>/lit/ has "literary"
>Sup Forums has "musical"
>Sup Forums has "cinematic"
>Sup Forums has __________
/lit/ has "literary"
Isn't Sup Forums , "kino"
Reading funposts aren't fun, user
>/vp/ has __________
"GOAT" or "GOTY" or "GOTYAY"
/r9k/ also uses comfy a lot too. I mean I'm not saying both boards can't use both, but I am saying that the time I spent on /r9k/ was not good for my mental health.
And to be more on topic, does Sup Forums use the word "depth" a lot? I feel like a lot of games get shit on or praised based on whether or not they have "depth" or are shallow casual shit.
Sup Forums also has cinematic
But I think would be more accurate
Nothing because video games aren't art.
>Sup Forums
>not kino
Gayer than gay bones
"Shit taste"
Fuck you
"Feminine penis"
pretty sure you can just use "cinematic" again for Sup Forums given the industry + medium
"fun" for sure
Sup Forums has KINO you filthy non-crossboarder.
Sup Forums is nothing but "cinematic"
And for good reason, "press X to further cutscene" is not a game
If /lit/ describes Literary experiences
while Sup Forums describes Musical experiences
and Sup Forums describes Cinematic experiences
Then Sup Forums describes Interactive Experiences, the one thing that sets the medium apart. You cannot interact with or change anything yourself in any of ther other mediums, and when they try to implement interactivity, its always done so very poorly, and always far outclassed by videogames of the same nature.
Prove me wrong.
"video games"
Simulated reality
Augmented Opinions
choose your own adventure books :^)
In music you can remix and replay and film re edit or re enact, both mediums offer high levels of interactivity
At the point of remixing you might as well call yourself an editor or producer or whatever because you've swapped over to the production side of things instead of the consumption of media.
Please don't tell me that people are still taking that post out of context six years later.
“a e s t h e t i c ”
Good post. Here's an old gif of a smoking rat.
please enlighten us, cringemaster
As a screencap it's funny due to how outrageous and yet completely typical of a post on Sup Forums.
As a statement he's completely correct. It's fine to say a game is fun, but that doesn't explain why it's fun or good, just that it is.
Ok music has karaoke and film has mst3000 style of interactivity.
Video gamey
Deepsea threads.