What is the Underworld of video games? (Underworld: Edgy and outdated but somehow they keep making 'em)

What is the Underworld of video games? (Underworld: Edgy and outdated but somehow they keep making 'em)

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post more of this miracle of the universe

Post Kates.

post boipucci kate


>that maybe-too-close relationship between her and her daughter Lilly

Do you guys think?

>complaining about Underworld
the first was a decent flick and the rest (except that prequel one) lets you see Kate in latex

I want to slide my penis into her vagina at an increasing pace until I ejaculate my sperm into her....If you know what I mean.

oh gosh, go on

I bet her anus smells like daisies and tastes like overboiled chicken.

>but somehow they keep making 'em

It's because as long as they keep making them, I'll keep buying them. I can't get enough of vampire action.

Kate is only getting better and is never outdated

I would let her have sex with me.

I would sleep with her if she paid me.

Kate was heading in the right direction... What changed? Why couldn't she just stay this way?

There can be only one Keanu.

If you're over 18 she won't be interested.

AssCreed games? They're aren't edgy but everything else fits.

Rude user.

I would only call the last two outdated, they implemented different stuff the other games didn't have like the brotherhood stuff and sea battles.
Anyway, the next one is supposed to be completely different combat wise.

Michael Jackson?


The first Underworld is extremely underrated Kino

Batman, Arkham series.


Daniel Bryan having poor genes was the worst thing that's happened to the wwe in ages

>mfw im dating a 25 year old that looks a lot like this

Its Heaven btw. Have had 9 gf's two were serious but i have already decided with this one, Would share genes with tommorow if could.

Does Xhe have yellow teeth too?


Final Fantasy. Just stop already.

She's British.
And has been a chain smoker since she was 16

You want a 14 year old boy with the practicality of a vagina, we get it.

Except for that one scene where she literally drops through the floor by shooting at it like a Looney Toons character.

Souls series

>chain smoker

enjoy that extremely fast depreciating asset user

Who kate beckinsale?

If you want to rant about the Underworld movies just make a thread on Sup Forums instead of this lame ass thread on Sup Forums.

I assume you mean his height, and/or the fact that his body is a super magnet towards injuries.

Teeth are ivory, user. White isn't a natural color for teeth.

Thst guy is not me. Nope this girl im daying has good teeth. Braces once. A mouth full of metal is only cute when you are a teen too though, i couldnt handle that now i dont think.

The only correct answer to this is Bloodrayne. I doubt this can be debated. They're practically the same character.

>Only Underworld games are a PS2 game and a mobile CCG

That's why her voice has changed too.

those teeth look pretty normal to me, amerifat

Blood Wars was some weird shit. It had a lot of shit that shook up the status quo and yet felt like absolutely nothing of note happened in the ~90 minutes it was on.

>Selene becomes an Elder of the Northern Coven in the fucking ending voiceover
Okay then

>has she artificially whitened her teeth too?

tfw they wont ever ever make more. 2d sidescroller was okay though

I dunno my teeth are white except for my canines

>Selene becomes an Elder of the Northern Coven in the fucking ending voiceover

I've only seen the 1, 2 and the prequel one, but to my understanding, weren't elders supposed to be extremely powerful and intelligent, much more so than Selene, who was only really a good fighter

>click on spoiler
>get spoiler

what the fuck was I thinking.

Rich people get veneers.

Can't be much whiter than hers.

The difference is they keep making Underworld

BloodRayne died, even a Wayforward reboot didn't do much to help

I hear Majesco sold the IP recently

and still look disgusting

Selene became extremely powerful after drinking the blood of Alexander Corvinus. It's more obvious in Awakening when she shoulder-checks a van and sends it flying through the air

And in Blood Wars she learns how to basically teleport short-range

Wasn't there supposed to be one for 3DS? Bloodrayne Betrayal was amazing. I still have some top 10 scores in the leaderboards for a lot of stages.

Final Fantasy VII.

She's juuuuust starting to lose it. What a shame. All downhill from here.

where would underworld be without kate

You ARE watching my new movie, right, user?

No but I'm about to watch the first Underworld.

That video is from 2003.

This is her now:

I like her feet.


resident evil

>tfw too old to be an innocent fucktoy for a top tier milf
Well could lie about my age because I look too young

Ah, Kate Beckinsale. A top-tier choice for lip fetishists.

Damn. Might have just been the makeup that made her look weird then.

Roll on 10 more years of Beckinsale milf goodness.

I don't think she looks weird at all in any of those videos

Anything hidio kojima makes

>Underworld: Edgy and outdated
Opposed to Twilight?

Anyway, Bloodrayne fits
>hot babe in skintight clothes
>dual-wield most guns

me neither

my dick cannot handle her in costume
>dem eyes
>those teeth
>that pale skin
>that suit
jesus h christ

Did anyone played BloodLust Shadowhunter ? Is it any good ?

On its own, Underworld is outdated and a relic of 2000s era action flicks. You yourself are too old and outdated to have noticed this by now, it seems.

Pretty good for a 1 man project. You might need to mess with ini files a bit, after a few tweaks I had it running at a (mostly) constant 150FPS. If you like Vampire Bloodlines and dungeon pants-collector gameplay and don't mind the amateurish aspect it's worth it.

It's a pretty good outdated relic though, has great action and good production values, perfect dumb popcorn fun.

Bill Nye as Victor was good.

sounds like Final Fantasy

somone post a picture of her in the first underworld compared to now so we can know the ravages of time

She looks fine

Well it's because leather is never outdated

>swn drink your blood


>ravages of time
she aged like wine

Selene's gonna fuck this undead elf



has there ever been a word thats been used to death to the point it lost it's meaning?


>Final Fantasy VII
confirmed for not playing 7.

I know the fangs are fake, but they just do it for me.


I worked at a movie theater in south FL and had the opportunity to meet Kate 3 or 4 years ago.

>mfw Platinum is working on he next Bloodrayne game

Is she a vampire in real life wtf?
She doesn't age

Some people need to be cloned.

yeah, comfy, cringe and autism

Just because you're miserable human bean aging like Brendon Frasier doesn't mean Kate has you Cuckosaurus rex.

You'll never download your own Kate blueprint for your cloning machine.

Born too soon ;_;