Mahvel wishes
who /more darkstalkers/ here
Demitri, Lord Raptor, Donovan, BB Hood, Huitzil, Jedah, pls
Raptor would make me the happiest tho
Mahvel wishes
who /more darkstalkers/ here
Demitri, Lord Raptor, Donovan, BB Hood, Huitzil, Jedah, pls
Raptor would make me the happiest tho
Other urls found in this thread:
Best twins
best capcom girl
I want bb hood the most, but I'd be fine with anyone except Felicia again
There's no hope, is there?
I think Ruby Heart and Son Son have chances to come back, idk about Amingo
If they add in more Darkstalkers characters that haven't been in a game in a while, Nero from DMC4, and not Katt at all, I will buy two copies.
BB Hood, Shuma Gorath, Saki, Ghost Rider, V. Joe, MODOK MMZ Zero, and Jubilee would make me very pleased. It's very self serving but aren't all wishlists?
Outside of characters, here's to hoping that this is X's theme.
>yfw Capcom puts in more SF characters instead
Anyone else fucking sick of SF?
I just want an actual Darkstalkers game so all of those guys can be in.
I always wanted Dr. Wily to be playable in a specialized Wily Machine mech just for Marvel.
It depends on the roster size. for a 50 character roster 4-5 is fine for me, as long as they are unique enough.
Not likely but I want him in too
He's very popular, he has a high chance in
I wish
>BB Hood
Good chance to come back
A lot of intense animations, not likely
Too violent
Donovan was at least considered for MvC3, which is more than a lot of the other Darkstalkers can say.
He would work very well with characters like Dr Strange
Might as well just ask for a new Darkstalkers lmao
I just hope we get multiple mega man series reps and its not going to just be x and zero, thats as lame as ryu and chun li
Well, it does seem like Capcom plans to do more fightan. MvCI is being developed in-house after all of their fighters last gen (plus SF5) being outsourced. That's a big investment that implies they're serious about developing more fightan. And after SF and Marvel, DS is their biggest fighting IP.
Breath of Fire rep, Lei-Lei reprisal, Captain Commando, Thanos, Shuma-Gorath, Dormmamu.
I think Capcom likes to keep reps to one per major game/series. At least I know TvC was done like that. Ryu/Chun/Alex repped SF1/2/3 respectively, and I suppose you could say Ryu/Akuma/Chun/Viper could represent SF1/2/3/4 (if you count Chun dominating 3S as her being a rep for it). Similarly, they used Roll/Zero/Volnutt to rep Classic/X/Legends.
I'm thinking X is the only MMX rep. If we get Zero it'll be MMZ Zero, and for Classic probably Roll. Best Legends/BN reps would be Tron and Bass.EXE as well.
>Moon Knight
all I ask is that
Literally just Gene and Venom. I don't care much about the specifics of everything else because I'm sure it'll be at least somewhat fun.
Feels good having your #1 main be a mainstay Avenger so he's guaranteed (Hulk).
morrigan still has fire ball spam and is top tier please
all i ask is for her to be good, i hate when characters i like are shit tier
Luke Cage
The Punisher
Cloak & Dagger
Ghost Rider
Howard The Duck
Regina (Dino Crisis)
Lord Raptor
Frank West
Phoenix Wright
>Unlikely guest characters but I can still dream
Cassie Hack
>not wishing for Talbain
Explain yourself.
Remove Aroo
>Blade and Ashura
My nigga
If they want a fireball spammer Darkstalker they should put in Pyron.
Morrigan is literally Capcom's most popular female heroine. Only Chun-Li comes close and Morrigan does it off of just merchandise and crossover appearances while Chun-Li is actually relevant.
Shiiit I want Tessa now so I can make team Magic n Shit
I thought you liked Katt and hated me, but it looks like you were the shitposter all along.
Heyy you
Hold up
are you saying
*summons ghosts*
Are you saying we was sorcerologists and shit?
Does Cammy have any chance of returning?
>an admitted shitposter calling others shitposters
I'm already glad Megaman X is in the game.
Asura is the only answer.
You are giving me reasons to post Katt.
is Marvel VS Capcom, not a generic Darkstalker rip-off dude....
I really want Demitri in because Darkstalkers needs reps other than the girls for once
Anakaris was in MVC2.
As if you ever needed a reason
The male characters only showed up in a few crossovers, majority of the time its always Morrigan and Felicia and other girls
What is the possibility of there being guest characters in this game, Like non-Marvel comic book characters?
Cause I would REALLY like to see Cassie Hack from Hack/Slash in a fighting game. It would make sense too seeing as there is a lot of horror themed characters already.
Vlad can even come out as part of her super.
>Marvel probably doesn't want Demitri in because of Midnight Bliss
>even though theyre blissing their own characters now
Fuck Marvel and Bendis esp
>A lot of horror-themed characters
What are you smoking?
Do we really need more shotos though? Isn't Ryu and Akuma enough?
It's pretty unlikely, she has a lot of competition; Ryu, Chun-li, Akuma, and a SFV character are pretty much guaranteed spots before her. She does have a reasonable if narrow chance as DLC, especially if they borrow assets from SFV.
You forgot Morrigan, but I don't care. I just want Demitri to show up along with Morrigan more often, he's the real MC of Darkstalkers and he's voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama. Why wouldn't you want that?
Yeah, Chun-Li was so relevant that her franchise was dead for a decade.
He's probably going to make it in, he was very popular on the most wanted characters list for MvC3
Just. Make. A. New. Darkstalkers. Already.
Compare to Morrigan who was never alive
Was he? He was considered, but I thought that was just because Niitsuma liked him. Same with Donovan.
Capcom wishes:
BB Hood
Edward Falcon
Dark Rider
Scarlet Witch
>le Darkstalkers was never popular meme
Top 5 of the yearly arcade income charts three games in a row.
>Albert Wesker and other RE characters
>Every single other Darkstalkers character
>Frank West
>Ghost Rider
Morrigan, Hsien-Ko, Frank West, and Ghost Rider are hardly horror
Just different
Morrigan is a succubus and Hsien-Ko is a zombie and Darkstalkers is an entirely horror and monster themed game series.
And Frank West is literally from a horror game. I'll admit, Ghost Rider is a little iffy but he does have horror themes.
There're too many fucking Darkstalkers to choose from, jesus.
Jedah is the only one worth a damn
Which is why I keep saying "Just make a new Darkstalkers game."
Friendly neighborhood succubus and zombie. Is Sesame Street Horror because of Count?
>the one that's already confirmed
>2 morrigan
Fuck. You.
Victor Ortega (Saturday night slam masters)
Ghost Rider
Winter soldier
Jack-o (agent venom)
Guest characters (yeah fucking right):
ps4: Kratos/knack
Xbox/PC:captain king
Lord Raptor is the only correct choice for a Darkstalkers newcomer you plebs.
He was already in MVC1.
Bass.EXE is all I want.
I really want to see Nova make it back in, but I'm very doubtful
All the more reason to have him in Infinite.
As a background element.
Exactly. Hardly new.
I just want a male darkstalkers character, someone from Power Stone, and Captain Commando. Venom would be nice too.
The vs team is the Darkstalkers theme. They're not going to work on 2 games at once.
He wasn't playable you goon
kepkum pls
post characters with insanely small chances of getting in
Will Batsu have a specific winquote that makes fun of Samurai Warriors Date Murasame because of voice actor?
You can always give him the ex skill in which he just does a lot of punches and kicks and then drains the opponent's blood instead. Not as interesting but still better than excluding him.
>Marvel vs Swords: Infinite
Only if Hulk gets this alt
Midnight Pleasure would look sick in Marvel
What reference is this?
So would Demon Blast. Hell, even Chaos Flare and Demon Cradle would probably look pretty slick. Lots of people seem to forget that Dimitri has any moves aside form Bliss, though.
Here is a template for you guys.
Jojo's Bizarre Fist of the Dragon Ball
Demon Blast would work so well in Marvel, a million bats just flying across the screen
Demon Cradle I could see turning into something similar to Ken or Sakura's?? EX Shoryuken where it vortexed/sucked people in in one of the Marvels
cps3 game jojo's venture
Midler looks cute. Is she any good?
>where it vortexed/sucked people in in one of the Marvels
That would be cool, it would fit with that spiralling energy effect that his ES Demon Cradle has too (since DS characters in Marvel often seem to have the specials powered up to ES versions by default, Morrigan having the big bat skull Soul Fists and afterimage Shadow Blades).
She's alright
I mainly want to see Zero, Amaterasu, and Venom return. Between his popularity in UMvC3 and the focus Infinite is giving to the X series, I'm fairly confident in Zero's return. Ammy and Venom are a little more up in the air though, they're both popular but aren't relevant by any scale. Venom has the more uphill battle due to likely not having any plans to go into the MCU.
As far as newcomers go, I would like to see Juri, but she's kinda a pipe dream due to the competition against characters like Rashid. I have a good feeling about her for the inevitable DLC.
Really, UMvC3 had a pretty great roster. If most of that roster returns with a handful of newcomers I wouldn't be disappointed, especially now that we have X. Also I want them to go all the way with character interactions this time, like Eyes of Heaven tier character interactions.
I vision like a giant Demon Cradle that swirls up like a huge tornado of bats
I hope those leaks are real because I want June.
Already deconfirmed.
>not long time forgotted capcom fedora characters
I hope it's Protoman if there's a classic series rep
I've had enough of Roll
Same with Talbain