What's the opinion on SW Battlefront? I read lots of mixed opinions when it came out (over the price or something?)...

What's the opinion on SW Battlefront? I read lots of mixed opinions when it came out (over the price or something?). It's pretty cheap now, and I want to try playing on Scarif. Is it worth $30?

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It's not worth $20. I'd think twice about paying $10. I was born in two days. Whereas, I can still play Battlefront 2.

Did they add in space battles yet? If so, get it when it's 10 bucks, otherwise don't waste your time.

Err, bored.

It's what happens when a modern game company tries to remake an old franchise.

dont get it on PC its fucking dead, regardless of what anyone tells you, expect to wait in queues and then only having like 4-5 people in every game

the game doesnt have dedicated servers so its completely fucking dead during non-peak hours, and even during most peak hours they are sitll like 10+ minute long queues to get a single game. its so bad.

space battles have been in since launch

It's honestly alright, don't get it if it isn't on sale WITH the season pass tho.

It really felt like it should have been something similar to planetside and not a battlefield clone. When the match is over it just feels out of place in the Star Wars universe. It really should have been a non-stop Galactic conquest campaign where it never ends.

>published by EA
>developed by DICE

there's two amazing reasons to never buy it at all for any price

>Buying multiplayer games on PC that aren't in the top 50 Steam games

You asked for it. You have to play everything else on consoles, especially multiplayer games not on Steam.

Just wait for BF2 coming out this year.

It's not like it isn't dead on consoles too.


>I was born in two days
Fuck off, Mr Titor, you're still underageB& if you're not born yet.


There's an operative word there.

My main gripe with the game is how awfully dumbed down it is. I wish they just tried adding into the old battlefront games and given features that everyone wanted.

Even if they did, would you want to really play it? The controls and actual air combat is garbage.

>reminder that Sup Forums is filled with underage and NEETs
jesus nigger how fucking poor are you

keep up with the times grandpa

Steam Sales have spoiled me.
I only buy something on release date If I really want to play it. Otherwise I wait so I get it for a steal during one of the major sales.

i bought it a week ago on the winter sale
i got the base game with season pass for 30€

and im having a good time honestly, the star wars feeling is very very great, the sounds, the look, the graphics are really GORGEOUS

what dice did with the frostbite engine is really amazing, it looks so great and runs so fucking smoothly on my gtx970

is the gameplay kinda dumbed down? yeah kinda
theres no revive sytem, no squad system, just a buddy team that assigns a random guy as your buddy

the death star DLC is soo fucking gorgeous looking


if you think about that some idiots paid 120€ on release day for the game and season pass and yoiu can get the same content now for 30€, yeah go for it unless you re a very strict poorfag that just cant spent that money, go for it

its battlefront...and they remade battlefront, which is just a reskinned batllefield

guess why its not called battleside you moron

I was so angry with myself about it

No games available in Australia. Not for shit.


9k players peak is pretty solid dude
infinite warfare that just released has sub 2k players on steam dude , just think about that shit

I like it OP. I play on PS4 and it still has a decent population especially after Scariff released. It's just a fun casual shooter with a Star Wars skin, so don't expect anything groundbreaking. It's not nearly as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be, they are just (righfully) upset at typical EA Jewish tricks, but I recommend it nonetheless

i don't know why they had to make it all new. If they had just remade the first two, very well received Battlefront games and just fine tuned the gameplay, put in some more maps and a new game mode or two, then everyone would have been happy.