The game sucks because it has an optional mechanic that I don't like!

>the game sucks because it has an optional mechanic that I don't like!


>people defending pay2notgrindd with that line of reasoning

Name 537477473 games

>the game sucks because the story is bad!

Game? I'd love me some cool mecha action

>the game sucks because it's an exclusive I don't have access to


>I misinterpret what people are saying and greentext it in other threads

thanks lad, I'm a sucker for SRWish games

Tactic ogre crafting

What are these Chen-like images from? They've killed my sides for the past year

>I really wanted to like the game but hated the OPTIONAL MECHANIC and couldn't finish it because of it

Boku No Honk


>those stiff-ass animations

>being this new

I want reddit to leave.






>the game sucks because it doesn't have that optional mechanic the other game has

Not the same pay2win is not an optional mechanic because the whole game is based on punishing you for playing without paying.


both these things make me incredibly angry!

>the game gets good 20 hours in


>see hitman review
>guy gives the game a low score because he can just use an assualt rifle and murder everyone in the level if he wants
>"wasnt very stealthy"

pay2win and pay2notgrind are different though.
Straight p2w games are really rare now. The best example i can think of is hearthstone and even that you stops being like that after you play a while.
Most games now are stuff like league or WoW where you can pay to skip/speed up leveling or grinding currency which is fine.

