Is there any mmo that has good solo play, doesn't require me to join a guild or socialize constantly...

Is there any mmo that has good solo play, doesn't require me to join a guild or socialize constantly, and allows me to clear most tasks as a solo player? I don't mind if I have to team up with randoms occasionally but I don't want to have to join a guild and do raids at predetermined times like I'm clocking in for a job except I'm paying for it instead of getting paid.

I'd also like PVP to be a major aspect of it and I'd like the option to protect noobs from PKers.

Bumping out of shared interest


Why even play a fucking mmo if you just want a single player with optional coop?

Tera.solod up to level 60.

I want to be able to pvp. I want to hunt down pkers, and protect noobs from pkers. But I want to mostly solo the PvE aspect, but I'd like to coop the PvP aspect occasionally.

None you fucking greifing faggit play dark souls or some shit that's not an mmo you want.

SWTOR is pretty good in that respect. I only got to like level 40 solo as Sith Warrior, but I never grouped up at all.

Tera, anything can be solo'd if you are good enough

Black Desert
its literaly singleplayer game with all of its restrictions.

Basically any of them. You can single play most of WoW too and just team up with randoms when you want to raid. Soloing just takes longer but if you put up with the grind you can do that with any MMO.

Trying again because no one replied to your last thread?

Why not?

I do play Dark Souls but DS3 has no option to hunt down invaders only and the game happens to be absolutely terrible in general.

I'd like to do it on a grander scale as well. I used to play EvE online and I hunted pirates with a Vagabond and protected noobs from them. Occasionally teamed up with small bands of players and even huge corporations. Fought in some of the big wars between goonswarm and band of brothers or whatever those corps were called back then it's been a very long time.

But overall the combat wasn't very fun, and I'd prefer a fantasy setting, but would accept a space setting if the combat was more involving than a spreadsheet simulator.

Path of Exile

I looked at videos of the game and it looks like a gearcheck game and from videos it looks like PvP will boil down to who has better gear which isn't what I'm looking for. It's also not an MMO.

Secret World
Knights of the old republic

FFXI revamped itself to basically work like Xenoblade Chronicles or FF12. You can "Overlevel" beyond 99 really really fast and recruit a full party of NPC's at your beck and call, some of which are stronger than the average players. (There's a tank who shits on other tanks with 2 years worth of gear even).

You then can play the entire fucking MMO solo with pretty much no worries. I only needed to team up for the final few battles of Adoulin and Rhapsodies.

FFXI is the only mmo you can "win", it has a fucking ending.

Secret World is pretty great especially if you like your spoopies. Its vaguely like vampire the masquerade in feel but probably not quite as good. It is """fun""" though.

Mabinogi lets you do almost anything including alone, it does have some minor annoying features like being able to get fat from overeating or dying of old age and shit.

RO is RO, you are some kinda newfag if you dunno what to do with that. Come on man. There's a billion free servers.

Kotor MMO is literally like playing any other bioware game, complete with voice acting, loads of cutscenes, npc romance, and shitty character animations. You just "happen" to have other people hanging out in the world who are real players.

PvP might as well not exist. Good game otherwise though.

>(There's a tank who shits on other tanks with 2 years worth of gear even).

Who? Haven't played FFXI in a year or so and only had pretty basic Trusts.


Mothefucking August Adoulin.

He has more HP than an i119 tank and gets -50% damage reduc. Sure thats weaker than aegis or ochain, but its like both at the same time. Then he does that wacky "I'm all jobs" SHIT and starts spamming himself wit bard songs and using Asuran Fists and ranger WS and wacky shit.


If you want PVP, this game has got it OP, you'll be able to protect all the noobs!

Just kidding, faggot. You will get destroyed again and again. You'll try to do the right thing, and it will always be wrong. You won't be able to save anyone or protect anyone. We have all tried.

I'm pretty tempted to get back into FFXI, I finished CoP and was 1/3rd into WotG and ToAU but got kinda bored.

Looking at the quest is it pretty easy to get him solo? I didn't have great gear for any of my jobs, and sadly my best gear was the Sparks gear.

who is that frog looking girl

Getting August takes effort and a party unfortunately. Sorry if I was misleading, I just wanted to point out how strong the NPC's can get.

Amchuchu is nearly as good and comes from ego extravaganza events/login events, check if He/She is available atm.

After that the best tanks depending on situation are Valainer/Trion or Gessho. Gessho being your nin tank and the others being slightly variant of each other as paladin. They can handle most shit but not the very hardest.

The best DPS trust hands down is Shantotto II. Its been tested and nobody comes fucking close.

After her the good DPS's are usually Zeid and Semih Lafihna.

The best support is Joachim/Sehlteus depending.

Best healer is Apururu. That bitch is Whm/Rdm and she uses convert on herself midfight, tops up, and just keeps on curing. Refreshes herself too.

All of these I've listed can be gotten directly or from fairly common logins except Shan2 and sometimes you need to wait 3 months for a shot at getting Amchuchu.

FFXI sounds interesting, but I noticed it's a bit old. Couldn't find any reliable figure for how many people still play. A random forum post from 2015 said there was 1500 players online regularly, but we're 2 years ahead of that and I fear there may be even less.

Is the game still supported? What about that other FF mmo on steam, a realm reborn?

Oh thanks man. I actually have all of those except Selt and Apururu, though I think that's the Unity one isn't it?


I was on Shiva and we had about 600 online a day when I last switched it on in november.

The game is "over" but they have a handful, like 2-4 devs as a skeleton crew for it. They shit out very basic battle event updates on a near monthly basis, recycling some old content, with new rewards that they can easily make with their low-man crew. Nothing like cutscene quests or expansions will be added anymore. The game has- an insane amount of content. Just totally nutbar at this point.

Realm Reborn is pretty fun and a lot of people bored with other stuff like WoW have been on it. I'm active there and having fun, but you can't solo it all as the OP was requesting. If you think you're interested I can share more. If you're brand new there's definitely a lot to keep busy and have fun with until the expansion release in 5 months.

Tried it for over a year. It's a spreadsheet simulator.


Yeah Apruru is unity but she is fucking worth it. I wouldn't have been able to solo a lot of the hard shit I have without her.

The other unity healer is the only one who can hold a candle to her, I forget the name. Yet another Taru though.

Selts big dealio is he sometimes aoe cures entire pt to full and gives 3000% tp. He can do it multiple times in a long fight, and he's a competent DPS. But he wont support cure like Joachim or that rdm taru would.

Dude, EVERYTHING has changed in EvE. You haven't played since WW1? Dude an entire World War Bee happened. The game is totally different from how it used to be.

>playing MMOs by yourself

for what purpose

It's even easier as a healing imperial agent, sorcerer, or healing jedi sage. Send in your tank pet, shield them, toos the occasional heal and renew the shield, cast your DoT's on the monsters. Agent also has the ability to CC droids. If you pull carefully, you can clear +4 heroic group content solo, and even solo some world bosses.

I'm very anti-social and don't like joining groups permanently or for extended periods of time, but I like having a minimum of committed interaction with people occasionally. Also I enjoy PvP which while has me interact with people it doesn't require I commit myself to them they're just strangers I'm competing with for a short duration and then I go my own way.

Try out DayZ. You'll hate it, but you'll hate MMOs too. It's occasionally pretty great.

linux friendlyu?

This. TOR is pretty bad but some of the class stories are good. Any of the dark side characters are good. Some of the dungeons have self contained stories with dialog and cutscenes in between bosses and stuff which I thought was a cool idea but only like 5 dungeons are like that. They made it to where you can play any of the dungeons solo now.

>Is there any mmo that has good solo play
Dumb frog poster just play a single player game.

If you play, some of the dialogue is great. For example, making a light side sith warrior is hilarious, because your "good" dialogue choices is usually just you being a fucking smarmy prick to everyone. You can even berate a jedi about how they are so weak that they fall to the dark side, then ask them if that is how a master is supposed to act.

Companions got buffed.
Also you can solo everything except for operations with dps build and heal pet

Yeah its hilarious

Dark side character:
Light side Dialog: Smug Cunt
Dark Side Dialog: Final Fantasy villain

Light Side Character:
Dark Side dialog: Snidely Whiplash
Light Side dialog: Goodey Twoshoes

Old School Runescape, Minecraft, Albion Online, Maplestory.

2 games aren't jokes and have a top end PvP community

>Playing sith sorcerer
>That mission where you can spare the republic troops
>If you do, they'll come back and help you out against a boss later in the quest chain
>Gain some light side points
>When they show up, say that I will now kill them
>They ask why
>Say that I just spared them so I could kill all of them and the boss at the same time
>Gain massive dark side points

Nothing personnel, pubs. *extends lightsaber katana*

>I want to hunt down pkers, and protect noobs from pkers.

Dungeon Fighter Online.
You can solo the whole game except for a special dungeon available after the end of the story line. You can reach max level with a char in a week or so.

I can't bring myself to PK ever unless it's against people who PK. Even in single player games where you are given moral choices to be evil or good I always have to choose good. I tried once to be evil in a game and after I killed the first innocent person I deleted the save and restarted.

Ever just tried being selfish instead of "evil"? Not attacking your moralfagging or anything, just a suggestion.