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W-what does pain sound like?


Technically not though. Didn't it come out in October or something?

How do they float?


Lovecraft magic


shouldn't have bought those tf2 hats
shouldn't have bought those counterstrike skins
shouldn't have bought all those games you didn't really want but got anyways cause they were cheap

>could have unforseen consequences (tm)

synergy thread?

at least you werent eternally cockteased for those ten years.

Weeaboos deserve misery

oh it SHOWS

Anyone a bit bothered by the ending? Not emotionally but plot wise. Where is it going from here.
Gameplay-wise how the hell are you going to fight those maggots?

hahaha the release date was on the ending scene all along

>Kingdom Hearts 3.5*7(-2) Final Game Ultimate Mega Mix with Hot Sauce

i fucking hate KH titles

I don't care

I just want the chance to

Why do faggots want a sequel to this game so badly? Mechanics that made it great have been ripped to hell and back by now and there's no way for it to impress modern day shooter players without resorting to a gimmick. The VAs haven't played the characters in 10 years so characters like Alex and Barney and gonna sound weird as shit if they aren't just straight replaced. The more that's revealed about the universe and the story the less people are going to like it, part of Half Life's draw is how mysterious it feels.

Because it ended on a fucking cliffhanger.

this. time for it to die already

cuck kill yourself

t. was five when HL2 came out

Whats it matter to you, you can't even see them you blind cunt.

I want another Valve single player fps

l4d3 could supply that but l4d has always been geared for multiplayer action rather than a singleplayer adventure


>Weeaboos deserve misery
This is why I hate the human race

with your tears

Ok then name 5 other triple A games that got a sequel 10+ years later that were actually good. You can't. Because it doesn't happen.

don't reply to my thread again

No, it's like going to a food court. Even if the food court has a lot of asian food, if I go for a burger I expect a fucking burger.


Legitimately what did they mean by this?

Are they even gonna finish it? Part of me wants to believe that they'll release the Source Two Engine and that's when it'll happen but in reality they're just really lazy.

>not in a weeaboo sub-forum
Shut up

>tfw no qt earthbender gf

t. 15-year-old nihilist

Looks like he failed.

Okay, then don't expect everything to be burgers. see, I can do this too.

What's his endgame?

Well even Duke Nukem Forever eventually got released, so there's at least a chance for this.

It's more like going for a burger in a food court in China (or at least Chinatown) and everyone speaks in food metaphors.



>It's like going to a food court that serves a shitload of asian food while I expect a burger. There are a shitload of burgers there, but I complain about the rice as a side
Fixed that for you

new Wolfenstein or DOOM didn't have anything new but they still impressed
there was new VAing from HL1 to 2

Not a game I'm waiting faggot, you can't name even one

user, the source 2 engine was released more than 1 year ago...

>amazing graphics back then
>amazing physics till today
>great story ending on a cliffhanger
>WHO IS GMAN etc questions want to be answered
Woo0ow I wonder why

Fuck i read it with his voice

>food metaphors

>developing code for subtitles
>all voice-lines are saved as audio files
>all audio files get this subtitle_name tag
>there are multiple cases where old black man sounds pain
>multiple sound files
>[pain] therefor occurs everytime the new sound file plays


You could shorten that to
>name 5 other triple A games

everything is a reboot/remake/sequel now

Anyone else hope that if they ever give us Half-Life 3 no one buys it and it bombs horribly?

I'm tired of faggot companies such as Valve leaving the story for a decade and then finally making a sequel and still raking in tons of cash despite screwing over their fans for 10+ years who wanted a resolution to the story. Hell thousands upon thousands of fans died waiting for the story to release.

And yet people will still throw their wallets at Half-Life 3 and all its DLC showing developers it's okay to ignore their story for 10 years because their writers and devs are hacks who have no idea what to do, because people will just buy their shit up whenever they finally release it 10 years later.

Its sci-fi. Someone will invent the deus ex machine that disables all their powers

Now it's going to be eleven.

The wait is eventually going to become 20 years.

Wasteland 2

The same reason I wanted a Shenmue 3.
Because it ended on a fucking cliffhanger.

Not all of us are edgy faggots

Secret is on the Borealis which will never be answered.

Last Guardian, it was exactly as expected.


Ensure gordon is his tool and have him kill the lead of the combine
He had to bring the combine to humanity through the events of hl1

a bit melodramatic innit

Why is it edgy to not want to reward developers for shitting on the customers who want to see the story get finished? It's edgy to not want to reward devs for jerking you around for 10+ years?

Sup Forums is the most anime not-anime board there is

If the Last Guardian could be released 11 years after Shadow of the Colossus, I have a small sliver, of new hope that we'll get a HL3. I need the end of the story and to get revenge on those aliens.

What's your favorite part of HL2? Mine is the battle against the walkers at the saw mill before the rocket launch.

>You'll never fight these jelly beans

The Last Guardian released and wasn't so bad, Valve has NO EXCUSE now, no more "boohoo it couldn't ever live up to the hype and everyone would hate us and never buy our games that we don't make anyways!"

its dead.

l4d3+Cosmetic/Gunskins will come out before hl3

Be careful what you wish for

Xcom, Deus Ex, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Street Fighter IV, Mega Man 9, StarCraft II, Fallout 3, etc

i'd rather they wait til they feel it's good enough
maybe the technology hasn't been where they want it to be, maybe the game just isn't ready, maybe they didn't have the ideas or stories yet
i want them to take exactly as long as they need to
i'd rather wait 20 years then get a game that's not ready
it's not like there isn't other shit to play

m8 it's valve. They pretty much stopped making games. When was the last game they released? They just keep adding hates to TF2 and jerking off with all their fat steam cash. L4D wasn't even made by Valve they just hired some modders.

He turns into a big alien monster and gordon kills him

What's the point of bringing the combine, though?

>there was new VAing from HL1 to 2
They didn't recast anyone though.

Wasn't that terrible in retrospect.

Can you imagine how many fans of the series died during these 10 years? How many people played Half-Life, Blue Shift, Opposing Force, Half-Life 2, Episode 1 and Episode 2 but could not play the supposedly final game in the series during their lifetime?

>posting modern Johnny Test
kindly off yourself

just came by to pay my respects to the thousands of people who were laying on their deathbeds, wheezing, who said with their final breath "....i never got half-life 3" and then dropped their heads, their will broken, their last breath expired

The Lab

Yea, that battle was pretty intense and it was designed pretty well. One of the only times in half life where time is important and good game sense is required.

Ravenholm was pretty fun at first, but the last part there at the graveyard was a bit lacking. Just a lot of slow zombies and letting Father G take a few hits while you grab and throw shit with the gravity gun.

Needs to be more offensive scenes rather than defensive.


I only remember of HL2 all those driving sections, the "puzzles" and how every episode reuse the same dull or disappointing ending.

Well you cant kill the combine if you cant reach them yourself. G-man probably controlled some events so that the combine could find earth and attack them. They wouldnt know G-man has gordon freeman, his secret weapon, as a trap that they run into.

>at least you werent eternally cockteased for those ten years.

We have. Valve has been intentionally leaking code and textures over the years to keep the most hardcore fans engaged.


Either valve is honestly taking their time with it, waiting for new technology and maybe even developing it themselves, taking hiatuses between the project to focus on their other games + services (like vr)

OR they just genuinely dont care about hl3 and know it's legacy will help their business

I think they do care they just don't know what to do with it.

>When you don't make products, you become more successful

Is Valve based in Canada?

>You'll never fight these jelly beans

Pic related.

Is this creepypasta

No, just random trivia from the developer commentary.

Reminder: youtube.com/watch?v=Jt0w9YP_wZ0

>tfw instead of KH3 we get KH2.1415926539

They have to acknowledge it this year surely

are these beta quote real
why is he quoting gnostic shit

Literally all shit.

We truly are kingdom hearts


It definitely is though