When will FPS be good again?

When will FPS be good again?

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SoF2 was hot garbage

Probably never. Late 90s-early 00s was the golden age of FPS on PC. If only indie devs focused on those type of games instead of 2d pixel shit

I doubt nu-males and tumblrinas could get them right

When devs stop making them for controllers.

>when playing FPS on consoles you are merely pretending to play them

day of infamy

Slow trash
Slow trash
>day of infamy
Slow trash

It already is

>day of infamy

wow insurgency in WW2


It's basically CSGO with MOBA characters. I wish it was a fucking slow tactical game.

When the new crysis comes out
it will never happen

When they all become third person and stop using bland military characters. Jesus Christ what I would give for a TPS metal slug game like Call of Doodoo. Military shooters are boring as fuck, titanfall 2 and black ops 3 are a step in the right direction.

Anything that isn't 360 noscope wub simulator is slow for kids these days

Never. You are no longer the target demographic.

when the single player campaign takes precedent over the multiplayer aspect.

We've had Doom and Titanfall 2 come out in the same year. It looks like it's on a good track.

TPS metal slug when...

Never. They will never be good. They never were good. No game has ever been good. Games are all shit. If you like games you are also shit. This board isn't for having fun.

>day of infamy

no. insurgency is way better

>titanfall 2
>Halo 5, the multiplayer at least
>UT4 soon hopefully

Seems pretty good to me

It wouldn't work without moba characters, I know you werent criticising but still, should be said.