Is overwatch worth buying and why? I don't like tf2 because it's meme game. Does it get boring quickly?

Is overwatch worth buying and why? I don't like tf2 because it's meme game. Does it get boring quickly?

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I understand you making this whole new thread because, strangely, I never see Overwatch threads on Sup Forums. Thanks for making one!

>I don't like tf2 because it's meme game.
Overwatch is even more meme.

no, it's shit and it gets boring quick

>Lelaboo AGAIN
Are you this desperate for attention? Someone ban this faggot.

Are you hoping people add you?
Do you at least ERP?

>tfw no bf

His last thread hit the reply limit and it was filled with insults, now he just keeps making more and more threads about himself because all attention is good to him, even negative attention.


gotta give it to you, that's a nice photoshop.

why are you all so stupid

>Shadow around the friend's list window
No, he's just foaming at the mouth while thinking about all the attention he could get by posting his profile again.

add me up losers

why are you changing your name and deleting friends lol?

Yes it's worth it. It's basically TF2 but better so if you hate TF2 at its core then you probably won't like Overwatch either. Wait for a free weekend or big sale or something if you really want to check it out. It doesn't get boring ever.

jesus christ your fuckin screenshots

kill yourself OP


:) you can't comment on my profile now ahahahahah


k so what?

The meme died an hour ago

just gonna post your shitty profile everywhere?

consider sewer side


but Sup Forums is worse than a sewer side :)