Well done america

Well done america

Fail bait my man, now neck yourself.

My Hindu goddess shouldn't be in videogames anyways.

That's from the chink version of the game though.

sometimes i wish ppl dont point out all the changes so that i can stay untriggered

ignorance is a bliss

But the US version has the top

is that an statue? the latex catsuit is improvement

she looks like a Christmas tree ornament

Shiva is not a goddess. He's a dreadlocked pot smoking dancing yogi god.

Where have I seen this before...

Tsubasa in beautiful in any amount of clothing.

hang yourself op

is this game any good? I remember it got quite the bad rep basically everywhere, but I recently downloaded it onto my Wii U, haven't gotten around playing it yet though. From what I've seen on youtube it features the same nice combat we got to enjoy with shin megami tensei, all the magic spells are in, as are weaknesses and follow up attacks, battle system looked good from what I've seen

How should I put this...

The gameplay is solid enough. It's a variation of the standard SMT battle system, with the inclusion of the weapon triangle from Fire Emblem. Don't go into it expecting a good story, though the character interactions are charming. Just don't go into the game with any high expectations; just enjoy the ride.

Maybe you should be less retarded

>It's a OP shits the bed in front of everyone episode

>actual censorship occurs
>nobody cares

>fanservice gets affected
>Sup Forumsirgins go apeshit

no its shit
please dont give NoA any money until they are forced to fire the sjw.

That's the Chinese version you faggot. In addition to covering her up, they change the skin tone to a natural human one because they have a major taboo against ghosts in movies/games because chinks are superstitious as fuck.


Jesus christ that show got really stale after season 4. Really really fucking stale

agreed... season 2 i thought was the best.