Started GTA online

>started GTA online
>haven't seen one hacker
>haven't been randomly disconnected
>microtransactions are completely optional
>actually having fun

Why did Sup Forums lie to me?

>can't pick shit up
>can't climb up shit
>can't crouch
>helicopters dont fall and then explode
>dumb ragdoll physics
>no superman suicide

Can't walk inside a majority of the buildings

you poor thing, having to spend time outside in the virtual world.

I want to walk inside all of the buildings goddamn it. i want to go inside a cluckin bell, order a chicken sandwich and then steal my money back.

>I want to walk inside all of the buildings goddamn it.

Let's be realistic here, you can't expect all buildings to be enterable. Best case scenario, they would all be copy pasted boring shit. Some more restaurants, clubs and a hospital would be nice though.

Sup Forums hates anything that is popular or sells well.

contrarian heaven, if you trust Sup Forums for anything you're an idiot

So is they a way to permanent way to get rid of some weapons? My wheel-of-weapons is so fucking cluttered

A weapon closet.

Point taken, but yes this

Post your fuccbois.

I fucking love the snow, but it wreaks havoc on my fps.

It would be neat to go into peoples houses/apartments and take their suff though

how do u take screenshots in it, i forgot

>haven't seen a hacker
There aren't that many, I've seen around 10 in the past few months, but it's fucking game ruining when they do show up, continuously kill you by making you spontaneously combust, or going god mode while in combat.

I've got an 8.0 k/d spread, which I doubt many people give a fuck about, but I've never seen anyone else come close to it and it sucks to lose rank because of hackers that nothing is done about.


Is it just me or are players in GTA Online less ruthless? When I first started, and well in to rank 100, players would actively hunt down eachother and you had to learn to trust nobody. A year ago me and buddy would get in a car and drive around sticky bombing everyone we saw, and they'd chase us to the ends of the map for revenge. Tank fights and eight player gun battles in the streets, and so forth.

But now half the time we go after someone they go passive or just run away. You can't even steal peoples cars with a cargo bob without them bitching about you ruining their night. A year ago people would text me in game with shit like "Nice kill wanna fuk?" but now they'll go passive when I get near and say "Keep trollin pussay" The online community for the game has alway been a toxic black hole for juggalos, Leto Joker lovers and douchebags, but still.

I swear adding the homing launcher and armored karuma unbalanced shit or somethin.

When I was on PS3 I reached 150 legitimately pretty early on and all I did was hunt people. I ended up transferring to Xbox One (because all of my console friends went Xbox like retards). Now I'm on PS4 having started over, now going through the ranks again, and I swear all free mode consists of is one or two obscenely high levels cheesing to death in jets or tanks, while everyone else sits in their apartments.

Game makes me feel like pic related

>or just run away
They do that now, but only in jets.

>while everyone else sits in their apartments
Holy crap this. Why even get online?

There was a guy last night using a jet and killing everyone, but as soon as me and a friend get our own, he goes passive and just starts circling the map.

So I guess the game is still loading for you?