>enemy begs for mercy
What do you typically do?
>enemy begs for mercy
What do you typically do?
beg for mercy back
>begs for mercy
>don't kill him
>he shoots me
I would forgive them because that's what brothers do.
cum on cat
Is this picture real?
One of the few good things about Far Cry 2 was the further in the story you progressed the more your reputation spread and when encountering enemies or hunting them down they would scream things specifically about you or would beg for mercy or try to bribe you or something.
This had no influence on combat whatsoever, they would immediately shoot you upon being seen, but it still was cool.
The division was fun for a while because people actually would beg for mercy, occasionally with fear in their voice
Tlou was fun to blow their heads of
Depends on who the enemy works for, or if they annoyed or hurt me or my guys in the game. Like in Medieval 2 Total War I would usually ransom off prisoners, but if they belong to a faction I hated that had taken some of my provinces or killed too many of my guys then I would execute them.
>Enemy begs for mercy
>let him live
>turn around and start leaving
Finish them off because I know when they recover they'll go back to trying to murder me
if you dont execute every HRE and polish prisoner you're playing the game wrong
>Grant them mercy
>Watch as the developers never accounted for this, and the enemies turn hostile again moments later
fucking skyrim i swear
did this once when i first played the game a long time ago
Wish there was a mod that let me enslave bandits that begged for mercy.
I'm sure there are slavery mods on Sexout.
Usually give them a chance and usually i get shot in the back.. in skyrim the bandits sometimes have the decency to run away before trying to kill me again.
I usually let them go, depends how badly they annoyed me.
The only time it ever backfired was Badgirl in NMH, goddamn it took me ages to beat her again
I usually fuck around with him, push him, punch him, hurt him slightly, and then I leave him, only for me to snipe him from far away and kill him.
I tell him that after he's scrubbed all the floors in Skyrim, then we can talk about mercy.
But user
I was the Poles all along
I'm pretty sure there's at least one sex mod that lets you do this.
Yeah the cat was shot shortly after on Liveleak, RIP.
Depends on a few factors. If they managed to get a lot of damage on me or if I saw them kill an innocent right before then yes they're fucked.
if damaging them was minimal effort and they barely put up a fight I typcially just leave them be
Use ballbuster.
polish nobles are the bane of my existence
>Give them mercy
>Eventually they come back and repay the debt by helping me out
Kill them and play with their body like a fucking edgelord.
>can't wear multiple rings in Skyrim
The obvious.
>audience erupts into applause
Nice interactive movie.
>Gets back up and chases you right afterwards.
Kill them.
Begging for mercy is weakness, the weak deserve to die.
>Be in Dark Zone with massively OP min-maxed cheese gear
>Trivially slaughtering everyone I come across with no effort
>Gun down this one group, last guy is some 12 year old sounding whelp
>Literally crying and begging for mercy, says he has some amazing loot to extract
>Walk over to where he is hiding, sidearm drawn
>Say in my most cringy edgelord as possible Coldsteel voice "Pssh... Nothin' personnel, kid!" over the proximity chat
>Execute him point blank
>Take whatever loot he was crying about
>Scrap that shit on the spot without even looking
>He's still screaming the whole time while dying on the ground
Game was so shitty, but this stuff was so fucking entertaining that I didn't even care.
Simple I would shoot myself and than shoot him.
wrong image user
>enemy falls to the floor and begs for their life
>I spare them
>they slowly get back up
>they stare at me for a long while with what I assume is astonishment
I felt like a fucking badass when I went into that last room and blew the doctor's faces off.
Runescape's wilderness + voice chat was an amazing thing t b h.
It's like a monkey paw wish.
You can have the mod, but it'll be gay sex. Unless you play as a girl
then stop fucking around and kill gravity, the weakest force
or are you too weak to kill the weakest force?
>not coldsteel edges his way in!
Makes me mad famalam
>and than
That's amazing. I heard the 1.6 update would focus on the Dark Zone. I may redownload the game for it.
i'll let them talk about mercy after they scrub all the floors in hyrule!
Yell "never should of come here!" and kill them
Let them get up and attack me for a while, then I actually finish them off.
Thats not Fallout 4.
No clue, I lost interested after the game started getting infested with legit cheaters and the Dark Zones became completely empty.
He did nothing wrong
Of course he did
He was a fucking commie
Dr. Pavel, I'm ARTYOM.
pick hanzo
>enemy asks for mercy
>ask them to cry for mercy
Help him up and fap together to Mercy.
pengin did not deserve this
Hahaha! That funny joke really got me! Tell me you made that one up user, because that was both hilarious and original! Haha!
It's not a joke.
You should become a comedian, user. All your jokes are fresh and original, this board needs more of that.
>*unzips dick*
Nazis really did have some great uniforms.
why is that cat crying
Stay on Ana because she's the superior support :^)
Get an erection.
the guard's question is perfectly valid. anyone can appear to be badass just look at gilderoy lockhart that dude has never done shit but is seen as a hero.
>GOTY for great storytelling from the viewpoint of a truly sympathetic and human character.
it's gon die dude
>Enemy begs for mercy
>If you kill him, his substories end and that's all
>If you give him mercy he gives you a bunch of cool shit and becomes a party member or some shit
Why the fuck does every game make mercy the best route every time? I'm not some edgy fuck who just kills everybody and I usually go for non-kill stealth playthroughs whenever possible, but nine times out of ten giving mercy leads to the good ending and changes nothing besides what items you get and whether certain characters like you or not.
Couldn't kill him, felt too out of character even if I really wanted to.
It's literally the only story of a man loving a surrogate child humans have created
I go for a witty one-liner
What if the bandit is a girl? And I am also a girl? And instead of enslaving her I ask her to marry me?
They stole the video from WorldStarHipHop.
Go for a knife kill because im hate wasting ammo
its a story about a shitter who became a mary sue after a tragedy.
Usually stand back, lower my weapon, and wait for them to change their mind, because they always do.
If I'm in a particularly kind mood, I'll spare their life by hightailing it out of there before they can stop begging.
>Ponder if I should save him
>Alright I guess I should
>Walk up to him
>Vision ends
>Baby mutant tells me I'm a cold-blooded motherfucker
I always disable the enemy by taking away or destroying their weapons in games that allow it.
Am I rewarded for sparing the enemy? If not, then they're eating a bullet.