Games that are in your top five and likely no one elses.
Games that are in your top five and likely no one elses
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It was a strange game but it was pretty fun.
best Zelda tbqh
>likely in noone elses top 5
are you retard
This game would be so bad if it wasn't so shit and it would be so shit if it wasn't so good
You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.
is it worth seeing through until the end, is there payoff, does it make any sense? I dropped it somewhere along the way.
OP doesn't need to answer since it's in his top 5 he obviously loves it to pieces.
you too
Unfortunately the ending isn't that good. It sort of makes sense, but at the same time Suda always likes to keep things abstract.
>tfw wanted to play this only due to the fact I have a latex fetish
Can't say any of mine wouldn't be in someone elses, they're all pretty much universally praised (for the most part)
im feeling giddy!
Yakuza Dead Souls
Shit's fun
>Skeet Shoot (Tiger LCD)
>Vegas Dream (NES)
>Reload Target Down (Wii)
>Magic Darts (NES)
>Pheasants Forever Wingshooter (Wii)
My unironic favorite 5 games ever.
I meant the first bad to say good
Everything the game does well it does incredibly and everything it does poorly it does irredemably shittily
I wouldn't say that this was in my top 5, but damn did I have fun with the game when I rented it from Hollywood Video back then.
You gotta be an old dude
gameplay is shit
What game?
Doesn't Sup Forums love this game?
>The sequel is a Korean MMO.
There are probably a bunch of people in the FO:NV threads who do.
Hey look, it's that guy who doesn't know what a super famicom looks like.
Killer is Dead.
I loved the demo, but I never got around to buying the actual game. I bet it's good.
When you're hot, you'r hot!
My entire top 5 is either nearly unknown or just not well liked.
Mad City (superior/fixed Japanese version of The Adventures of Bayou Billy)
Double Axle
Uo Poko
Wild Pilot
Pig Out
I don't care that it was mostly QTEs. I don't care that the true ending was DLC only. This game was so good.
>Killer is Dead.
So, do you just play them on MAME?
It's hard to find anything better than this considering they don't have "actual" competitors.
The sequel seems better, mechanically, but I don't have a PS3 and don't know Nips
Persona 3, hardly nobody that i know likes this game
Fuck, forgot my picture. You probably could've guessed what it was, though.
Age of Wonders 1
Soldiers: Heroes of World War 2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
It's pretty good. There are two levels that are borderline impossible, though.
Are there any other games like this? Some sort of puzzle-adventure-platformer mix up.
Replayed it recently and it wasn't nostalgia at all, the game is a bit slow occasionally but still fantastic.
It's like Ninety Nine Nights but good
Brother, my brother.
Also this for me.
Mischief Makers. Tight controls, clever level design, fun as fuck overall, and funny dialog throughout. It's just a damn good game. The fact that it's never been re-released or remade is extremely unfortunate. In fact, a lot of Treasure games don't get ported often enough, except for Gunstar Heroes which is on fucking everything.
Harvester is certainly an interesting game, I'll give you that.
I liked Ninety Nine Nights.
Great game. I remember renting the Japanese version from Blockbuster. Not sure why, but they carried a lot of Japanese N64 games.
It's pretty okay but KuF is better
Not my no. 1, but definately a favorite. Probably mostly because of the memories, but still.
Neotokyo easily
I really, really love it and it's my most played single player game ever (350 hours).
never played it, but I'll always remember that armour contrast
>it wasn't nostalgia at all
t. nostalgiacuck
It's a hit and miss. The foundation is really fucking excellent (creative story, varied locales, multiple viable playstyles and a skilltree that helps promote this) but it's riddled with bugs and unbalanced bullshit. Guards on patrol can make sudden 180-degree turns in a single frame or spin around 360-degrees instantly, and there's no delay in when they spot you. To compensate, the higher level stealth abilities will activate an automatic cloak once you're seen, among other broken shit.
I want to like the game but I've never been a fan of having to break a game in order to win, and I especially hate the idea of "Oh, this thing is fucked how do we fix it? Don't fix it just make the player powerful enough to overcome it." Maybe I'll try a direct and confrontational approach as opposed to a stealthy one next time I try to play the game.
I did love a good throat punch takedown just as the alert metre turned red though
I've heard martial arts builds/playthroughs are fun (only viable on Normal or Easy though).
I wish it wasn't dead. Neotokyo 2 when?
This game was so stylish but also so unsatisfying to play, and the plot wasn't all that interesting either: I actually found the multiplayer really good fun
>killing 2 dogs at the end
what did they mean by this???
I really liked it, but it's not even in my top 10.
I probably would've liked this game if it didn't crash 30 seconds into the second mission everytime
Japs need to learn how to fucking properly port games
best ending in any piece of media ever
This motherfucker right here. 500+ hours on PS3 original, and another 200 or so on PC Dark Arisen.
It's rough around the edges, but the core gameplay is fucking incredible.
Are you joking? Sup Forums adores this game.
Which is better, PS3 or PC?
PC port is much, much better. PS3 version runs at around 24 frames per second at best and everything looks like muddled shit.
My only problem with the PC version is that it doesn't support SLI and doesn't like going over 60 FPS. A toaster will run it at 60 with no problems though.
Toip 5 all time adores it? Every time we have a DD thread, it gets shitposted to death by fast travel faggots.
King's Bounty 1/2 and The Legend, despite its interesting premise I found Dark Side lackluster
>tfw it got a upscaled rerelease on PS4's PSN
This and WA3 being released made my fucking day
god, the Wii U port looks like fucking shit. I probably would have picked it up if it ran at 60 instead of adding a bunch of post processing nobody asked for.
>fast travel faggots
Like complaining there's no fast travel? What about the eternal ferrystone?
Every time you have any sort of thread on Sup Forums these days it gets shitposted to death
Only exceptions are games that are old/obscure enough that people don't know what to shitpost and anime titty games because shitposters are too busy fapping and Senran Kagura fans stopped falling for b8 years ago
you are aware that the last game he actually directed was No More Heroes (the first one), right? KiD and Lollipop Chainsaw are pale imitations of his style.
Anything that gets popular on Sup Forums goes past a tipping point eventually and the threads become beyond shit. A couple of years ago there was always a thread up masturbating it relentlessly. Great game, doesn't really belong in this thread because it really is very popular around here.
>you are aware that the last game he actually directed was No More Heroes (the first one), right? KiD and Lollipop Chainsaw are pale imitations of his style.
>attaching his name to shit for publicity
He literally is the Tarantino of video games.
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3
They don't care that Dark Arisen fixed the problem. The mere idea of having to walk even a little upsets the turbofats.
it's the most apt comparison of all time. If he ever does direct again, I'll definitely be interested. But to be honest, most of Grasshopper's recent output has been uninteresting to me. There's a lot I like about Let it Die but that kinda grindathon game isn't for me at all.
This is 100% true
>tfw Nier/Drakengard fan
All dat money spent.
Dem jumping sections tho.
But I played the game when it was first released. Supposedly the final patch(es) took out some of the jumping bullshit.
i wonder if respawn (titanfall) could make it work. Both games run on Source, so i think that they could make something interesting.
best track
How does someone go about getting Respawn and the NT devs in the same room
I am pretty sure that some people at respawn know neotokyo, someone had to come across it when they were working the general artstyle of titanfall.
If the brawling mechanics were a little tighter I'd be able to say I loved it. But I really do like the setting, the music is god tier, and its clear so much love went into it.
The DLC ending is horseshit, but at least its pretty spectacular.
yfw Chakravartin has his own QTEs
If Tarantino hadn't directed a movie in the last 6 or 7 years then sure. At least when he's not putting his name on shit for publicity Tarantino actually makes films
Shame he hasn't made anything great since 2009.
pretty sure there's a crapton of p3 fanboys on Sup Forums
This game was my fucking shit
don't you end up fighting ryu or something?
i thought i was alone. thank you user. so good wish they would of made more
good game but shit taste
Probably not a huge stretch, but I can't imagine a lot of Silent Hills in people's top 5, especially not the third one.
A local arcade near me has one or two of them. The light gun one I know a place that has it, but it's like a multiple hour drive so I only play it when I'm visiting family in that area. The rest I just emulate.
5)TES 3 Morrowind
4)TES 3 Morrowind
3)TES 3 Morrowind
2)TES 3 Morrowind
1)TES 3 Morrowind
>Saint's Row 2
Mah nigga. I've played all those except the SW games and they're all great, but SR2 is the only one I'd put on my 3x3