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Video Games #3629
Video Games
Can this guy just die off already
Why are girls in vidya so strong?
Which one gets your surprise?
Who would win, metroid or halo?
What Video Games would be improved with Virtual Reality, Sup Forums
I love the Mario & Luigi series, but I've never actually played Paper Jam. Is it worth buying?
I always thought those icons you saw when looking at your ps2 memory card were neat
I'll post this everyday for PC port
Is the gaming PC meme finally dying?
Describe your last social interaction with a videogame title
Divinity: Original Sin
Enter your Initials
You can always come back, you know
Can we have a nice and comfy Rocket League thread?
Darkest Dungeon thread
If you could make a game, what would it be about?
"Have you ever made a game?"
So has any RPG surpassed pic related yet ?
Late 2016
Perfect games don't exi-
What approach should CDPR take when it comes to the score and soundtrack of Cyberpunk 2077...
That's a competitive game you've got there
See Dragon Quest 8 3DS ad
If the Nintendo Switch had been around in 1939, Hitler wouldn't have started World War II
Sup Forums Plays: Game Dev Tycoon
So who are you hoping makes it into the inevitable Sma5h advertising roster?
So what is considered the best Monster Hunter game nowadays? Is it still Freedom Unite?
Thinking anyone but Sony will get Yakuza 0/6 and mainline persona games
Clueless Game Series In Development
Download 60GB (in words: sixty gigabytes) for several hours to play an average (at best) linear corridor shooter with...
Did you wish her a congrats and have you donated to her patreon? Are one of you the real father...
No retrocompatibility
Post a pic, get vidya recommendation
Brood War has Zerg utterly ravage everyone post-credits as ultimate evil including Dominion
What are some games that show you've given up on life?
Anyone play Elite Dangerous?
Can love bloom on the battlefield?
Good Rhythm Games Only
How hard will this flop?
What are your favourite YouTube gaming channels?
OK, what do I do here?
Games like this?
The truth hurts
Anyone else lost interest in video games completely? I can't even get myself to play a game for more than an hour
What is the best origin/class/race combo?
Why are you so bad at fighting games. Is the genre just too hard for you?
Sequel for Switch confirmed!
CRTs will never be the primary TV used for vidya and everything else
Why do people still this that when they games are without the passion but the money?
What Pizza do you main?
How do you go from this?
Grim Dawn
Anne Takamaki
Who will win?
What do you want to see in Pikmin 4?
APB Reloaded
I'm going to replay RE4 again, give me your favorite load outs
When are they making a sequel for Fallout 4?
Mass Effect 2 is free on Origin right now
Excuse me, but could you please take a look at this?
Rocket League
What went wrong?
What games, in 2017, are you expecting to be decent for fap ?
Splatoon Thread
Game allows you to smoke
Should Platinum censor Nier for its western release?
What exactly did he mean by this?
Can someone give me a run down why people actually thought those two games would be on any platform they never were...
Let me introduce you to the best woman in gaming: Elyse!
What is The Room of video games?
Classes in videogames that don't exist but should
I dare you to name a more unnerving videogame enemy
I don't understand why people here find it so embarrassing to call themselves gamers
It's settled, then
ITT: underrated vidya OST's
Looking back
Has it been the most influential game of the decade so far?
Heard kids like MGS
Are videogames better than sax?
What did she mean by this?
Why does Sup Forums hate Nintendo now?
Was Volgin in the wrong? What did he do that was so bad? Was BB secretly the bad guy the whole time?
His music collection consists of vidya music
Draw yoshi with your eyes closed
Who's your favorite lord and why is it Lyn?
Using closed back headphones or earbuds for vidya gaems
He doesn't micspam rules of nature while he plays ronin
ITT: obscure trivia about vidya most gamers don't know
It's a masterpiece
Yesterday i hacked my N3DS, what should i play?
You boys on this board are oh so silly
Sub £200
Unpopular vidya opinion thread
Disgaea thread
Why Russian game developers are so underrated?
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth
2017 is starting off strong boys
Do you like pokemon?
Wii U Remastered
This is Vinny from Vinesauce. Say something nice about him!
Games that are NOT meant to be played on the hardest difficulty
What game actually has real monsters/aliens that go beyond human with three fingers...
What makes AVGN so comfy?
LEAK: Switch Launch Titles and Beyond
What does Sup Forums think of this game
Has honey select surpassed aa2?
This is objectively the best looking console of all time
Dragons Dogma 2
Ah! That reminds me
This is peebee
FInd a flaw
Have any spoiler ruined your game enjoyment?
Can "edgy" be done right?
Filename thread
Main Menu Music
Started playing this since it just got cracked. Already clocked 20 hours in two days. I feel it again...
What did he mean by this? Thoughts? Apologize to him Sup Forums. Explain yourselves. Well? Who was in the wrong here...
Final Fantasy XV
Why is Sup Forums such a shit place to actually discuss video games?
Dead or Alive
Heck yeah that'll teach em!
Three protagonists
What's the ultimate controller to use for PC?
What games let me play as a communist?
ITT Post your worst purchases
Deep Down
Don't you love when games that are mostly without voice acting have that occasional voice line to take you by surprise...
Does Sup Forums like my Fallout 4 tattoo?
High-res textures hurt my fucking eyes when they're not done right. In any kind of visual art (painting...
Tfw can''t play FPS games because of motion sickness
Will Hello Games ever make a new game?
Piranha Bytes games
In addition to regular major title releases each fiscal year...
How do you feel Sup Forums?
There are people on Sup Forums right now who have never stepped foot inside an arcade
Vidya that has aged badly
Jesus Christ this looks absolutely terribad
ITT: Describe a game idea you've been thinking about
Know the exact route and layout down to a fucking T
Ogon po gotovnosti
What games you will be playing in your 40s?
On a roll playing Overwatch with buddies
This is a speedrunner. Say something nice about her
You will never have aryan hair and eyes
What dis Square mean by this?
Which faction is the best?
Remember kids logging into unsecured apps is bad
Alright, so I'm planning on buying a PS4 Pro...
What makes card games so fun?
How do I become a gaming Youtuber?
What is an MMO that I can get into that isn't
How's that factory coming along?
Square Enix Europe's twitter hacked
Woah user, that game looks pretty sweet! Is it fun?
Game is pretentious indie pixel shit
Stop listening to Eurogamer/Emily/Laura
Is there a more kissable lips than Toob's in vidya?
Is Miyamoto the saddest and most delusional person in the games industry?
Will you allow your children to play video games at the same level you do now?
Why is it called the homewrecker?
Living under Nod rule
So why doesn't Sup Forums like Rance anymore?
What games let's me kill myself
Be this developer
What's the point of video games?
Have you resisted the fat ass trend coming from black culture?
Well, it seems like you fuckers got what you wanted. He's useless now
Oh my god Max I can't believe you are answering a phone call from Kate Marsh, who tried to kill herself yesterday...
Let's have a nice discussion about /comfy/ games
Conan O'Brien's "Clueless Gamer" YouTube Show, where the late-night show host plays video games and makes fun of them...
Anybody who hates this asshole? I'm tired of his non-sense theories and shit
You ARE planning to play her game, right Sup Forums...
This is Samus, Say something nice about her
What are some games where I can play as a Dwarf, a human, and/or an Elf that aren't Lord of the Rings games?
ITT: games you enjoyed that everyone else hated
Believe me or don't, but I got some news for Monster Hunter fans
Itt: bosses that piss you off the most
Nobody is even playing anymore
Keeping fallout 4 and skyrim in mind, how will TES IV be like?
Who was the first video game character you masturbated to? Be honest
What did you DO to my SON?!
You let him live
Has a video game ever made you cry?
Anyone else really jealous of that guy?
You're in the club and this guy walks up to your girlfriend...
Choose one
5pb. has released the opening movie for ReZero -Starting Life in Another World- Death or Kiss...
Metro, stalker, and slav games
Draw yoshi with your eyes closed
Quake Thread
Less than 30 guilds have killed her on mythic
ITT: Ways of playing games which are nothing like what the developers intended...
Thoughts on this game? Is it bearable? Is it down right unplayable...
Playing this right now. Should I care about the townspeople? Nearly half of them look like emo faggots...
Your favorite video game
ITT: Enjoyable games that were ruined by their endings
Game is free on Origin
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
What do you want to see in the Etrian Odyssey 6 for Switch?
What games have the best graphics currently?
It makes NO sense that the Kokiri Sword looks completely different in Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask...
Looking at getting another 2d Mario for my 3ds. Should I get this? Is it fun?
What was the best total war game?
Trails of Cold Steel
Reboot when?
What personality gamer are you?
DS4 controllers on PC
Mega Man Thread
What's Sup Forums's suggestion for strong female characters?
Do you like Princess Peach?
You, yes YOU, are living on the age of MMO death
Your favorite game is now a horror made by the developers of the last game you played
How Slavs can even compete?
What are some good kaiju fighting games?
Overwatch is the living proof that if you push memes you'll sell a lot even if the game is trash
Clueless Gamer TV show in the works
What does Sup Forums think about Invisible Inc.?
Obsidian can write
Tell me the last game you played or you'll die here
Valkyria Chronicles
It pisses me off that there are no returning characters in 2017 for SFV
When will video games graphics finally be as good as a movie released 22 years ago?
That one thing that's keeps you from 100%
Will there be an EO3 Untold? Will EOV make it to the West?
Persona 3
Let me get this straight
Why don't valve just fucking sell the rights to half life 3 to another developer?
What was beneath his helmet?
Is there anyone stronger than Ryu?
Remember to stand up or stretch every hour
PC gaming 2016: A Retrospect
How's your game coming along, Sup Forums?
Seriously why Sony can't release a game that is not LGBTQ+ agenda pushing?
Japanese and XV's Utter Failure
In 2005 we had 75v75 player matches on huge maps with loads of vehicles
Is Sup Forums ready for Xenoblade Chronicles X+ and its inevitable sequel for the Switch?
The story sucks but the gameplay is GREAT. Therefore the game is ____________
Join Biz Ex via PF
FFXIV Heavensward
Welcome to Sup Forumseenie Hut Jr's. How casual are ya?
Sup Forums what do you think about Meliadoul from Final Fantasy Tactics
Companies that want to OWN the worlds water? Pffft, small potatoes...
Are these ports an acceptable way to play these games?
What would a rule 63 verison of Lisa be like?
Shill me your favorite game Sup Forums
Let's see how badass you Sup Forumsirgins really are
30 fps
The last video game character you played as will protect you from the nigger navy how fucked are you?
ITT: Games PCucks will never know the joy of playing
Why does this get treated as a fighting game? The skill ceiling is too low for one...
Is this man the stanley kubrick of video games?
The final boss theme is a rock remix of the safe room theme
Game installs a screamer on your computer if you pirate it
Nu/v/ thinks this is good "music"
Is (modded) Fallout 4 a good game for shood and lewd yet? Or is Skyrim still the best of the best?
Jingle jangle
That one kid in school that would run with his arms back and flailing his legs to the side
Why do people hate the xbone d-pad so much...
Thoughts on Sonic Adventure 1 and 2?
Sup Forumsirgin city
Mass Effect 2
Dude turns on your mic
Beat game
It's a "you're the escort and you have to follow his moves, sneak around, and try not to make a sound" mission
Why does everyone hate him?
What's the worst remake you ever played?
Should I start with the original or skip straight to DS1?
Spells can crit
What video game has the worst art style?
Have you guys thought about the idea of modern digital games being lost to eternity...
Games that deserve a sequel but will never get one
That camera system
Picked this up in the Steam sale, anything I should know before diving into what I've heard is the best FF game?
Military aircraft game
Oh yeah... that happened
With the translation of E.V.O: The Theory of Evolution, can we talk about how good E.V.O is in general?
Is there any game that kills your circle pad faster?
Say that you are sorry
Is this worth $20?
*sniff* "What's that smell?"
If you're literally me and born in 1991, you're the minority here. At age 5 you were playing Duke Nukem 3D
Kojima is a joke
What Sup Forums thinks about Wargame?
Got called a "Fake Gamer" for liking "mainstream" games like Overwatch
Was the Wii U a waste of money?
Is there a single video game character that could defeat the Pillar Men?
Post the Best Girl from her respective Series
Technically speaking, isn't Alex the most OP character in video game history? Ignoring his powers...
So any news about this guy?
What is the best Ys game?
Is this shit worth 20 dollars for it and the expansion?
From what I've heard this game is pretty lack luster
Shenmue HD domain registered by Sega Europe
How bad is shilling here, Sup Forums? What do you think?
Mfw Sup Forums thinks they are hardcore despite being unable to do a shoryuken
Playing Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne for the first time, what should I name my character, Sup Forums?
What was your first gamer tag?
My cat is dying, Sup Forums. Give me something to help me cope
Lord Malak was most displeased when he heard you escaped Taris alive...
Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth Plus
People complain because DVA kills them a lot
What has always been your go-to class in RPG's?
Andromeda """gameplay"""
Post some God tier vidya soundtracks in their album covers if possible...
ITT: Oh yeah that happened
Darkest Dungeon
Find a Flaw
Just got an xbox one! What games should I get? Also, no ps4 and/or pc games please
When does this shit get good?
Are there any good Minecraft Youtubers out there?
Shit Tier games with God Tier soundtracks
This is the sistine chapel of video game horror and video games
Why arent you playing RAINBOW SIX SIEGE right NOW?
Bootsy > James > Ryan > Mike
Game is balanced around new game+
When's the last time you've enjoyed a game for it's actual gameplay?
Work 10-13 hours per day
What primitive need do video games fill in our lives?
ITT: Characters that did everything wrong
The protagonist of the last game you played is going to dominate you in bed
16 years
What's the opinion on SW Battlefront? I read lots of mixed opinions when it came out (over the price or something?)...
Are these stats not good enough to feasibly fight Capra Demon yet...
Anyone else with a PS4 here boycotting Persona 5 and Yakuza because of Atlus...
Sup Forums, recommend me only the best PSP games
Am I the only one who understands that video games are about having fun and NOT winning?
Open world is a dumb meme. being able to go anywhere doesn't mean shit if you have no motivation to go anywhere...
FF anniversary is coming up
My new years resolution? Hmm... I could do a better job controlling my temper
ITT: 10/10 games
What was the last game you played, and how did it make you feel?
Disgaea thread
Final Fantasy XV
Why do so many of you c*ntrarians insist that Oblivion is a better game than Skyrim?
Barneyfag boss
What the fuck happened?
ITT: Characters you wish you were good with
Hey leon, did you know we can have naked cuddles and milk inside me until i get knocked out?
When did you become GOOD at this game Sup Forums?
Pic related almost downloaded, friend raves about it. What am I in for?
I'm playing Nasomi right now (private server) and it's pretty cool
ITT: we pretend like its 1995, on the eve of the Playstation's US release
What games let me play as jesus
Digimon Thread
Ffxv dlc hopes?
Gaming room
This shit is probably the worst part of the game for a pacifist run
He's will be in the Switch port, right?
Accidentally fall in love with a male npc again
When is pat just going to bring on at least paige to the channel...
Have you ever played video games after smoking marijuana, Sup Forums?
Find a better collection
Name a better srpg
Have you pre ordered your Bayonetta 3 machine yet?
Is it really that time again?
Persona 4 had better characters, a better soundtrack, better dungeon theming, and a better story tbqh desu
How badly am i going to regret buying this for my gtx 1070
Who is he?
Landmark shutting down for good
Metal Gear Ray
Welcome to Video Game Appreciation. We're going to go around the room...
Describe what a perfect MMO is like
Here's your controller bro
Filename thread
Since Paladins is dead I just bought Overwatch. What am I in for?
What can i getcha?
What is Sup Forums's thoughts on CatDog: The Quest for the Golden Hydrant?
Why is he so handsome, bros?
Overwatch vs The Witcher
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Can caffeine make me a better gamer?
Welcome to The Salty Sup Forumsitoon. Prove You're not a casual
I am a developer for Mass effect: Andromeda...
Daily reminder you haven't actually beaten the game if you used any of the following:
What are some games with cryptids?
What games allow you to torture disabled people?
So is the Vita even worth picking up at this point?
Honey select
Start working
Daddy I saved up lots of ADAM to buy you Hypnotize for father's day!
Who is the best Assassin's Creed protagonist and why is it Evie Frye?
Who was in the wrong here?
That moment when you realize you're the bad guy
Mario parody animation
Pick a male character
Would censoring Mother 3 be modern Nintendo's biggest mistake?
4 days until Miku will be released
Why do people still defend the combat system in this?
Well done america
ITT: we talk like 2012
Why do some of you idiots get mad at video games to the point of breaking expensive controllers that your parents paid...
Game ideas
My life is literally over Sup Forums, what games can i play to get away from it all?
Who do you main in Recettear? Nagi master race here
What do you guys thing about the rumors that Obsidian is developing a Harry Potter RPG?
Western visual novels
Why do people like asymmetrical joysticks again?
Sum up a players nationality as brief as possible, others guess
Can we have a Total War thread?
What the fucking hell went so amazingly Wright?
Are Astro headphones any good?
[muffled Spanish guitar playing in the distance]
Will it actually come out this year ?
Post pictures of your pet with your favourite game
That guy who buys DLC
Will this ever be on PC?
So I want to get into Dark Souls
Nintendo switch
What games have great love stories
Why did they ruin it with F2P?
Any game where I can kill mexicans?
Wow! I didn't know it was possible for a console to have LITERALLY no games!
After the time skip, game heavily implies that the characters had sex by showing you their kid
Please tell me that ss will be a plot point. If thats the case I may have to play this
Remember WE?
Name 1(ONE) Comfy game
FFXIV Stormblood
Hey bro, pass the controller
Why did you forget about me so quickly Sup Forums?
VA11 Hall-A and Sukeban Games is dead now
AGDQ is on Sunday
What game has the best backstory?
What is it that makes sword-wielding girls so endearing?
What are the best games that Canada has produced?
Japanese life simulators?
Maincharacter ripped out of the witcher series
I want to officially apologize for all the shitposts concerning WiiU that I made in the past
New Bloodstained update
PTR Update
G.O.A.T game thread
Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth Plus
Does Dunkey actually have this much influence?
This is Marty the green Thwomp all over again
Should I get this on PS4 Pro or PC?
PS4 Owners of Sup Forums, what games are you excited to play this year...
Reinstall Silent Hill 3
Why do we hate them again?
I don't get why there's so much hate for people who like streamers or Let's Players...
Sorry user, only the best games of their franchises are allowed in this thread
The date is 1/12/17
Final boss
The Last of us
What games have really good customizable character creation?
Times you got monkey pawed in real life
Who was in the wrong here?
ITT your personal favourite game
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Trigger thread
ITT: Romance options you prefer more than what the game pushes towards
Opinions on Persona 5?
So he... wasn't a bad guy...right?
Square Enix paid a 52-man live orchestra to remix an Ariana Grande song
Top 10 video game twists
I wish I could live happily in a world of delusion like you
What's your opinion on girl streamers?
Choose your Deck Master, Sup Forums
This is Kanon, a God Eater! Say something nice about her!
These are your next Mass Effect protagonists
Near a Tomato
The great debate
Games to play while sad/depressive?
This fucking combat system
Are the Dishonored games good?
Welcome to Level 5. Ask me anything
China has 11 New York size cities that have been completed vacant for years and most likely will never be used
Your controller is a Steam controller now
Is this the king of no gaems?
Who's your favourite male video game character, Sup Forums?
Why do Japanese games never become bestsellers...
Screenshot thread
Try Bloodborne
Name 1(one) good game from 2016
Okay how the fuck am I supposed to beat this guy? I have no where else to go and he just one shots me
What's that smell?
Ps1 sold 102 million units
Worth it for 35$?
Where can I find women who look like this?
Who is best Skullgirl and why is it Eliza?
What happens now, Sup Forums? Will normies start picking up on LISA?
Thanks to "no excuse user" I'm about to start up SMT IV Apocalypse for the first time
Give me one reason to not call CS Go MOBA
Post your current character. The game doesn't matter but if it is a RPG it would be better
Here's your controller bro
What's the point of the danganronpa franchise continuing?
Seriously, what the FUCK was his problem?
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
Who do you blame for the video game industry being destroyed in gen7?
Risk of Rain
Do you suffer from sweaty palms?
I read that Neverwinter Nights 2 has tools to make custom campaigns...
There are people who fell for Iga's lies
Bloodstain Update
Dragon Quest VII thread
Who was in the wrong here?
Name a more iconic duo
Name That Game
ITT post you're idle animations
Now that the dust has settled...
The great debate
Is Overwatch good? I haven't played it yet
Is Half-Life 2 a worthy sequel to Half-Life...
I want to get a PS4, is the PS4 Pro really worth it if i'm going to be playing on a 1080p monitor?
ITT: Games with all you can ask for
How often do you offend people during online games?
I know this is shilling and I know Sup Forums hates paying for roms...
At CES 2017: Acer Predator 21 X is a $9,000 laptop with a 21-inch curved screen that weighs 20 pounds...
For weeks...
Kain is deified
Is this the most underrated Pokemon game?
Goty 2016 thread
Draw yoshi with your eyes closed
Strategy game
Kills worst boy
So what games does Sup Forums play on their phone?
How do we fix Widowmaker?
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet?
Let's see those tears boys
When will FPS be good again?
So what the fuck should we use instead...
What do you think Gaben is doing, right now?
Nintendo hates Latin America
Disgaea thread
Who was in the wrong?
What Sup Forums thinks about this guy?
No games
Welcome to Sonic the Hedgehog General. Let's talk about Sonic games, old and new...
RDR2 for PC
Meanwhile, on pre-historic Sup Forums
Reminder if you enjoy Overwatch, Dota or e-sport shit you don't belong here
KH3 Info, was just recently fired because of a sexual harassment incident...
ITT: shitter crutches
I know this isn't a controversial shitpost for an OP, so this'll slide fast...
Playing basketball
Fgc suddenly hates Guilty Gear
HITMAN™ January content schedule
So has any RPG surpassed pic related yet ?
Which one, Sup Forums?
Why did Zelda go from a butt kicking princess to a less and less relevant damsel in distress?
Guess the HUD, lifebar, console, thread
This is the hardest mission in the GTA series. I never see anyone talk about it
Finally, after $500 and 2,500 hours of torture, the curse has been lifted
The rumors of a new Terry Crews-voiced Overwatch character named Doomfist still sit largely in the realm of pure...
I recently had the opportunity as a friend of a indie dev to go to a private Nintendo Switch showcase before the...
I miss these kind of inventories. So clear, stylized, and weirdly comfy. Nowadays...
Brotha, did you like my jeans?
Half-Baked Hero
Itt post we colors and people have to guess what game/character it is
Tfw pc gaming autists make fun of me because I don't have $2000 lying around
Look Jessica he's playing his Nintendo Switch in public!
Why does everyone
Explain me IN DETAIL why Toobie is so high-cut
Mass Effect 2 is free on origin
20% off on a 4 year old game?
Fuck this shit game
Uncle walks in
SOMA and the WAU
Get tried of video games because 99% of them keep being the same rehashed shit over and over again
Daily reminder that Godot literally did nothing wrong
TLOU on survival difficulty is one of the most difficult and rewarding gaming experiences of all time
Did Luka do anything right in MGQ trilogy?
Why do white people throw and break their controllers like retards?
Nintendo Switch is _______
Any games with no NPCs, AIs, enemies, bosses, or any other kind of life/intelligence besides the player character?
Japanese dub
Okay Sup Forums what the fuck is this and why am I seeing it in my final fantasy game?
Dark Souls 2 has shitty boss figh-
How's the quality og the 2B statue...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...