Hmm, looks like PC is finally down

Hmm, looks like PC is finally down

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Nice bait thread OP. Unfortunately I'll ruin it by saying the reason that the PC version looks worse in these pics because for the last few PES games Konami has been porting the PS3/360 version to PC rather than the PS4/Xbone versions.



If PC is ever worse it's because of the developers, not PC itself.

Is there nothing Konami won't fuck up lately?

They're probably doing it on purpose.

Doesn't that mean you ought to own a console too just in case the developers are faggots?

If you have Stockholm syndrome.

How will PC ever recover? Damn... this soccer game looks shitter than the ps4 version...


If the developers are faggots the game will most likely be shit, regardless of the platform. Why would I want to play shitty games?

lmao is this PES? Literally no one plays this shit except for "Fifa is to popular for a cool guy like myself" people.

>playing sports games

>irrelevant soccer game

the only people who buy PES games on PC are brazlians with shitboxes so they port the 360/PS3 versions

Maybe you hate yourself.

There are many good games with shitty PC ports because of devs
>Silent Hill
>Resident Evil
>Metal Gear Solid 2
>Dark Souls

>because for the last few PES games Konami has been porting the PS3/360 version to PC rather than the PS4/Xbone versions.
Which is a smart choice as most PC gamers play on toasters.
8th generation games will never make it into PC mainstream.

>pcfat makes excuses

But what other games are you going to play anyway? lol

what's with the ball in both of them?

>even on Sup Forums consolefags actually care about FIFA

>sports games


>devs fuck up console version
>fucking consoles destroying gaming
>devs fuck up PC version
>PCs are totally fine it's devs messing shit up

>Annualized sports games

>PCuck damage control
Gets me every time.
Master race indeed.

>your console is so shitty and underwhelming that this is the kind of material you have to make shitposting threads with

>playing sports games

>playing pes or fifa over the age of 16
>hasn't moved onto FM

Embarrassing, to be frank.

>damage control

Of course, it's his/pc users fault that devs are retarded right?

Nobody plays football games aside from retarded Brazilians anyway.

>not playing sports games

Are you a 300 pound virgin?

Get off the board and talk about your chad games here :^)

They're the same game every fucking year with slightly better graphics

Koei-Temco does the same thing.
Rather I get the feeling there's some sort of easy way to port PS3 games over to PC, as EVERY TIME this comes out, the game in question has a PS3 port, and the graphics are in line with it in turn.
DOA5LR, Pirate Warriors 3, Dynasty Warriors 8...

Do you people even play games or do you just jerk off to texture resolutions?

>post 2006
>playing PES
>still supporting Konami

Only losers play it on video games. You can play football anywhere.

This is actual damage control, don't make yourself look like an idiot spewing dumb shit like that. FIFA and to a lesser extent PES are wildly popular on consoles pretty much everywhere except US/CA.

Meanwhile Football Manager instalments are perpetually among the highest played games on Steam.

Why do we still have these crappy bait threads?

I'd like to correct, it's just DMC3 with shitty port.

>Consolecucks don't know about muh modding

>Plays sports games instead of playing the actual sports
>Calling others fat virgins

Moderators usually let them run till 150 posts and then kill them

It's because the people who play soccer games on PC are generally third-worlders with toasters. Although given the negative reaction on PES's Steam page maybe even BR's want slightly better graphics out of the game.

>8th generation games will never make it into PC mainstream.

Give it a year.
We are at a time where a 200$ gpu runs most games @1080p ultra 60fps

Devil May Cry? Let that nigga cry.

When will PC fags stop lying to themselves?

It's awesome that NHL 04 still gets updated rosters every year. Fuck EA for giving PC PS2 ports in the 2000's and wondering why sales were so low.

consolefags are genuinely this retarded


BRBR, playing it on video games won't transform you into Messi. You have to practice in real life.

It's off season


PES PC ports are literally the 360/ps3 version.
And people pays for this shit every year.

nice bait my friend, i'm sure you'll please the sonyponies around here who can't enjoy their obsolete consoles.


Nah, I used to like these games when they were funny; smashing hockey pucks into faces in EA Hockey, players getting plowed by ambulance trucks in Madden -

- but they're trash now. Same game over and over. But hey, like what you like.

>not playing pickup games in the snow with your friends.


The main reason has been that Microsoft gimped older versions of Windows by not allowing them to have access to d3d12 which is more similar to the graphics APIs used on current gen consoles. PS4 uses a custom Mantle based API, Xbone uses a custom version of d3d12 which is itself derived from Mantle. Switch will use a Vulkan based API which is itself essentially Mantle 2.0.

So its easier to port from the 360 (d3d9) to Windows because the tools are mature, and more systems especially in the asian market will be supported.

Why don't you just go to enlist instead of shooting people in video games you inane pieces of human trash.

>most of Sup Forums doesnt at least play one sports game
Any sports game requires a lot more skill to play online than most of the game we discuss here.

>Consoles think they can do this


PS4 supports DX11 though.

I only play NHL ones.
That does me.
If I wanted to play FIFA I can play it for free on my EA Access on PC.

>under a BSD fork aka PS4 OS
are you genuinely retarded?

Nope, they have two proprietary APIs (basically DX11 and DX12 equivalents) + OpenGL

low quality speedtree rubbish and LOD issues?

pretty sure they can

>mad console trash


I used to play FIFA back when the soundtrack was really good

>PCs think they can do this


No. I've got Witcher 3 on PC

It's not that good looking

Yeah it's called Dark souls with chromatic abbreviation

i seriously don't get the game's praise
it really isn't good, aside from graphics
combat is fucking pitiful, quests boil down to activating your batma-wait, witcher sense (TM)
it's just so boring

and this is coming from someone who built a PC just recently after years of being stuck on a shitty laptop and consoles

and a big smothering of temporal anti-aliasing

>chromatic abbreviation
>PCucks in charge of knowing shit about graphics

Fucking dumb phone posters


Do most pc games really look that much better? Arent most AAA games poorly optimized that they are marginially better looking than their console counterparts? Everything else looks like MOBAS and pixels

I personally play the NBA 2k games and I dont even watch basketball. They're a lot of fun

>pcucks actually believe this

Unless you have a shitty PC or the game is straight up broken it'll always be better graphically on PC

Doesn't mean it's not worth owning any console or that consoles can't produce good graphics.

>for free on my EA Access
>for free
>EA Access
You retarded or something?

it's just another dark souls game, why do you people pretend like it's some must have game?


Have you played it?

How is it better graphically on pc? Where does the ps4 pro stand in comparison?

At the moment I think there's a trend for most console games to stick back at around medium-high settings. Ultra doesn't really bring out much more, sometimes the only improvements are better draw distance and slightly better lighting. One of the big problems is games are loaded with temporal anti-aliasing and it effectively blurs the game to clean up the jaggies. MSAA exists more as an isolated setting and it can't clean up jaggies on its own so it needs to be used in combination with TSAA. So you improve the jagged edges at a cost of like 30 frames.

The biggest benefit to PC is now framerate (even if console use an adaptive resolution trick which really can make the games look disgusting at key points) and the other benefit is being able to turn off settings you hate like chromatic aberration, sharpening, motion blur, depth of field etc.

The pc gets better framerates and good frame rates, the ps4 pro, not so much.

>tfw soccerfags are braindead and they don't know what a bad port is
Feels good to own a PS4 AND a good pcto not post like this

Ah fuck, i mean the pc gets better graphics and framerates.

Play on one, it's not even close for most games.

Just give it a go, on most popular games (witcher 3, bf one, far cry, almost anything recent) the difference is ridiculous.

ME andromeda will be 1080x30 on ps4, and 900x30 on xbone.
Source: neofag

Pro games have a tendency to use a checkerboard rendering technique which is an upscaling solution. This results in image quality at 4K which is not as crisp as a PC running it natively though you'd have to be close to your display to tell

The other problem is as I mentioned above reduced draw distance, worse lighting quality and usually worse framerate

>can't tell this is a obvious bait thread
I wonder who's really retarded here

>play sports game
>do a console wars thread on Sup Forums

Holy shit neck yourself already nigger, your sole existence is pure cancer.

but I needed to funpost too :^)

Well that blur is either coming from chromatic aberration or a combination of TSAA and chromatic aberration

Either way Bloodborne is fucking blurry

Heres the leaked PC version

>draw distance

This is what pisses me off. I hate pop up. Does draw distance refer to this? I know you can see more trees in the distance for example in pc games