>3 people I know got a PS4 in the past 2 months
>they all messaged me looking for a "way to make the xbox controller work on ps4"
>200 dollarydoos
point them at a brook adapter
How are these for PC?
>200 fucking dollars for a 3rd party controller.
Isn't this proving that the xbox controller design is superior? That looks nothing like a PS controller.
Name five (5) good games that are worth getting a controller for
>400 dollar console
>70 dollars per game
>50 dollars a year to use my internet
>200 dollar controller because sony straight up accept theirs sucks ass and licensed some better ones
i thought consoles are supposed to be cheap?
The generation of mid life cycle "improvements" and mad-catz tier third party controllers are more expensive than the official thing.
What a time to be alive.
Dark Souls 3, MGSV, DB Xenoverse...
Thats about it.
Hey c'mon, not a fanboy, but adding in the 200 dollar controller when it's only optional is a bit unfair, no? (But i guess removing it would not change shit)
>Razer anything
No thanks, I prefer controllers that last longer than a year.
If you think a majority of people are going to buy a $200 controller you are retarded. Console is still cheap.
Dark souls 1-3, almost any fighting game. Checkmate
Rocketleague, enter the gungeon, fifa, darksouls, pretty much all third person games i enjoy playing with a controller. Plus when you have multiple controllers you can play with your friends on one pc, its basically the only plus point a console usually has over a pc, couch gaming with friends, but when you have controllers that works perfectly. Things like pic related. Recommend it btw
Instead of finding a work around for a controller they wasted their lives playing with up til now.
Point them to a surgeon to fix their broken fucking hands.
I bet they have been playing with 360 pads for the last 6 years and hold those fuckers in death grips like every other mongoloid to can't hold a controller properly.
>not realizing keyboard is the best for fighting games
It's literally kbm/hitbox>arcade stick>controller
>more than half the console price
>for anything but airdashers
I like playing PC games on my couch :)
fighting games is preference. but theres still a shitload of games that play better with controller even on pc
There's a reason the Melee community is banning that garbage.
melee community is garbage so who gives a fuck what they think
>ROcket league
>Reddit trash
>Enter the gungeon
>Shitty roguelike wannabe
>Fucking fifa
>Dark Souls
>Slow, clunky combat only for people who fell for the 'git gud' meme
You have shit tastes, and I feel sorry for you
Who cares
They're the biggest community in the FGC.
It doesn't matter if you think they're garbage or not.
he asked for good games not 'is anyone here a casual'
Not even the MK community is this autistic.
How about Devil May Cry 3/4 Special Edition, Transformers Devastation, Legend of Korra and Nier Automata soon...
Sorry, I like the old Capcom and Platinum games
>i dont know what an emulator is
jesus christ
sure pal
I'm not here to prove myself to a faggot. I want to know how the controllers are.
I bet you "play" Blazblue, huh?
who cares if theyre the biggest? its all full of autistic faggots. smash is a party game. having tournies for it is the god damn equivalent to making a monopoly tournament
>70 dollars per game
Only $40
That's because the melee community is hostile towards anything other than the gamecube controller layout.
What does my taste have to do with anything, they are all better when using a controller you fucking autist. Sorry for having fun la, you should try it sometime when you are not too busy failing to come up with arguments
Monopoly is less random than smash garbage.
To be honest the xb1 controller is God tear of comfort. I don't have one but my brother does and I just love it. To bad all my weeb games are only on the PS4.
>a party game had the most entrants during the Evo before last
>SFV hype is dead
Melee is back on top for Evo 17.
"Party" games are more popular than fighting games, I guess.
how dare you assume i play some bullshit anime game you faggot
I miss the time when the D-pad was actually the way to go for games. I still mainly use it because the games I play are just better with it but it feels more precise than the sticks.
holy hell
Same shit MS was pulling with their "Premium" controller.
SFV is trash too lol. The only games that are even fucking decent in the fighting genre right now are GG Xrd and KOF but the average loser in the FGC only stick with SF cause it's were the moneys at
The elite controller is 1st party though and is actually good. I cant imagine these 3rd party controllers will be in the same level.
dozens of fighting games
pad =/= controller
i play every PC game with my 360 pad
the only way i will kb/m is its the only option
The difference is the Elite controller isn't made by a third party who can't even make a reliable fight stick.
>God tear
jesus wept
What it's comfortable as hell. I also like the texture around the joysticks.
this post is 4 months (at least) late
Here's your controller bro - 2017
I bet the sticks suck like all other aftermarket controllers
For that kind of money I expect some high quality dog snout on my sticks
As if the distinction matters. You are paying an absurd premium for a product whose only difference at the end of the day as the label of being an "e-sport" "quality"controller.
Though, it's fair to give it the benefit of the doubt. If it's well made enough it might be worth it. A damn shame there's yet an example of a premium controller getting it right.
Atleast the elite controller can be both wired and wireless.
>typical pcuck waiting years to play console games
and console fags pay for it
Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin, Dark Souls 3.
Fuck, I only got the four (4).
>turning the god tier dualshock 4 into the shit tier xbox one controller
I smashed my xbox one controller with a hammer as soon as ds4 support came on steam
I'm glad that's what you took away from what was said. That one overpriced crap has one different feature than the other.
just off my steam library
binding of isaac
dark souls
dark souls 2
dark souls 3
final fantasy IX
jet set radio
super meat boy
Ys: the oath of Felghana
I'm neither a fanboy nor hater of either Sony or Mircosoft.
I don't shit or Razzzer or any other third party gamur gear manufacturer, just to fit in.
But I'm utterly baffled as to why Sony felt they needed to license third party controllers.
And if it's seriously just to ape Microsoft's Elite controller shenanigans, then I'm sorely disappointed in Sony's complete lack of dignity.
made me kek
>The generation of mid life cycle "improvements" and mad-catz tier third party controllers are more expensive than the official thing.
>Isaac on controller
user have you been huffing farts again?
>that D-pad on the nacon one
>selling this
>selling GaMeing keyboard at $100 + mouse at $50
How is it a surprise?
Some of you would buy it, and every [insert muhbrand/bestbrand here]cucks and there comes shilling, as always.
Why the shit would you get a controller for MGSV
I prefer the more precise movement over precise shooting
You're paying for better quality.
I can clearly tell the difference between some crappy 20 dollar membraine keyboard and a 150 dollar keyboard with blue switches.
Just get a wired Xbox 360 controller for $120 dollars less