Meanwhile at bizzaro Sup Forums

Meanwhile at bizzaro Sup Forums...

im heterosexual

Boy I can't wait for that next Battleborn DLC!

Traps are gay

'bout to fire up some no man's sky, what about you Sup Forumsros?

Is Half-Life 4 ever coming out ?

I love video games


threads like these are so fun

Sup Forums cult for the game aside, Undertale was bad.

The holocaust never happened.

Tracer being gay is so cool.

Traps are totally gay. There's absolutely nothing appealing about sucking a feminine penis and I wouldn't bounce on one like a pogo stick if given the chance.
Does anybody want to add me on Steam? Not to ERP or anything like that, that's fucking stupid. Make sure you don't have an anime profile picture, too.

Call of Duty games r dumb. I cant see the appeal of why Sup Forums loves them so much

>no corpse parts in this universe
bye faggots

Switch Master Race

>sucking a feminine penis

are you faggot or something

you just fuck them in the boipucci like an alpha

I liked undertale.

I like myself

Dragon Age 2 was the best one yet.

I'm not a footfag

Undertale is the best game of all time

That's totally gay, you're such a massive faggot


Hi guys, I'm a Sony user and I'm a respectable person! :)

People actually discuss games instead of trying to fit in by being edgy

Bioshock Infinite is one of the most gripping games I have ever played

Reminder that Mighty No 9 was the fucking comeback of 2D platformers and Shovel Knight is still shovelware.

How do you sonyggers feel about bloodborne being an XBox exclusive?

almost as bad as when hillary won, i bet


I love Sup Forums and would gladly fight by their side against SJW's.

I'm really satisfied with the direction the new Metal Gear Pachinko machines took.

What's your personal GOTY and why is it No Man's Sky?

I found it a little off-putting how easy that bell puzzle was at the start though. There's no way anyone would ever get stuck on that!


I hated it back when it was lesser known, then I started liking when everyone else did.

Who else here played Diablo on the N64DD when it came out?

Don't you guys feel so excited and happy when you think about playing video games? I'm so eager to play modded Skyrim. It's so nice knowing I'll be playing lots of vidya these months.

Man, really wish there were more MLP fan games so we could have an excuse to discuss them here. The fanbase has a large amount of backing here, so I feel that threads of that nature would cause some good discussion

No Man's Sky was amazing, it really was, but as a fan of sidescrollers it has to go to Mighty No 9

I love video games


Is this a one piece reference?

I am pleased that the Megaman games have made such a mainstream comeback. They even beat Metroid (the reboot) in sales!

Dwarf Fortress is a good game

The new Metroid Prime for the PS4 was great

great that Diablo 5 was finally announced

I can't handle this

I can't stand dicks. Man, their smell just turns me off completely.

Meanwhile at bizzaro Sup Forums...

Post you're face when you're Anthony Burch.


How can you not wanna fuck traps? Don't be such a fucking heterosexual you heteronormative piece of shit!

If my father found out I wouldn't fuck a trap he'd disown me.

God I love Anthony Burch!



So No man's sky was GOTY after all. It' s a pretty good game.

God bless him.

I Hate DSP!!! HE IS NOT /ourguy/

I found the japanese shaman girls.

Man half life 3 was my game of the year. It's too bad doom sucked, but rebooting after the masterpieces that was doom 3 was dumb.

Pretty sure you're just jealous he's better at games than you.

Seriously, how the fuck can one guy be so good at any game he plays?


MOBA is a genre.

And the most fun one, to boot!


I fucking love playing League of Legends and Hearthstone.
These games know how to treat their f2p players.

I love Reddit!

Oh the
Target Is To Select Right Abilities Ignoring Good Help and Tips Players Excitingly Offer Pinging a Lot Everywhere?

thanks god Hillary was elected and drumpf lost, Sup Forums tears were delicious
I hope she bans all videogames and makes owning them illegal!

I loved that doujin!
That man was so nice to her, saving her from near radiation sickness

Post yfw you will never be Anthony Burch

futa isn't gay

Radiation is serious business.



>Ignoring Good Help and Tips
I hate you user

I just bit the bullet and read it and surprisingly felt completely comfortable. What I thought was going to be a macabre piece of sadistic fiction turned into a heartwarming tale of bonding and a story that shows that love can bloom between anyone, regardless of class, race, or age. It was the first time I've physically exclaimed "Oh god please no" and variants multiple times while reading something and now I'm sad

I'm glad 3DO is still around. They take their time with their games and don't rush them out the door. Their last Army Men game was really good, definitely looking forward to the next one.

The Sonic OVA is great.

I don't remember who requested this one, so I'll just post it and hope the requester finds it.

I'm so glad that Coldsteel finally is getting his own game, he is really such a good character.

Anywho, here's your request, Coldsteel killing drumpf.

I've done a lot of comissions of this, and though I am rich I really should be glad to be coming back to Sup Forums, you're all so friendly.

Futa is gay and anyone who likes it should kill themselves

I would never jerk someone off while watching some lewd anime, that's disgusting

This. Anyone who honestly gets turned on by the thought of a cute girl shoving her big, hard, thick feminine penis down their throats needs help.

I'm so glad that everyone agrees the switch is the future of video games.

2017 is going to be even better than last year, I'm so glad I have all this time to play videogames and shitpost.

I actually really enjoy video games.

It's great innit?


I'm sure this will be the year I finally lose my virginity.

but how will the switch beat the best console of last gen the WiiU?

With it's amazing library of both known nintendo franchises and third party games all running at or above modern standards ofcourse!~

I love Sony

I swear, today's Humble Bundle is best so far, I wish they made more uPlay-restricted bundles.

I loved when they stopped actually selling games and started selling steam keys, so this is just icing on the cake for me. I love DRM!

I honestly believe more companies should move games away from Steam and lock them behind hardware-scanning DRM with limited installs, and focus more on delivering the keys through publisher-specific storefronts like uPlay and Origin, I feel this is the bright future of gaming.

I disagree, then steam won't have a monopoly, 99% of games should be on steam, and the other 1% should be AAA shit with each publisher having their own platform, this is the only way that I can both have lots of drm, and maintain valve's monopoly and position, so they can use all of that money to keep developing fresh and interesting video games.

I have faith that the next 3D Sonic game will live up to all expectations. Sonic Team is absolutely capable of making a momentum-based, rewarding Sonic experience that will surely trump the many Sonic fangames made by two people in their basements.


>wow, how great it is to do that?

Hey me too! You shouldn't kill yourself for loving video games!

Except other M. That game was phenomenal. The characters and voice acting made it so real!