Who else dropped competitive online games entirely here...

Who else dropped competitive online games entirely here? Simply not worth the stress when I can enjoy a nice and quiet SP game where I can play at my own pace and enjoy the world and gameplay.

Me two months ago after 6 years.
Except rainbow six siege but it's fun.

I exclusively play Overwatch in quickplay and arcade mode. Ranked is a joke not worth telling.

I don't play games unless I enjoy them.

I play Titanfall 2 online, but when I get aggravated I quit, and do something else. Games are supposed to be fun.

Oddly enough, and maybe it's just because I've played so much of it, I don't get aggravated at MH anymore.

I used to be in a halo 2 team that was pretty good.

Also hung out with the guilty gear tourney crowd in so cal.

After I dropped both I never got back in to competitive gaming because it's too stressful. I don't want to have to feel that demand to perform again when I'm trying to relax.

SP has always been superior, the only time multiplay was really worth a shit was the early 00s and TF2 after the Engineer update

Waking from the meme of multiplayer is a sign of maturing. Coop will always be good, though.

I shifted over to co-op. Wolfenstien ET used to be my main game. I just wish there where more games to choose from. EDF is getting a little stale after 300 hours.

I'm in the same boat OP, all I want to play now are co-op and single player games, I can't stand having to rely on teammates who are worse than me in something competitive, I'd rather just mindlessly kill shit in path of exile or something

The last competitive game I played was UT2004. I started to dislike people in general since then.

Exactly this. Co-Op is really fun but competitive online games are way past their prime. Also too infatuated with making everyone look like a winner by inserting bullshit mechanics that only serve as frustration.

Co-Op still is and will always be ton of fun. It even made RE6 enjoyable.

I play 5% of what I used to, but I get pretty into a session of Rocket league and dark souls pvp (if you count that) every now and then.

I remember when the first slot machine psychology online games came out.

Call of duty 4 being the first big one.

Everything you did got you a pat on the back.

I hated how that got jammed in to every game thereafter because it just works too well psychologically.


When before you might see a little tick in the corner say
>you killed joeblo

i use to play a lot of shooters competitively, moved into mobas, overwatch, etc

just kinda stopped completely. i play league with my friends and we've been playing quake recently which has been fun. i try not to touch these games without my friends though.

Rip Dota

I stopped about 2 years ago when my anger was actually putting a damper on my friendships.

The second you're getting genuinely mad at your friends for sucking is the second you need to take a step back.

I haven't looked back, nor would I want to. Online gaming obviously brings out the worst in me and I'd rather have fun in single player games anyways,

>logo strap bikini panties
user, you're really making new year's no fap hard for me.

Last 6 months the only game I've played online is Insurgency Co-Op, which is a bit of a Friday ritual of mine. The rest of my gaymen time has been in single-player games. My notable change is that I feel much less impulse to play a game whenever I have free time, but the time spent playing games has been more memorable.

>400 hours in any MP game
>can't remember a single shit, all time wasters
>40 hours in FFIX
>some of the most memorable gaming sessions I've had

I guess multiplayer is just an excuse to waste your life doing nothing.

tell me the joke user, I'm curious


>tfw like competitive games but don't have anyone to play with
>tfw live in the middle of nowhere and internet is shit so no online play either
I just need a human being near me who also wants to git gud at fightan and other fun shit

I don't have a problem with multiplayer in theory but I'm not competitive enough for them and get no fun out of being curb stomped or being shit on by an awful community. I play Rainbow Six Siege with friends but that's pretty much it.

I genuinely don't understand how you can find competitive gaming stressful unless your primary source of income is competitive gaming.

I still play online games, I just usually avoid the actively competitive elements of the game such as the ranked modes. Introducing a serious competitive element to a game has never improved it for me. I would go so far to say it kills the fun of it almost entirely.

I really do think that games are not meant to be taken seriously.

>200 days on an mmo
>some of the most memorable moments of my life
>also get a girlfriend

MMOs are more social co-op than competitive really. But yeah I get your point.

I want to drop them because I get so angry having to deal with all the bullshit, yet I keep going back because of the rare times where they're really fun and it ends up being more fun than single player games.

It's like a horrible drug addiction.

I just don't have the time to practice Guilty Gear when I'm trying to build gunpla, manage tabletop, work, and become a better writer. It might be different if I had friends to bounce off of, but as it is I can't find the time to get over the initial learning curve and maintain a steady practice/play regime. It's too bad because I fucking love competitive games, but the majority of my interests lie elsewhere right now.

It depends how invested you get into it. It is possible your rank is an serious focus when playing, so your experience in the game becomes contingent on whether or not you are satisfied with your rank.

This gets compounded when you're dealing with anonymous strangers in which you are dependent on working well with, and then you consider their experience and how serious they take the game, and it is a recipe for intense frustration for a lot of folks.

Not mentioning the perception of how "balanced" the game is. So there's a ton of factors that just make the experience of competitive gaming suck.

I haven't dropped competitive games, but I think I'd be more likely to if there were more new singleplayer games that seemed worth playing.

Dishonored 2 looks neat, Doom and Mankind Divided were pretty good, but what I think I'm really after is a decent RPG that I can get lost in.

I highly dislike playing with other people.
Even more so when you'd have to arse to use a mic and headphones, which really feels like mongoloid tier living when I'm at home.

Who the fuck wants to cobble up in some tiny-ass corner with headphones on just to listen to some people no sane person would do.

Not that I'm a sperg or anything, it ain't enjoyable at all. I far more prefer my pace, not having to wait other people and constantly to listen to them, when I can just play my own music and do my own things.

I'm on my way.

Overwatch is overpriced and isn't fun for longer than 30 minutes and the people who play Battlefield keep getting dumber and dumber.

At this point it's worth it for me to avoid the frustration of people not playing how I wish they would and saving a little bit of money by buying singleplayer games when they're discounted.

Co-Op with friends is still cool, though.

Ah, I see. Usually when I play a game I assume I'm the worst player at the start and generally just use whatever happens in-game to try and improve, so I don't tend to pay attention to others as much in that respect.

I think you just don't have people you love spending time with, and deserve to have it, user

i still play them sometimes, but only the casual modes.

I feel the same way, at least with shooters. I was deep into the Unreal, Quake, and the early Battlefield games. Now everything has party queues, ranks, etc.

I still try out new fighting games though.

Those hours could develop your skills and make it easier to get into other games in the same genre. I've been playing fighting games for years so it's fun to get into new ones, assuming they're doing something new or fun.

Co-op will always be the great though. It's satisfying to play with someone who knows as much about the game as you do. You end doing perfect runs with ease, even if you don't speak the same language.

I can't think of any multiplayer game I would continue to play if I didn't have friends to play with. Maybe Town of Salem.
>inb4 metagamers
Ive been led astray by a Steam message from a friend I was playing with too many times before, I don't trust them in that game.

is that waifu uma thurman

>play wow
>baby game killing baddies raiding for loot
>required discord to have some kid whose balls haven't dropped repeat dbm instructions
>user, why dont you ever talk in vent?

I left entirely when I found they were all voting for hillary.

>Tried Rocket League competitive
>Tried Overwatch competitive
>Tried TF2 competitive

Why even bother with competitive? It just makes angry shitlets angrier?

Why not try fighting games? Those don't rely on you working with a team.

I'm shit at them. Games where I'm casual tier just aren't fun.


I play competitive Pokemon online, it served pretty well to scratch my TCG itch,
I got fed up at how every TCG either restrics the use of previous expasions or has insane power creep.

Might be that, I'm old enough that getting new friends of the same hobby would be hard and all of my current ones are the ones I've known for ~20-years or so.

I'd love to spend some time with them, but not with a microphone.

We do play co-op games now and then, that's without mic mostly because it's more comfy that way.

Would help a lot of they all wouldn't be (personality-wise) from one spectrum to another, i.e boring people or trying too hard.

I play them and mostly get bullied for being the shotcaller

Matchmaking is shit for one. Map designs are complete fucking garbage.

I sold LoL account few months ago.Played more games during this time than I did in a few years playing LoL.

I have no urge to buy any multiplayer game anymore and those that I own are only Rocket League, Battlerite and Rainbow Six Siege 6.I keep playing them less and less.

I'm not even old, only 21 so idk why I am growing out of multiplayer.

>competitive online
never bothered with them

Multiplayer used to have much less communication, XBOX live and whatnot was young, people weren't dicks online quite yet. Things have changed, I'm only 23 and I'm right there with you, multiplayer is on the verge of death.

nah people were just as rude but they weren't so lonesome. You could have some stupid, but entertaining conversations and make a friend over it on halo 2. In over 100 hours I have played in overwatch (not much, just a game of reference) I haven't made friend that I wanted to talk to/play with. People just make snide comments and meme at each other.

I want to, but it's pretty much the only way I can talk to my friends of 20+ years who live in different places now.

I played a few fps games at comp level about 5 years ago. I just dont want to commit the time anymore. I knew a lot of people in the scene who were just straight up good at games - they could barely play and at be on top teams. I had to commit like 40 hours a week just to be like top 5 US at best.

These days I hardly play multiplayer games at all. I only recently got back into gaming after a 2-3 year break, and I'm just doing singleplayer stuff now aside from the occasional Overwatch with a friend.

thats precisely what I'm suggesting, people were less detestable back then

I used to play a lot of competitive games up until 2010 or so then I just got bored and only played SP really. Then Rocket League came out and that brought the joy back so I've been playing that a lot.

I like 1v1 competitive games because I like losing. Analyzing where you went wrong, trying to do better, and still getting your shit kicked in is fun for me. I just played like 50 ssb4 matching in a row against someone online, won 4 of them. Shit was fun, I had dropped just a few months after release and that totally renewed my interest in playing it

Team competitive games, however, are no fun with random people whatsoever. Someone will be shit and drag your team down, and/or someone will sperg out and try to boss everyone around while telling people to kill themselves.

I met a dude in StarCraft in like 1999 who I still talk to today. I don't think I've even had a good conversation with anyone in a multiplayer game in the past 5 years.

This is literally my ideal woman. Fuck this gay earth, there will never be anyone who looks that beautiful.

Adding to all this, people already have their party chats, discords, or something similar and it gets harder to meet decent people.

>tfw you will never talk to your friends from your warcraft 3 clan ever again

I play Pokemon VGC.

This too. I'll be in a party with my friends while they play something, and they're just talking shit about their teammates and telling them what to do. If they got out of the party and talked to their team maybe they would win.

when i was a kid i played warcraft 3 with 2 russians that just put scripts into popular custom maps that let us cheat and then host them.

>tfw you will never play a WarCraft RTS ever again

At least people still play wc3. I watch a guy on twitch stream it every sat/sun.

I used to playtest a really fun tower defense map for this guy, was really good at finding bugs for being such a young'n. After a few patches he made it so that when I used the in-game chat I had a special colored name, like a nice looking blue-green that you couldn't actually pick, I thought it was the coolest shit ever

I usually play 'competetive' games like Dota and overwatch and counterstrike, but I never play any of their ranked modes
its fun when I get the occasional tryhard who treats the unranked modes as seriously like it is ranked and pissing them off by making them go full tilt

I never was into competitive multiplayer all that much.

I was better than average at most games I played and was pretty casual about it. Until my friends started wanting to chat and have mics and shit I think that's where I went downhill and did not have fun.

It was so much easier playing with people on PS3 where they would just message you saying "I gotta go" and that's it. No bitching, no whining, no blaming people, etc. My friends just completely change once voices come into play for some reason and man there's some stupid ass drama over fucking video games.

After a thousand hours on CSGO on PC I'm done with multiplayer with friends. Just gonna play with randoms and mute everyone.

I dropped them because everyone has to be esports, every game that gets involved with that shit immediately turns to shit and attracts a bunch of teens more interested in talking about ecelebs than playing the game

I feel that for my situation why multiplayer is so shit right now is because of eSports.

I used to play on PS3 just playing Uncharted 2 multiplayer and having a good fucking time while winning and shit and everyone who played in general was there to win. Very few griefers never really knew what griefing was until I started to play CSGO in 2013.

Man griefing really made multiplayer unfun for me, I don't understand why people gotta grief. Where is the fun in that. Just take the loss, finish the match, just try to win. Why purposely lose?

fuck crates full of cosmetic bullshit and unlock systems

This might be it.
I mean, just look at Sup Forums.

>played cs:s all day every day
>played tf2 all day every day
>get tired of all the competitiveness and ebin bindspamming
>now play nothing but co-op games with good friends

It's a special kind of comfy.

dropped them because most of them don't even seem to be intended for having fun anymore, instead everyone obsesses over some numbers that get permanently stored in your profile and aspires to one day make money by playing the ga,e

>Waking from the meme of multiplayer is a sign of maturing.
It actually is, in the sense that with age you lose your drive to be overcompetitive for every irrelevant shit.


All the crap like achievements, completely meaningless progression on your character screen and so on are specifically in the game to be "addicting" and keep you playing past a point where you would have normally stopped.

Really easy to fall for them, too. Achievements completely ruined my vidya experience for a while, where I'd autistically check every area for every secret until I moved to the next. Was zero fun but it took me a while to ask myself why the fuck I am even doing this for the achievements and dropped that behavior.

You must be really shit at titanfall 2 in that case.

when I bought my first computer I spent about a year playing competitive online stuff, sometimes with friends and sometimes without but at the end of the day neither was fun. if it was with friends it's awkward if someone is doing bad and frustrating if you lose, and all people do solo is complain about their teammates
I'm not opposed to playing online games but I haven't played anything in a ranked system for a long time which is a great decision, power to you if you enjoy that stuff though

>>required discord to have some kid whose balls haven't dropped repeat dbm instructions

that seriously annoyed the shit out of me, though I was playing in a guild where I was the youngest with 26

the message is right there on the fucking screen in red letters, why does it also have to be announced in voice? all that meant was that you were missing audio cues or could never have some banter during the counter because voice had to be kept clean for the announcements

I don't think Sup Forums has been too affected by it since Sup Forums still heavily discusses single player games. But individual game communities have completely been destroyed. I remember playing lol from beta through season 3 then esports really blew up and it became completely impossible to talk in random matches, if you picked a champ some pro had recently played you were suddenly shit for trying to copy them (when actually you had never even heard of them) and then there were kids spamming shit like "lul look guys I did a play I'm x eceleb" and people arguing over who was the best eceleb. Shit got cancerous after a while and I couldn't handle it anymore. Maybe I'm just getting too old for modern gaming but I don't get the appeal of obsessing over someone else playing a game when you could do it yourself.

>and meme at each other.
that's pretty much it. for any friendship to build, you'd have to exchange at least a few serious sentences

instead everyone just spams the same oneliner memes

I used to play only single player games, but nowadays I almost only play fighting games. A lot of single player games feel meaningless after you have experienced the joy of genuinely outplaying another human after a lot of practice.

>Maybe I'm just getting too old for modern gaming but I don't get the appeal of obsessing over someone else playing a game when you could do it yourself.

a) proxy friends
b) they don't actually care (which is why they also don't want to play it themselves), they just want a popular topic to talk about

Also maybe there's some idol thing involved in it but I dunno, I never had anyone I looked up to so I cannot really judge that

i had the complete opposite.
each round of an online game felt meaningless.
while beating a game gave me a complete experience.
and if it is a good videogame there is the challenge of beating the developers AI/Level design on high difficulties.

>play wow back in vanilla when I was still underage
>never talked in vent unless it's absolutely necessary
>everyone was cool with that though
>no one ever figured out I was underage
>everyone just assumed I was a quite guy and were nice to me
>even introduced me to old Sup Forums
Chat's alright if you find the right people

I play SP games usually but fifa is the one game i buy every year for MP

>play OW with friends
>sitting in voice
>they are vicious as fuck about every player on the enemy team who is not doing so well
>to the point where their whole enjoyment seems to come from shitting on them both on discord and in the chat to make sure he hears it

>realize that this is probably what they say about me as soon as I leave the channel since I'm the worst on the team, too
>lose all motivation to play with them again

I play shooters purely for the gunplay now and don't give a damn about my stats or winning/losing. It's usually in sprouts throughout the year where I don't touch it for a quarter to half a year and then I play it nonstop for a week or two before repeating the whole process over again.

dropped it as soon a competitive matchmaking became ubiquitous.

But single player games have fake difficulty. Whenever I play single player games I usually don't do on hardest difficulties because it usually revolves around cheesing the AI and finding the patterns that work and stuff like that. A computer can't beat a human being.

You likely have that experience because you

- play shitty times in online games that are not good
- play team games (especially without a premade team)
- play random people in ranked and that's it

I usually just take a break for about a week. Then again I don't take competitive games seriously enough to let it stress me out. I'm not at a skill level that would warrant much effort anyway.

>friends playing WoW, Overwatch, Mobas all day
>own all these games because i decided to try them out for them
>end up playing PS2 backlog for the last 6 months
Singleplayer is indeed more fun.
ever since i played through the MGS series i realised that Singleplayer games easily surpassed Multiplayer games in terms of quality and being memorable

What a spineless fucking casual you are.

nah i also play a lot of fighting games, but locally mostly, not online.
>because it usually revolves around cheesing the AI and finding the patterns that work and stuff like that
that's literally what you do in fighting games.

Except the level of depth of a human being and what you can do in a fighting game is much higher than an AI. The patterns in a human are more subtle and if you are not fighting a retard be will adapt back, forcing you to find another strategy. Depending on who you fight they may also have playstyles that feel new and do things you had never seen or thought about even after years of playing the same game. An AI is nothing like that. An AI just has its own patterns that get repeated regardless.

Grew up/spent my life playing them, UT99, CS1.6, later CoD4 were my main ones, tons of time spent in WC3 and the first dota too and basically anything I could get my hands on.

Now its been years since I've put solid time into one of them, even though I really have the urge to. But all team based multiplayer games seem to be about making the individual feel good about himself, by distributing responsibility to his team, instead of forcing the team to work closely together.

Theres very little reward in playing team based games online today, honestly I really just miss the times when me and my friends were all into the same competitive game, so we could challenge eachother, play together, compare and banter and all that.
SP games cannot really take their place as I spent 20 years online gaming, also sucks that with my normie friends I can never talk about the SP games either, since they don't play them or don't want me to spoil anything for them (which is funny because they won't play them anyway)

ie I'm a lonely faggot who bet on the wrong horse his entirely life

Play Rainbow Six: Siege. I'm terrible at flick aiming but I play with friends that are good and since I know the maps extremely well I just hide, give callouts and open sneaky murder holes and ambush the enemy when I know I can safely get in. It's great, hell even when soloing it's pretty common to come across mic users and people who use chat.

you could play the UT alpha, it's fun if you just want to gib some fools for an hour.

No you weren't, you just played the actually-good ones when they were new.

Anyone who wastes time with modern day shit is too young to have been around for the good times.

I tried it and it didn't really click with me, my friends ran from it like its the plague which didn't help my enthusiasm.

I did on several occasions but its closer to getting gibbed for an hour, sadly the game just doesn't feel like UT to me at all, and I really miss the 99 rawkit launcher compared to that mini-rocket flinging shit.

Even if true, ignorance is bliss.
In the end Its not really a choice I made, you just can't play SP games when you don't speak english.

I guess saying this about video games is kind of redundant, but I just feel like I'm wasting my time with Multiplayer games.

I guess the whole "E-athlete" thing is a sign I'm not in with the shit anymore. Feels very stupid to me.