I dare you to name a more unnerving videogame enemy
I dare you to name a more unnerving videogame enemy
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ravenholm levels felt like a city because of it's slight openness, and trying to find your way towards the next level felt just like being in a new, unfamiliar place/city - difficult to navigate
maybe you're just an underage faggot?
>the main enemy in half life 2 was the level design and the stupid riddles that stop your game flow every few minutes.
Please tell me you're joking
i shit my pants everytime
The most unnerving enemy is of course, my peenus weenus :DDDD
Riddles? What? I haven't played it since release but I remember the game flowing pretty well.
>inb4 cliffracer
but the penis has nerves
user was trying to find a word that made half-life 2's physics-based puzzles more complicated than they really are
I mean I agree with
>50% of hl2 is finding the right way.
But isn't that a good thing in a story based fps?
Otherwise you'd just be going through endless corridors, hallways, and fields in a linear manner shooting enemies with no real sense of accomplishment or level progression?
The only place I ever got lost in HL2 was Ravenholm, but only at the part where you have a long road filled with enemies and traps, and at the end you have to go up on the roofs and backtrack.
Otherwise it was solid everywhere else. Clear idea of where to go, what to do.
I shat myself the first time this motherfucker jumped on my face. Took me a while to realize that I would start self-healing after being reduced to 1HP.
Dragon's Dogma's Brine
>that fast zombie scream stock sound that shows up everywhere and takes you out of the movie/game every time you hear it
Straight to the double shot on the shotgun with those.
ITT: Capcom's budgetary excuse to not implement swimming and underwater levels
You're invading the lands of men when this guy slaps your general's ass. What do you do?
Btw he's on Deathclaw and has summoned the elector counts
Those hanging baby things in that dungeon level in Dark Souls 3.
Abstract Daddy.
Better than Dark Souls and Red Dead Redemption's method.
>Underwater levels
Fuck off.
delet dis
true terror
>"I'm just going to fuck up your 20min+ progress in this map in a few seconds"
>Lose all your powers at the beginning of the game like every Metroid.
>Find out you have a doppelganger who is hunting you throughout an abandoned space station.
This shit scared the shit out of me as a kid.
fucking THIS
11 year old me was NOT PREPARED for how fucking unnerving that felt.
You forgot the best part.
>dr. doppelopolis has all the powers you lost
Prepare to get your anus rekt again:
i don't even remember this part, and i played through multiple times, think i have some suppressed memories desu.
It's a Super Metroid romhack.
>Swimming and underwater levels
So the worst kind of levels? How could we miss out on them?
>a doppelganger
there were like 6 of them
Anything from Subnautica.
Man fuck that game and the beta-male treehugging fucktards that make it.
Oooh we can't put in a fucking spear or a harpoon gun in game because we love all forms of life even ones that only exist as fucking 1's and 0's in RAM.
Fucking faggots.
I just like exploring spooky oceans.
Spiders from DS2. They are the first spider enemies that unnerved me since I was a kid, it was brilliantly disturbing how instead of straight on attacking they were just patiently waiting without a move for you to do *something* that will provoke them to attack.
I killed freya only through luck and summons.
I think the ones from BB are creepier looking.
Didn't play BB, but I know which ones you mean. Yeah, they definitely look creeper, but it's more the behaviour of DS2 ones that makes them disturbing than looks.
>get to sector 2
>You think it's going to go away
>maybe if I wait a bit longer
>the footsteps keep reverberating
>realise what you have to do
>it's not just a simple run
>all those obstacles you have to bypass while being chased
absolutely triggered
What are you talking about?
You catch little fish with bare hands and bring them to a machine that cooks them alive.
I never had a problem with then.
I guess its because i did wolrd blues early and got the perks
my dick
>sa-x using an x-ray
>suddenly yellow
Come on son
Why is this franchise kill.
Nigger, just punch them with your robot suit.
There's no guarantee it'll kill the bigger ones, case in point, pic
Deep Accursed
Probably made worse by the fact that one of our classmates in high school was a severely autistic girl who would constantly freak the fuck out at the drop of a hat.
>first playthrough
>get to the room in cathedral of the deep where that thing drops down
>jump and shit pants
>kill it with almost no problem
I don't know if I got better at these things or if 3 is just easier, but that was a bit of a letdown
>release power bomb
>fucking sa-x dropping out of the ceiling like a bunch of ninja turtles
There's no self defense in the game (i.e: guns, weapons of most type) because the devs are incredibly anti-gun, going so far as to not implement virtual depictions of guns because virtual depictions of violence are just as bad as real violence.
I think there's a Twitter post from one of the devs replying to someone asking about the lack of guns. It's kinda embarrassing.
I don't do horror games, but what is this?
aren't these the same people who made natural selection? jesus they sure fell.
Yep, that's them. It's a really weird contrast.
if these things moved slightly faster and hit really hard they'd be far more terrifying
one managed to sneak up on me once and i flipped my shit
What sort of fresh hell is this?
I bought Natural Selection 2 but never installed before, and I can't refund it.
lets make an enemy that randomly appears and grabs you out of a dungeon room
then lets make his main boss fight a multi-limbed mass of flesh that grabs you and bites you with it's lipstick-riddled mouth
Afraid of Monsters.
>tfw trying to shoot them around corners like a bitch and running from the hornets because no health
I never played any Zelda game, but this shit looks genuinely creepy. Aren't they supposed to be child friendly?
Things were different in the 90s.
that is just a poor man's face hugger
Dude spoiler that shit!
Apparently Sandy Hook really shook the guy.
"I haven’t read all the comments here, but I’ll chime in here, as I’m the main reason we don’t have violent/weapons in the game.
Subnautica was being birthed right around the time of the Sandy Hook shooting. This was a particularly nasty shooting, although many people don’t realize America has school shootings every day. Every. Single. Day.
Yet, for reasons I cannot understand, our people and the corporations that influence our country want to continue making it easy for people to get, carry and use pistols, semi-automatic and fully-automatic weapons.
I’ve never believed that video game violence creates more real-world violence. But I couldn’t just sit by and “add more guns” to the world either.
So Subnautica is one vote towards a world with less guns. A reminder that there is another way forward. One where we use non-violent and more creative solutions to solve our problems. One where we are not at the top of the food chain."
>3 sa-x
>All of them have x-ray
Anyways, giving the player tools to defend themselves makes spookey games much less spookey. It would be cool if you could make guns and they were just worthless against the big guys though.
My weenus peenus of course.
>I’ve never believed that video game violence creates more real-world violence. But I couldn’t just sit by and “add more guns” to the world either.
So he's a massive hypocrite on top of being a pussy.
I bet that asshole consumes some form of media that has guns or violence in them.
It took nearly 100 posts
This place is really reddit
pay attention to lots of children games from the 90s and early 2000s, and you'll see that lots of theme either had some rather dark themes or creepy enemies. kirby's floating eye boss, Zero, which shots blood at you and then the 2nd phase having the iris explode for the cornea and bleeding everywhere was a sight.
Jesus fucking christ I couldn't play through OoT as a kid because of these fuckers.
>That screech
>Slowly walking towards you
>Sudden leap and starts eating your brains
scroll up
I don't know what I'm looking at
You'll be fine as long as you'll keep looking.