So GDQ starts Jan 8th. Here's the schedule:

So GDQ starts Jan 8th. Here's the schedule:

What runs are you looking out for?

Other urls found in this thread:

>tetris with cardcaptor sakura
oh definitely that

everyone fun is banned, gdq was a mistake

I guess the "crash 2 is domestic abuse" guy is banned. Who else?

>No Bonesaw


werster, bonesaw

The guy who did Owen Wilson impersonations

>no caveman
>no bonesaw
>no trihex
>no darkspine sonic
>no mrmonopoli
>no cosmo
>no uyama
>no spikevegeta
>no yoshifan
i know they want to get more runners in and maybe im too ignorant of 2017 speedrunning but i know a total of two people on the schedule (mexican guy and brossentia)

like where the fuck is puwexil?

That NES stuff looks great. Gremlins 2, Kabuki Quantum Fighter, Street Fighter 2010, Cheetahmen, Nightmare on Elm Street and a bunch of other weird/bad stuff that should be interesting to see.


I'm going to give it a shot just to see how the newbies are.

i mean i watch every year and i can understand not wanting the same runners every single year

Wasnt he only banned from submitting this year? Not that they would allow him on the couch anyway.

I feel like making an unironically checklist for GDQ just to see how bullshit it really is, and the longer the list gets the more specific the checklist gets

Don't even bother saying "no cosmo". We'll never be seeing cosmo again. Ever.

>No spikevegeta
The fuck? really? He ALWAYS has been an announcer.

And who fucking cares about Trihex he doesn't speedrun anymore. He's just a sellout fake weeb.

Just seems like yesterday when he came second in the Nintendo Championships. Now look at him

Fair, but familiarity is part of the fun too.

I remember reading that but lord that is overtly authoritarian.

Bonesaw had one of the most energetic runs at fucking 3-4 AM

Has Cosmo's trannyness been acknowledged at AGDQ? I'm surprised they haven't personally invivted him, he's like their wet dream.

They probably have invited him he just wants nothing to do with speedrunning or really anything from before he was "Narcissa".

they've invited him but he gets angry everytime they send the letter to cosmo

Someone tell me what a fucking TASBot is

>long time watcher, first time donator
>kill the animals, save the frames
>let's kick cancer's butt
>i love seeing my childhood destroyed
>my wife's son died of cancer

Kek. IIRC he's begging for money again, suprised he's not given in.

>yfw there will be a subscriber only restream that disables donation readings

Would you Sup Forums?

When a tool assisted speedrun is done you basically end up with an input file for all the inputs done per frame. They are basically just playing back the input file on a console instead of an emulator.

>start work on the 9th

im in bits

>my wife's son died of cancer
Fuck my sides why did I laugh at a stupid cuck meme

100% yes

So does it take any skill? What's the point?

For fun

It takes a lot of skill to configure but I don't see what's the point in even having them on. The fun of DQG is seeing people choke under the spotline, impossible for a bot.

>Only care about like 3 runs
>work during all of them

It's a monument to coding and you can pull off batshit insane things with TAS.

Like putting Snake (game) in Mario

Shame I liked puwexil's run last year of Illusion of Gaia.
Like to see him run Soul Blazer or Terranigma since he can speedrun those games.
Also I miss Meta Sigma, his Secret of Evermore flex run was fun.

>"that" moment during the fallout 3 run



Do people still watch this pandering shitfest?

>no trihex
He went back to romhacks because he can't cut it on actual yoshi and mario maker got stale.

Every time I watch it I start to wonder why I even bothered. Most of the runs are just uninteresting and they banned like all of the interesting runners.

It's more some fucker slaving for weeks or months over making the most perfect run possible and having it play back without any sort of human error possible for the fun of seeing something perfect.

>>no spikevegeta

How many of these happen every year?
Feels like we get one of these every 3 months.

>no darkspine sonic

Right now as we speak one of the runners is plotting how to sperg out and become the next viral meme.

>twitch now has unlockable ads
At least the shit lineup will spare me from watching as they go full jew between runs.

he's not running again, he's just doing staff stuff

January and sometime in the summer.


I see. So are they just playing back footage they'd already done?

>no spikevegeta

He's like the most competent person who does donations

That's obviously a mistake though, he's scheduled for the opening. I'm guessing he's just not running anything?

>no cosmo

You mean Narcisa?

A decent amount of glitches get found by people making a tas, tasbot is purely to show off for gdq though.

Not really.

They're playing back inputs into the console that they recorded a frame at a time. A TAS requires them to go frame by frame in an emulator and save exactly what they need to happen on ever frame to get the very best time possible.

With this amount of people they can start their own event but with fun allowed.

>no cosmo
thats a good thing

It probably is now, but I always liked him before he turned into a woman. I might even still like him as a speedrunner, never looked into it. Just figured there's a ton of drama now.

>No Caveman
>No Bonesaw


>supporting a jew """""charity""""""

instead we have all the five hundred other trannies to make up for him

Holy shit my sides

Why is Rob the robot there? Just for show?

Just for show, doesn't actually do anything.

>"for fun"
>a whole block of this fun
please stop


bonesaw was banned for being racist

>action 52 cheetamen
why the fuck would you even play that let alone speedrun it?? they gunna do ooze too?

sega bass fishing should be good.

>save the frames, kill the animals
You know how long it took me to figure out what the fuck game this was referring to?

what moment?

Isn't it Sonic?


nope it's for metroid
but they only mention that at the beginning of the entire event and at no other time do they say what game it's for

I miss the smaller room, being packed together just brought out more interaction between people and made the bonus streams comfy as fuck when everyone could let loose without a filter.

got instantly permabanned for using emotes to have Saria pointing a gun forward during the OoT run last time. Messaged every mod and never got a response from any of them. RIP

GameJ06 was literally the only runner I enjoyed because he was actually interesting to listen to

Why's he not there? Banned? Or did he realise GDQ was shit and leave?

>jan 8th
>not watching cooperation cup 15

Thanks, that confused the fuck out of me.

oh that moment
i wish gdq gets mustard gassed this year


I always thought by raising money for cancer treatment they were neglecting to contribute to endangered species and shit so they're killing the animals.

They always deny his runs he's talked on stream about it for awhile. He was trying to get NES golf in for years and they won't change their mind about.

He submitted fucking Mario 2 (lost levels) and that got turned down.

the tranny looks really really uncomfortable there


I would too if someone announced to over 100k people its the anniversary of mutilating my body.

>Ape Escape 2
Seeing half of chat get banned during the first run


>twitch chat going nuts when this happened
>mods made it emote only mode
>didn't stop anything

>my girlfriend

stange way of saying homosexual


Thats just sad.


>blechy will be there
Thank fucking god

>dildo on the dresser
>cats fucking in the closet
Do they not think to look at their picture before posting it online?

I watched his run and don't understand what he did to get banned.

>dude in a silk dress

He always is, but it's unfortunate that he never actually runs anything any more.

horomone treatment doesn't seem to have done anything

How did i not notice this