andromeda at all. Let's just agree that video they showed at VGA was merely a prank by Bioware, let's pretend Mass Effect ended at 2 and they are just teasing fans.

>let's pretend Mass Effect ended at 1

fixed it.

ME 2 was worse than ME 3.

...because maybe they don't want to waste an extra $4-500 on another console simply because a game they want is exclusive?

Not everybody lives off Mommy's NEETbux without any bills or emergency-planning.

>le mass effect andromeda is the third party game Nintendo needs absolutely reeeeee please buy bioware

>EA's reasoning is because of ME3 on Wii U

>The game that bombed because EA released Trilogy at the same time and price

Fuck them, Nintendo doesn't need their pretend support

>it's another "We want to wait and see console sales" episode

When will devs learn this will never fucking happen if they don't contribute?

EA said they are bringing one of their bigger franchises on Switch

If it's not Mass effect what the fuck is it?

If it's battlefield, Bioware has no excuse

Fifa or Madden.

FIFA 17 but with shit graphics

Did someone have a gun to your head?

>mass effect
>ea biggest franchise
Bioware isn't relevant anymore
>bu...but mass effect 3 best rpg of 2010

Is there even any hype left for that game? I read more about skyrim HD than this turd

The worst part is the comments on your IGN article

All the top comments are Sonyggers yelling Nintendoom

>Mass Effect
And nothing of value was lost

Felt like it, considering the drought of games for the N64.

My current computer is a now over 5 years old i7 GTX 660 with 8 GB RAM.
The computer still works, but I am now looking to upgrade simply because a GTX 660 simply isn't as good today as it was over 5 years ago.

But I haven't had to exchange a single part of my computer, with the exception of the RAM. And that was really only because the RAM I had in it previously I had simply carried over from my previous computer making the RAM in particular almost 8 years old before it finally kicked the bucket.

All my computers have had a decent lifespan of 5+ years barring the one I excessively overclocked for fun. You pretty much have to really abuse your computers, commonly run them in temperatures far above recommended, or with a faulty power supply somehow for them to kick the bucket earlier than that.
And really. It's pretty funny to claim that consoles are somehow more reliable, what with all the red rings of deaths for the Xboxes. The power cords that literally combusted into flames for both the Xboxes and the Playstations. Or the Playstations that would just straight up overheat, damaging its insides. And we're already seeing PS4 "Pro"s kicking the bucket. Let's see how many of those are still operational after 5 years of decent usage.

It's testing the waters. If the make the same for three consoles then can then see which version sells the most and make new exclusive games for that console.

And consolefags need to upgrade and repair their entire console every 2 years, and their TV every Super Bowl as well.

It's fucking EA

It's going to be FIFA or Need for Speed

Fifa and/or Madden would be a bigger deal for the Switch than Mass Effect.

plants vs zombies or fifa

>the switch isn't getting bioshit

Oh woe is me


NFS would be hella tight though

Stop acting as if EA's pretend support is needed and acting is if they are a company Nintendo NEEDS

They have From Soft


console without fifa is dead in europe

>Anyone else already pissed off about this?
Not really. For one to begin with, I really am not interested in Andromeda personally. But even disregarding that, Andromeda is a really old project that's been in development for ages. I simply wouldn't expect it to be available for a new system either way and I am not really sure why you would expect otherwise.
Them actually investing in a new system that far into its development would be a surprise if anything.

Nintendo is already dead in Europe anyways

Does anyone else not give a shit as long as it still gets third party Japanese games like the 3DS did? The Switch not getting the latest Mass Effect or Assassin's Creed doesn't phase me at all, since I don't play westacuck normalfag garbage like that anyway. I'll be happy as long as I still get my Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest and random niche Japanese games along with the occasional Nintendo exclusive.

What do you mean?

N64 got more 3rd party games than the Wii U.
It's got the maddens, 007 games,wrestling games,

because it doesnt have fifa

Is this the worst list of games ever released to a console in a single year? Jesus Christ, look at this shit.

Oh shit now I can´t play the new "Animations of the year 2000" game anymore.

Also the game doesn´t come out to scorpio:SCORPIO TOO WEAK FOR 3RDS CONFIRMED!

Still as boring as ever. Some times I really can't understand Americans.
Where is your inner Canadian? Listen to that guy, I am sure he enjoys better sports.

While people saying that consoles are only good for exclusives are right there a lot of retards that buy them for multiplats too. Third parties are less likely to want to make exclusives for a console nobody buys.

To be fair, a touchscreen would be a dream for playcalling/play designing/roster management. Can't really think of how hockey would benefit from it.

#FE was almost the GotY across all systems of 2016 though. That game is real golden.
A real shame about the damn censorship in the localization though. NoA should fucking burn. I still can't believe they downsized NoE in favour of NoA. NoA are fucking shit.
#FE really is a stellar game though. I absolutely love that game.

The rest of that list is indeed really bad though. Pokken is a cool novelty and can be pretty cool but you tire of it easily. And SteamWorld Heist is also kind of cool, but it's nothing I would blow the fanfare about or anything like that, nor do I really consider it a Wii U game.

I'm sad it means more shitposting than anything
Most third party games are terrible this gen
For PS4 the ones I have are Arkham Knight and MGSV and both were disappointing
I was turned off to most other ones after playing demos
Especially FFXV
The fact that the only 3rd party game I'm looking forward to (DQ XI) is on the Switch makes me happy enough, but it's disappointing that these games won't be on the Switch, since it means that people will accuse it of being a bad console
They could be right, but I'm hoping the first party games win people over, who doesn't love Mario, Mario, Mario and Mario?

>you'd be missing too much.
Kek, my PS4 is used for watching Blu Ray movies I get from family at Christmas
Other than that, I've felt disappointed by the games I originally bought it for, as mentioned above, but I did enjoy inFamous and Gravity Rush and my favourite game of 2016 on the console was Dragon Quest Builders
You honestly don't miss a lot anymore, in recent years there's hardly anything available from most Devs
Nintendo included, since they released one game I bought last year which was FExSMT

>"Animations of the year 2000"
That's disrespectful of the games from the year 2000. Even games back then had far better action and reaction, even if the polygons looked like shit.

The player character looks legitimately blind when she snags the gun in their recent trailer. It's like her face is completely blank and her upper body, neck and head included, shows close to absolutely no reaction whatsoever to what's happening or to what she herself is doing in the scene itself.

Even back when 3D games were in its infancy, they still had the decency to have the characters' head move accordingly, even if nothing else moved.

Only a retard would buy multiplats on a Nintendo system, so the lack of third-party support is a non-issue (unless you're a shareholder).

I never thought I would say this, but it's Nintendo's first-party games I'm worried about. Nintendo's recent track record of mediocre sequels/spin-offs/ports, their newfound interest in developing mobile garbage, piss-poor "localization" choices, and their ever growing list of dead franchises killed any interest I might have had in the Switch.

I hope Nintendo makes a total ass out of me with the reveal coming up, but I'm not holding my breath.

it's one of their bigger IPs, more successful than Dragon Age at least

>The only reason to get consoles is for exclusives.
i own everything and this is not the case.
it becomes an issue when the only games worth owning are from 1st party.

3rd party support doesn't just mean multiplatform games, it also means new titles for the system. think exclusives.

>It's literally impossible to be a gamer and only own a Nintendo console, you'd be missing too much.
You're a pretty poor sod of a gamer if you only own one system no matter what system it is.

>Anyone else already pissed off about this?

Do you get pissed off at the sun coming up every day? You should've seen this situation coming a mile off as soon as they revealed the 'console'.

I like old school Nintendo, but any vidya man around here who repeatedly buys into their shit better start questioning their own intelligence. It's not an insult. You're falling for the same crud over and over and over and over. Stop. It's patently insane.

You say that like the NES/SNES/N64/Wii and all handhelds didn't have a shitload of 3rd parties on it.

If anything, I remember Sega more for actual Sega IPs.

Apparently the mobile shit is supposed to be to garner interest in the main games but that's just shiggy's naive dementia talking.

Nintendo will be full-mobile before 2020.

Realize you are a minority in the total console gaming market. Most people get 1 console or upgrade gaming PC per generation. Most do not pay for a multiplat box and anot exclusive box separately. That's why the WIIU failed. Can't play the multiplats, most people gave it a pass and just got a PS4.

Starfox is undefendable but I'd say last year's games were garbage because of the fact that they were abandoning the Wii U, for the Switch which gives me hope that the Switch will be good. For the Mobile games, they're just ads for the games on consoles which has been a pretty damn good marketing tactic on their part. Honestly I have hope, but I guess we need to wait out this 9 fucking days, until we find out the launch lineup which is annoying since it's so late
I can't believe the console is out in two months

i bought a wii u to solely play mario kart

i have my $1200 pc to play other games. i'll buy the switch to play the newest mario games, etc. i really don't give a shit.

Madden is America.
FIFA is the rest of the world.

I still use a PC from 2008. It just fucking works. PCs had some crazy issues with capacitors in the early 2000s but now, if you buy quality parts and don't overclock, they will work for 10+ years.

Nintoddler spotted

You get third parties on PC, not consoles.

Mass Effect hasn't been good since the first one

This pretty much. The first game was good at the very least very promising. Then you played the second one in hope of being as good as the first one.
It wasn't, but then when the third game came you played that one mostly because you had already invested yourself two whole games into the franchise at that point, and the third game promised closure for good or bad. Of course it ended up bad but still.

>many great games

More like:
>great games

pick one.
N64's library was VERY small. It has some bombastic classics, don't get me wrong, but the quality of its library goes from "A-fucking-mazing" to "complete and utter shit" very quickly

Hasn't EA hated Nintendo with a passion for years?

Also there were no EA games on the Dreamcast and that's one of the best consoles