What would you do if you could SAVE and LOAD in real life?
What would you do if you could SAVE and LOAD in real life?
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That stupid ass gamefaqs poll was the worst thing to happen to video games in years
i'd save on a friday night and never get to the monday for the rest my life
Probably all kinds of crazy perverted stuff, to the point that I dont get excited about living anymore and end up my life.
Then wait for autoload.
I would save and load in real life.
Doesn't matter. It's fucking too late now. I needed that power the moment I was conceived.
Make a fortune in gambling. Destroy my enemies. Try to be a better person to my uncle before he died. Become the top pro in Magic. Avoid several car accidents. Get the girl. Get the other girl.
i would fix my eyebrow i accidentally shaved a part off when shaving my unibrow
Use all the extra time to slowly chisel myself into the perfect ubermensch and assume direct control of humanity.
>Save game
>Live my life until i'm on my deathbed
Maybe finally clear out my backlog. That'd be grand.
I'd do an ironman run. Insult everyone for being casual.
Clear my save game so I could start over ;_;
Question. Do I retain my... EXP? Like, any memories or skills I would've picked up before I reload? There doesn't seem to be a point otherwise.
The same as Flowey.
I want to see how people react if I kill their families, and do horrible shit.
And if I save them from disaster or something, until pic related inevitably happens.
>quicksave just before orgasm
>spam quickload
>Steal a bank
>Wonder if you get caught
>If you do, load, repeat until you don't get caught
Super OP.
the magic was gone for him but he couldn't just leave which was why he was such a cynical, evil bastard
win the lottery
that was funny
Chara was a narrator of undertale
you won, in life
Samething Vivec did
I think we have a winner.
Win the lottery
>Maybe finally clear out my backlog
Fucking this. I have over a hundred games there and I can't seem to finish one before adding another. It's a bit of a pain sometimes, but loving videogames is great.
What about
>can SAVE and LOAD
>but everybody whom you interacted with in a previous save knows that you reloaded
Lottery is a fraud boyo, the "winner" just gets a tiny check of like 10k usd and then he is dismissed.
I would abuse the shit out of it.
God I am such a fuckup.
Defeats the purpose.
can i uninstall instead?
then ill use it to rake in big bucks in the stock market
Ever since I can remember, I've always loved the power of being able to save and reload. It's one of the ultimate powers, really.
What's the issue?
>he raped me in a different timeline
Not actually.
People who died would still come back and stuff. If something, it would be way more morbid because everyone knows everything returned to original state but they also know what you did.
Do they no what you did pre-load vor only that you loaded?
Probably accidentally save when I mean to load.
The idea is to get a fresh start from a specific point. If everyone knows what you did, that will poison the new outcome.
I wuld love for that.
Like they know I killed them, but they can't do shit about it because it happened in another time line.
So you can simply smile smugly at them and ask "what's the matter, you look like somebody stabbed you 27 times in the chest, man"
>villain is narrating the game
that's actually really clever
>see car accident coming
>try to load
>save instead
>stuck reloading the end of your life where you're violently ejected from the car and crushed by a rolling truck by the 'on death; autoload', forever
>click pic
I don't get it
Just kill yourself
Go play a Dragon Quest game.
Gamble my way to a fortune
Learn a dozen languages
Become an undefeated MMA champion
Master every skill/hobby I've ever had a vague interest in
Charm a 9/10 girl
Never have another awkward moment again
I don't want to, just explain
No. Go play video games.
Metal slimes can turn invisible.
I finished steamworld dig recently, I do play but don't like Dragon Quest. Don't be a fag.
>steal a bank
Ok thanks m8.
>loads the latest save
>eventually you'll end up like fucking diavolo
metal slimes are notorious for fleeing at the very start of a fight, which is cause for frustration because of two factors; 1. they take several blows to kill, because of their incredibly high defense and 2. because they are worth a disproportionately high amount of experience points.
Most of the early dragon quest games would have the late game player farming them to grind above and beyond to make the final boss confrontation go smoother.
It was good, and the more evil you act the colder Chara becomes, going over the top dark in genocide runs
Why would you need money if you have the power of a god?
i have a fetish for gaudy nonsense
*jojo reference
If I only have one save slot, then I'll save right now and never ever save again.
This is the youngest I'm gonna be and I have no idea what kind of RNG bullshit is gonna fuck me up in the future.
If I can just keep reloading this moment, then all is good for an eternity.
Or you could not be retarded and just memorize the winning lotto numbers.
That's not nearly as fun though.
What would you do if you had ten save slots?
Lottery is a fraud retard.
They check which numbers were sold, they give the prize to one that wasn't sold, so they can fake there was a winner.
If you have that power, they will simply change the ticket.
Binge on shitty food and then quickload so I don't get fat.
I'd probably be doing a lot of dumb shit everytime.
Darn imagine eating all that garbage like cookies, hotdogs, hamburguers and pizza, then reloading to aovid having intestinal problems or getting fat.
Do all the things i wanted to do in life, steal and enjoy shit as much as i want, reload if shit goes sour
life would be the greatest video game ever
>not "Ice riously"
imagine spending like forty thousand bucks to be helicoptered out to some scenic environment where you've hired world-class chefs to prepare incredible feasts with dozens of gourmet dishes and then just quickloading to undo it, and doing so every single day
literally my dream
the fucking genius
i need source pls
>go to Sup Forums
>type down something that will be sure to activate their almonds like "Kek's favorite vidya is Undertale"
>fill out captcha
>keep loading until I get a ridiculous get
depends if I get auto-reload after getting snuffed
assuming I do,
>hard save
see getting used to pain, before I reload
then, lotteries, stocks, gambling, grabbing every tit and ass I like, try slitting throats, getting a gun, shooting up just about every place, prioritizing cosplay conventions, women, children, see what fucking a corpse feels like, see what human meat tastes like, raping nuns, chloroforming kindergarten classes, fucking children, then animals, see what's the highscore of kills I can get is on every opportunity, raping celebrities, jumping out of planes without a parachute, wingsuit flying everywhere, still without a parachute, see what's the highscore of graves I can dig up in one night is, re-enacting matrix everywhere I go, fucking my sister, then our daughter, then our daughter, then our daughter, tossing frag grenades everywhere, pouring acid on people, then thermite, forcing incest, hunting down sean murray and not reloading, fucking a metric fucktonne of prostitute trannies, but reloading, because I'm not gay, shooting the pope, with a grenade launcher, laughing at funerals, pissing on corpses, then shitting, then pissing again, decapitating people, playing football with heads, acting loud in libraries, making a human centipede, burning retirement homes, donating to charity,
It's probably for the best I can't
source is meow the cat
seek help
>not using it to quote your post number
>not using it to reply to future posts
>not using it to post others' OC hours before it's made
There is a thousand ways to fuck with this site with time control.
seek rape
Not like there's a consequence.
Have you considered the fact that you might be edgy?
>implying you wouldn't do all the immoral things you could knowing you could undo everything and no one would ever know except you the microsecond something goes wrong
I'm not even that much of a degenerate but even I would be open to experimenting and being a jackass just because I could do it with no consequences.
I'd probably browse Sup Forums.
This I would hit people in the face with a brick then undo it, then Ill see what happens if I throw bleach on their face.
Not him but, sure why not? When there's no consequence to your actions, why not do all the things you normally wouldn't or couldn't do?
Some experiences are just nice user.
You ever have a night you wish would never end? Or wish you could see that girls face one more time, so it isn't just a blur in your memory?
Or maybe even one last night with a family member. Anyone would kill for less.
I wouldn't eat a turd either and I'm not going to do it if I get time powers
>tfw i can't even indulge my fucked up fetish with time powers
Even snakes kill you before they eat you. Being a vorefag is suffering.
It ran away
Chara a best!
>not mkid
go back to /utg/ faggot