It's been what? 2 years?

It's been what? 2 years?
Hows the porn modding scene coming along?

Outstandingly, my friend.

It came out in Novermber 2015 holy shit where have you been

Anyone else bored of it? I can't even be bothered to play the DLC zones because it's just more of the same. And increasing difficulty just makes bullet sponges rather than interesting gameplay. I can't even force myself to care enough to finish it.

Does it have console commands? When I don't feel like fighting in Skyrim I just >killall

I'm actually late to the game picking up Fallout 4. I wanted to get on at a discount, so I waited for Steam sales and got the core game around Thanksgiving, and the DLC when the Steam winter sale started.

I don't know why people are so down on it, I finished my first playthrough, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Totally unpopular opinion here, but New Vegas bored the shit out of me, and FO4 didn't.

i pirated it when it came out and played for about 30 hours before getting completely bored with it. there weren't many good mods then, but i don't think mods can save this game anymore than they saved skyrim (they didn't)

I haven't tried to use it, but the console is enabled from the get-go.

You're baiting.

I've put more hours into fucking goat simulator than FO4, that's how much I care about this game.