PS2 as a DVD Player

>"There's never any citations for those declarations for a reason.

>The launch price of the PS2 was $299. At the time it launched in the US, end of 2000, the average price of a DVD player was a little over $150. That's not the price of a cheap DVD player, that's the average price, cheap DVD players were much less than $150 and way, way, way less than the PS2.

>It's a complete and utter myth"

Huh. Guess thats it anons, the "PS2 only sold because everyone just wanted a cheap DVD player" really IS just a shit meme after all.

The Ps2 Sold because it kept failing. The failure rate for Disk Read Error was way fucking higher then RROD of the 360.

Added with the fact there were over 18 variations of the PS2 and none of them ever fixed the problem that DRE had.

Why does it matter?
It was still the best selling platform in history, not to mention the longest lasting, and it has a stupid huge library that has yet to be topped in quality and quantity.

PS2 was great. Original Xbox was, too. I miss them.

They never left user... Go get them.

You're right and I agree with you, but something about the way you made this thread really pisses me off, OP.

>best selling platform in history
Please ban this underage

>Apex AD-1500 DVD Player
>rca or s video only
fuck that shit

what is it then, grandpa?


PS2 outsold DS, you dumb nintendrone

Wii U

actually if we are talking platforms it would be Android smart phones.

Something about the way you cannot articulate that feeling really pissess me off user.


>The Ps2 Sold because it kept failing.

This guy gets it. Literally the NES strategy.

>a smart phone

I think only the fucking wii gets close and i think that only beat tge PS1 sales. How can we correctly measure PC sales when we all buy PCs wether we play vidya or not?

Fuck, here is a list of things that couldn't even move as many units as the FUCKING PS3 DID. JESUS.


Now you're grasping at straws. Face it, Sony won.

Considering Sony has smartphones that use the Android operating system. Yes they do.

But the real winner is Android.

What the fuck are you talking about? The PS3 was a colossal failure
The only people who bought it were casuals

I guess it's better if we both stop posting in this annoying thread, then.

Of course you are, he started a thread with objective facts and a source link to back up right away. How could you not be Mad? That's not the Sup Forums way!

the PS3 sold because it was a cheap blu-ray player. Sony, of course, owned Blu-Ray, and wanted to get players OUT

Microsoft tried to back their objectively shittier HD-DVD format, which M$ owned.

And Gaben laughed like a bowlful of jelly because internet would soon make both of them irrelevant.

Its too bad those 86 million casuals didn't buy a Wii-U.

>tfw the sega saturn sold more than the N64 in japan
>the n64 was basically a failure in Japan

>The only people who bought it were casuals
that's the Wii though

>physical media
>ever irrelevant

I'm going to laugh my ass off when you're inevitably banned for some stupid bullshit and lose your entire "library"

Yup. The point of my list. Those platforms were less in demand than a collosal failure. How did you misunderstand that?

While that is true, he is also acting like annoying, smug shitposter. You know, all those "Sony has REAL graphics", "oh... wow... so this is the power... of PS4", and "why don't you own PS4 yet" people.
I do have PS4, but shitposty nature of those is incredibly grating. And I suppose I'm playing right into their hand by admitting that they annoy me. Fuck.

>y-you made your point OP, enough!

Nah, just wait 5 years, sony, nintendo and microsoft will shutter their current online services to get kids to buy the new console, and they'll lose their games just like that.

I remember the PS2 being exactly one thousand dollars in Kiwiland. Shit I didn't even know what a DVD was until a few months after owning it.

>Gaben makes all of them irrelevant with skins and hats for TF2.
>Half Life 3 unconfirmed.

>Original content
Who are you and what have you done with Sup Forums?

nobody wanted 40$ DVD player, they were unreliable shit.
Also PS2 wasn't "a cheap DVD" it was "ALSO a dvd".
Being illiterate doesn't give you points.

Is it hard to understand that acting like smug asshole might make people hate you, even if what you are saying is correct?

What are you talking about? I didn't do anything.

>We have left the age of "it was a cheap DVD player"
>we have entered the age of "people wanted an ok DVD player"

When facts change the meme.