Is the Steins;Gate worldline really the best choice? Since it's still within the 1.00000~1.99999 divergence, wouldn't it still lead to WWIII? Or does it not matter since Kurisu and Mayuri both live ?
Is the Steins;Gate worldline really the best choice? Since it's still within the 1.00000~1.99999 divergence...
>wouldn't it still lead to WWIII
Probably not since Suzu would've come back if that were the case
Steins;Gate worldline is the best since it removes Kagari from the main cast.
>removes Kagari
Oh my god I never thought of this. SG truly is the best worldline.
But it also removes Maho.
Granted, she can easily meet the lab members again unlike that little shit from the future.
Kurisu is better than Maho anyways, not a big loss.
>tfw no spinoff of Maho joining the lab and having cute banter with Kurisu and Okabe
Why does she look exactly like Kurisu?
>wouldn't it still lead to WWIII?
It won't, but it still lead to destruction anyway.
Considering at the end of the original Kurisu finds Okabe and appears to remember being called Christina. It's pretty clear they'll at least become friends again after Okabe saved her life. Eventually Maho would wind up meeting them again through Kurisu.
HERESY, doggo is too cute!
Because fuck you that's why.
Because that's how huke drew her and they just went along with it.
Lazy writing
It's setting up for a KurisuxKagari twin shenanigan scenario.
What if it leads to WWIII but no one alive knows how to make a time machine?
Dunno, thought she was going to be some kind of clone of Kurisu made in the future. That could actually kinda make sense depending on how far Leskinin or whatever his name was thought ahead.
>What if it leads to WWIII but no one alive knows how to make a time machine?
Then the future is fucked no matter what so it's best not to worry with it
Daru's ahegao comment was the funniest part of the game.
>game's released in japan
>oh my god you guys it's so juch betterntha tne original i van barely type because im so blown away by it
>localization is announced
>you guy's actually excited for it? It okay, nothing special
>is released in english
>lol babby's first sequel. Can't believe you guys like this garbage
Why does this keep happening?
Because EOPs suck
More like /jp/ retards continuously getting buttblasted over their precious hidden gems reaching a wide audience
It's got to a point where the only VNs people claim are good are the ultrafetish ones that even japan is embarrassed by their existence because they have 0 chances of ever getting localised
The problem isn't the localization. S;g literally is babby's first novel. There is nothing interesting about it and it appeals to almost everyone. Very entry level, hence the annoyance at all the overrated praise it gets.
What was with the ending of Twin Automata's? Did Kurisu actually leap or something?
>it's only good when it doesn't appeal to everyone
>I like it as long as it's obscure otherwise I hate it
I don't know why VN fags insist on retarded elitism. VNs are already a genre that's not respected at all and you go and shit on the few games "casuals" end up liking.
>nothing interesting
>appeals to everyone
The problem is you, user.
Where did she leap from if the active timeline has her dead?
Can people from outside the main line freely wander on other non main lines? That sounds chaotic as fuck.
I know that's where my confusion comes from. She started speaking like she had.
I wonder how Maho would react if her memories got shoved into Kagari.
She wouldn't be quite as tiny anymore and she'd look just like her friend/rival, but with a larger chest.
I thought it was something like Reading Steiner where she got memories from another worldline and forgot she was an AI.
That makes me wonder what Kurisu would think. She would have to have free will and realise she's been body swapped right?
I bet the anime will put extra focus on Kagari which was the worst part of the game.
Please god no, I don't know if I could handle it after the amount of screen time in the game.
>mfw getting bored with S;G 0
>decide to read these spoiler replies to hopefully get some motivation to continue
>it's actually fucking nothing
Damn, are you fucking serious? There is literally nothing that explains why she looks like Kurisu? Holy shit, I can't believe jap reviewers were claiming this was better than the original. If it wasn't for Maho, I kinda wish it'd never been made.
No there's literally nothing, it's a total red herring. They even had the characters mention the fact that she looks like Kurisu but absolutely nothing comes of it.
If you're really having that hard a time just get the Twin Automata's ending and be done with it. Unless that is you want to see HOUOUIN KYOUMA
They've never bothered to explain it in the first place anyway.
Sometimes people are just similar.
And only Kagari's hair was similar to Kurisu anyway. It's still dumb and it hurt the gameoverall, yeah. But the Maho scenes and route and even Leskinen's end were good.
Basically, the 2/3rds of the game that didn't focus on Kagari were good.
This, Maho and Leskinen stole the game. If only there was more of Leskinen and his motivations.
And having his motives make sense in multiple universes...
Even during his evil scenes, he was just so goofy that it's hard to dislike him.
>Even after the reveal Leskinen's still loveable
>Reyes is a total bitch and unredeemable
What does this mean?
Only dumb bimbos work at DURPA.
I like Reyes breasts
Asking for an explnation for Kagari's appearance is like asking why Amadeus exists or why a certain someone uses the codename "Kurisu" in the future. They're there to stress the fact that Okabe is trying to cling onto anything that could be related to Kurisu, but that all of them pale in comparison to the real deal.
>Get rid of kagari
>Fill her void with fubuki/kaede
10/10 instantly better
That one slanted eye bitch is absolutely useless forget her name
So is Kagari
pointless characters
I really wish they would have taken the Fubuki arc further, it had potential for it's own ending. Don't really care above Kaede, replace with more Maho and 10/10.
Not necessarily. Considering Kurisu and Okabe start dating and since Maho is such a close friend/rival of Kurisu's, Okabe and Maho will probably end up meeting some time in the future.
Was there a new steins gate vn? I see Sup Forums talking constantly about it, and I have vague memories of Dr Pepper memes years ago
Yeah Maho is literally Kurisu's only other friend
Yes, Zero came out about a month ago. Already a PC download and English patch.
Steins;Gate 0 got localized last November. We're probably getting an animu this year or the next one.
It turns out that /jp/ are circlejerking elitists. They're the most retarded kind too, judging based on how niche something is.
Okay, people who follow S;G really closely-- the Bad Ends notwithstanding, the point of the original was that he wanted to keep Kurisu from dying, but every time he prevented another death it fucked the world-line up, so in the end he had to undo all the D-Mails and stop Mayuri from getting the metal upa, to prevent the war, right?
I should probably play through it again i have forgotten so much
Everybody loved S;G 0 when it first came out. They admitted it had flaws but it was a good follow up to S;G.
People only really started shitting on it recently. THIS happens a lot because the bad tend to make stronger impressions than the good, so people only remember the bad stuff.
This exact same thing happened with Ace Attorney Dual Destinies.
but kaede is stupid sexy
why would you give the most unlikable bitch an arc, when you have a cute lesbian girl and a semen demon
You really have forgotten a lot. It was Mayuri he wanted to keep alive and she only started dying after he'd changed the past several times.
Undoing all the D-mails was to stop Mayuri from dying. After that he wanted to follow Suzuha's dream and stop SERN from taking over the world meaning he had to go back to the beta world line. He doesn't figure out that until the very end it means that his new love Kurisu will have been dead on that world line.
After sacking up and shifting back to the beta world line, Suzuha appears again and tells Okabe that the world is headed for WW3. Aka it didn't fucking matter what he did the world still sucked. She has a plan from future Okabe to stop WW3. To do so he must save Kurisu and destroy her paper (the one her father steals and publishes causing WW3). The paper is saved in a plane fire because the metal upa was in the envelope setting off the metal detector allowing Nakabachi to take his envelope with him on the plane instead of the luggage where the fire took place. Removing the metal upa causes it to burn up and deceiving his past self he is able to save Kurisu. That about sums it up.
No, he uses the metal upa to destroy kurisus paper that her father stole and then he fakes kurisus death.
The basic plot is that the Future Gadget Lab fucked with time. Titor travels back in time to tell them SERN rules the future and that a special computer can stop them. Okabe found one in the original timeline, but because of "attractor field convergence" he will never get the computer and Mayuri will die, unless he can return to his original timeline, in which case Kurisu dies.
But yeah, in the end, grabbing the Metal Upa supposedly prevents the war. Like the OP says though, we don't know if that actually prevents the war as we're still within the Beta attractor field, where WWIII takes place.
This is just the refresher I needed, thank you.
>tfw no Steins;Gate: Hiyoku Renri no Darling route with Maho
No problem, unlike Zero the original's story is quite straight forward and easy to remember without any of that what if crap.
Still bummed that there wasn't a happy ending for Maho. None of them are even remotely kind to her. Best doggo deserves better.
maho looked gross naked
Why does everyone call her Doggo?
she is fluffy and small
also twin automata was the best ending in game
Take that back. Maho a cute.
Because she is a fluffy pupper.
Her hair, I mean just look at her here.
You tell me.
Alright you're all right. I want to pet her. Fuck I'm on a list now aren't I?
>mfw people don't """get"" S;G 0
Fun fact after talking to most of them they are all fucking secondaries that didn't even know what they were playing.
no way fag
She's a qt 21 year old.
She's a legal loli friend
That's the spirit! Have the best CG of her in the game.
If a lot of people are complaining that are very happy with the first game isn't that an indicator that something went wrong personal feelings aside?
spoler warnin
>kaede isn't kagari in disguise, kagari just got plastic surgery on some world lines to look exactly like goddamn yuki who was over in europe for no fucking reason
>kagari isn't a future kurisu clone built specifically to house her memories and allowed to be sent back in time as a sleeper agent so that she could fulfill that purpose
>twin automata's ending is buttfuck retarded and has no reason for people doing things
>fubuki does literally nothing except grab mayuri's tits, then act as a demonstration of Reading Steiner that goes absolutely nowhere and has no other significance (and she shouldn't have memories of Mayuri dying anyway because she wasn't present for those deaths)
>perspective shifts all over the place that kill the pacing
Maho was the best part of 0 and that's not saying much
What the fuck is going on
YEAH THE COPS WON'T BY THAT LINE AGAIN "No for realsies though officer she's like a 200 year old vampire"
>If a lot of people are complaining that are very happy with the first game isn't that an indicator that something went wrong personal feelings aside?
Yes I love seeing people complain that they wanted stuff after S;G's ending or that Kurisu isn't in the game, or like the guy that posted after you complaining his theories weren't correct or that he didn't understand some parts of the game.
>complaining his theories weren't correct
It's not even that, it's that what did happen made no fucking sense in a lot of cases and only occurred for plot significance.
>didn't understand some parts of the game
I really enjoyed 0, but it was definitely a flawed VN that could have been executed better. I'm not surprised that people are getting confused by it. People got and get confused by the original all the time and that was almost completely linear in structure.
Thats almost half the jokes about her
Of course, but I've seen a few retards out here comparing 0 to fucking ZTD.
Agree with basically all of that, they should have had one person for each role. It's fucked up plot wise when half the time the motorcycle bitch is Kagari, and the other half is Reyes. I get that they're trying to intentionally confuse the reader but it really fucks with the flow.
Holy fuck I totally forgot about that, what the fuck was the point of it? Easily the most random thing in the whole game.
To be fair, with how the game started it advertised itself as being all about Okabe from the years 2011-2025 and his struggle through WW3 to send his video D-mail. I was so fucking salty when I realised they skipped all of that. The true end was so fucking awful, jumping immediately to 2025. I'm still mad.
>a demonstration of Reading Steiner that goes absolutely nowhere and has no other significance
It's significant because it goes to show that the professor isn't fucking around. If he had somehow mastered Reading Steiner, no amount of world line jumping would've helped Okabe.
This is a blue board, user.
but my board is black
Kurisu is alive, so yes.
Oh, definitely, but it also really doesn't go anywhere. It doesn't have any lasting plot significance or mean anything in the bigger picture. It's more of a footnote, and yet they have an entire character dedicated to that role. Kaede and Fubuki really have no point in being present in 0.
Above all else, this is a Christian board user. You can't just go around posting hardcore handholding scenes like that.