Bought that Yu-Gi-Oh! game on Steam

>bought that Yu-Gi-Oh! game on Steam
>having fun playing through the original series campaign
>start getting into the GX campaign
>I fell out of touch with Yu-Gi-Oh! around that time
>see this thing for the first time

What the fuck happened, Sup Forums? 2000 ATK with zero drawbacks? How is this even remotely fair? I'm getting worried about the cards I'm going to see by the time I get to "Zexal" or "Arc-V" or whatever those series are even about...

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its not as crazy as you think. yugioh has changed alot. no effect beatsticks arent what they used to be.

It's those black and white and multicolored cards that are making me nervous

I hope the campaign eases you into understanding them

Just fuse a good monster and kill it, or use an effect monster like Granmole
2000 attack normal monsters are nothing, even in the GX era

Each era has its own tutorial at the beginning that goes over the mechanics.
Xyz monsters, the black frame ones, aren't really that understand
I recently got back into YGO I stopped following it at the beginning of the GX era by playing Legacy of the Duelist earlier this year, too.

If you think Gene Warped Warwolf is an actual threat you need to step away from this game.

>wasting money on this crap and not just getting ygopro for free
congratulations. you just wasted money on an inferior an inferior version of yugioh

also 2000 atk is no big deal. monsters are expendable at this point in the series to play along with other strategies

I think Yu-Gi-Oh might be a bit different from what it was like when you remember playing.

pulling off combos like this is satisfying as fuck senpai
if someone can put this entire video in green text I would fucking love it.

the threshold for no downside beatsticks is 2000 now. not like it matters since 2000 attack probably won't get you through your opponents turn 1 XYZ, Pendulum, Synchro or boss monster.

why are people playing so stupidly offensive? what happened if he had raigeki or some other bullshit?
Yugioh really needs speed-nerf, make decks a little bit slower so you need to play defensively.

>panicking over a no effect monster with 2k attack

this isn't your old after school dealing sessions 10 years back, you ain't see nothing yet.

If you think Gene Warped is a threat then you seriously only played the very first Yugioh format. Vanilla beatsticks fell out of popularity by the time Sangan was released.

>Fall out of YGO after 5Ds but still have an interest due to friends still playing it
>Get Legacy of the Duelists to play with them and hopefully gain an understanding of how this XYZ and Pendulum shit works
>Friend obliterates me with his Pendulum deck without me having a fucking clue why he's able to summon 5 monsters in one turn

>a factor worth considering

everyone and their dog has built in raigeki these days

>Not using a Wave-Motion Cannon deck and just stalling a few turns to win easily

get ygopro and practice with bots, don't pay for yugioh cards unless you want them IRL.

The first duel of each era is a tutorial fight that explains the gimmick of the era.
Do the first and only if you don't buy any dlc duel of Arc-V and it explains Pendelums.

I remember getting mega triggered over pure LP removal decks and mill decks in middle school, good to see that there are no modern counterparts they haven't been viable even at a tier 2-3 level for 10+ years.

The first boss monster he summoned saw to that, with its effect of being able to negate any card or effect's activation (i.e. Raigeki) once per turn. He also had another monster that also has the effect that any of his cards, the first time that it would be destroyed that turn isn't destroyed. So even if he chose to let the Raigeki be played, the second monster would just prevent them all from being destroyed anyway.

There really isn't much you can do to recover from something like that.

did he just summon a bunch of monsters in one turn?

oh didn´t know that.

But still, game is getting way too much wambo combo first turn like. I mean OTK were always there, but it was like a car you start slowly until you go to a point where you destroy your oppenent and don´t drive 100km/h from the get go.

Most decks actually benefit having monsters destroyed/put in the graveyard, so good luck with raigeki

Would a deck based around him (and the other Dark Magicians) still be viable?

White border is easy, they are just fusion monsters where you add stars of synchrons and regular monsters to match the stars of the the white border

That's against the rules!

wombo combo decks like will only achieve it's desired effect 1 times out of 10, most of the time it's dead draw central and you end up conceding in 2-3 turns because decks like this rely on several key cards to set up the said combo and if you can't drew those, you can't put any meaningful shit on the field.

You should be scared of decks that are consistent, take a longer (2-3 turns) to set up but are unfuckingstoppable once it happens.

Actually yes, Dark Magicain and Blue-Eyes have gotten ALOT of support recently. In fact, Blue-Eyes is meta right now

Not really. His current support is shit.

Blue Eyes however is great again.

how is the campaign? been thinking of picking it up. is it VN style following the plot of the cartoon?

This card is so underrated

outside of the duels, I mean

Last time I checked i couldn't find a torrent, is there one up now? Asking for a friend

You're better off using a different spellcaster for your ace. Maybe you could use the new dark magician girls since she got some new cards recently.

Personally I run a spellcaster deck too that locks opponents down if they don't have a spellcaster too. It's not the greatest but I did win a couple times on DN. Pic related is my ace.

Actually the rules of pendulum allow you to summon multiple monsters at once

It skips over A LOT of stuff

>only negating

Try cucking your opponent literally

you get to set the card you just negated on your side fo the field

well it also includes campaigns for basicly every maincharacter change

shit I was hoping for something beyond just skipping to duels, for muh nostalgia reasons
How far into the series does the campaign go?

>it's a 'yugioh is bad because new card types were employed to prevent it from becoming stale and boring' thread

I haven't seen or played yu-gi-oh since god knows when but my fav. card was BEWD.

Do you guys have any of these decks? I'd like to see the cards.

>The 2nd effect isn't an XYZ effect
Holy shit.

Not really, it's just a bunch of talkie bits before and after a fight, and it skips so much content and assumes you know the actual story that it makes little sense in spots.

It also ends the GX and 5D's stories before the actual stories' conclusions.

Oh, interesting. Any recommendations on constructing a decent spellcaster deck? I've been out of the loop since 5Ds.

you can summon it without even xyz for it

and it recycles itself

>watching your opponent play solitaire with their deck before you get to do anything isn't boring.

heh, the worst thing by far in Yu-Gi-Oh is not the OP cards. It's the fact that you are rewarded for not playing the game and not allowing the other player play the game.

>average player: I summon th-
>average good player:NEG ;)
>average player:Ok then I use this eff-
>average good player:NEG ;)))
>average player:Alright then I set two cards facedown in the S/T zone
>average good player:lmao eat this cyclone bro
>average good player:pendulum summon 5 ;)
>average good player:otk bro ;)))))))))

IDK if the meta still has some crazy pendulum XYZ shit, but it is the same with synchro summon, normal summon, fusion summon and ritual summon. Best cards are the ones that negate and destroy any possible interaction between players.

Guys I haven't played yugioh since I saw some guy summon Wing Dragon of Ra against Yugioh on the yugioh show. This thread reminded me of my Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the beginning card that I've been using as a bookmark for like 10 years now. Where do I start to get back into it with building a good deck with him in it or around him?

Battle City Finals, then it skips straight to the last duel. No virtual world either.

>First turn Perfect herald
>i heard you wanted to play yugioh

BLS isn't really a card you build a deck around it's a card you toss into a deck with dark and light monsters because there's no real reason not to
You could probably throw some darks into Blue Eyes.dek to make him work

Disappointing, guess I'll stick with ygopro and emulating the psp/ps2 games then
thanks user

it's a staple in every light/dark deck, but if you had the card for 10 years without a sleeve it's probably worthless now, some places won't even let you use damaged cards to pla



Yeah I kept it in a sleeve for 10 years. Wow, what do those places have against damaged cards. As long as you can read the effect and see the name of the card it should be playable right lol?


The meta is pretty diverse at the moment. Not many of the top decks employ the same summoning type/strategies.

Although, a strong board that prevents a player from setting up will always be strong. It just that now rather than a 1900 beater preventing you from building up tributes, it's cyber dragon infinity/alkahest/spirit dragon preventing your combo from starting.

>having fun playing through the original series campaign
Oh thank god. I was thinking about getting but was worried I wouldn't be able to play strictly original series style since I don't have the time or patience to learn anything new.

>Sup Forums YGO thread
>starts with "oh this looks fun" or "huh, maybe I can get back into playing"
>a few people discussing meta
>someone posts a webm of a lucky speedkill combo or FTK
>people start whining about the game being too fast
>MTG players seize their chance
>post a pic of a certain pendulum synchro saying they can't read such a wall of text or it didn't used to be like this
>someone responds with Relinquished
>user tries to salvage the bickering thread with a "cardfu" or ask for help post
>settles a bit as people start posting lore, arts, just stuff they like
>thread gets deleted for not being in /tg/ despite /tg/ fucking despising YGO
>if it begins to near bump without deletion someone spams pictures of Kisara
Let's see how this goes, I might have forgotten some normal points.

You forgot pot of greed memes

I really like this card. But it's pretty expensive irl. So I've been using citadel of endymion and stacking spell counters instead for my real deck.

Lads I have really fell behind on the meta since DN became kill. YGOPRO just doesn't have the same social aspect DN had.

mfw I used to go into rated duels and then go into another tab while my opponent autistically ranted in the chat window

Ah yes, can't believe I forgot one of the most prolific YGO thread starters and (you) juicers for bumps.

Some policy to evade cheating

Needs Arc-V webms

Such a satisfying trap.
>Enemy plays a pure deskbots deck
>Manages to fill the field with all the little cute bots
>Attacks without having any way to stop my little baby
Making beatdown his bitch since whatever booster pack it was released in.

Oh yeah, the one of the cyborg guy getting beaten to death gets posted a lot too, thanks for reminding me

You forgot
>someone posts a card
>someone replies with a generic floodgate card with a snarky comment

DN was the worst shit ever.

based cirno.

Power creep.

Eh, that's in every TCG thread on any board, thought it would go without saying.

kek, oh sweet summer child. Just you wait till you see what happens further in.

Why user? I thought it was pretty fun. You actually learned rulings and more of the complicated mechanics.

More like a scam to sell more cards/sleeves.

Yugioh is a dead game now. They just focus on making new decks that are as expensive as possible and pachinko machines.

what's the meta like now? How many different decks are there?

I remember when I last played competitively it went from DaD to Lightsworn to Gladiator Beasts to Blackwing.

Damn, that's pretty solid. I play Legacy of the Duelist so it shouldn't be too hard to come by (assuming it's even in the game). I remember spell counters being pretty useful too but the only card I can think of right now that utilized them was that one magician, Breaker or something.

what does the word meta even mean nowadays?
unbeatable? all-encompassing? superior?

>He plays a game where you have to read 2 paragraphs every card because the jap devs sill don't have a basic grasp on English.


What a stupid game this has become.

So you don't actually play Yu-Gi-Oh! right? Because everything you said is bullshit. Only a legit retard would think taking 3 turns to set up a board is the way to go. You'd be an even bigger retard to let your opponent take 3 turns to set up without doing anything about it.

Top-tier, basically a high chance of winning most tournaments.

Just means that the deck is so strong that the entire idea of the game and other decks is built around it.

I quit playing when Nekroz were the best deck. How's the meta like now?

You forgot your picture of (modern text heavy card) that would be replied to with (other TCG with text heavy card) or Relinquished. C'mon, if you're going to use a standard Sup Forums YGO thread post, why not do it the regular way?

So far it's all going according to plan

Chicken game + Life Equaliser + Magical Explosion was incredibly viable up until last year. So much so that Chicken Game got banned completely.

I had one ranked match where my rival and I had a debate about rulings
>at one point I said to him: stop being such an autist
>guy calls for an admin
>'y-you are getting banned'
>admin comes in
>'yo whaddup dudz'
>'he got the rulings wrong and he called me an autist'
>admin checks the logs
>turns out I got the rulings wrong
>autist starts sperging
>admin bans him
>I get free points and only a small warning

And thats only one of the shortest stories, too lazy to post more

By the way, legacy of the duelist was great fun and I think it's one of the best tools as an introduction fo yugioh for new and old players that fell out of touch.
>Every fight unlocks 2 new decks and the decks themselves become more and more complex as the campaign goes on. From normal and tribute summons to fusions/contact fusion, union monsters, every mechanic is explored
>Booster packs contain most if not all the cards in an archetype and the game gives you so many points it's easy to unlock them
>Story decks actually try to reproduce the feeling the combat in the anime had (kaiba being able to summon blue eyes in one turn with ancient rulings for example)
>Extra challenge modes where you face most of the popular archetypes
>Pretty good AI

yugioh is bad because the game has a shitty design strategy that focuses on extremely exclusive deck designs with little to no overlap, to the point where they ban cards like monster reborn that see use in multiple decks. the only common theme shared between pushed decks is that they all prevent the other pushed decks from interacting with them. its like sitting two people across the table from each other, with one playing five card draw and the other playing go fish. one guy is confused that the other player keeps discarding from his hand and only revealing pairs, the other is confused that the first guy is revealing his hand and drawing a new one every two turns, and both walk away pretty sure they won but not sure how.

In terms of game strategy, meta means that it's a strategy that is powerful enough that a lot of players build around using it or countering it.

Don't keep up with the game much.
Are Super Quants good? Because they look pretty cool.

Is this game fun?

If I buy this on steam how hard is the grind until I can make my 6 Sam deck in the game?

Yes I know they're outdated

This happened to me as well. Except I was in the right and my opponent sperged when the admin ruled in my favour, then got himself banned. Do not tell me that shit is not hilarious.

I do agree though it was annoying coming up against scrubs who got the most simple and basic rulings wrong and stalled the game to call admin for 20 minutes because of it.

Shoulda finished it off with a "gg ez."


One of the early duels in 5Ds gives you access to a booster that has a lot of 6 Sam cards. I think it's the first booster in the 5Ds section. There's also a duelist challenge, Trudge's, you can grind to get cards from the game's prebuilt 6 Sam deck. You get 3 cards from the deck per win, and 1 card per loss/surrender, so if you're willing to spend the time, you can get them pretty early.
You get about 1000-1900 points per win and 500-800 per loss to spend on boosters which cost 400 each.

Metalfoes (Strong versatility, infinite resources, has an answer to every problem)
Blue-Eyes (lmao 3k beatsticks, strong lockdown),
ABC (great removal, floats forever)
Majespecters (hexproof, heavy disruption)
Toad Hero(banishes everything, access to the retarded good r4nk toolbox)

The future is now