For weeks...

>For weeks, an Overwatch exploit that lets players use Mei’s ice wall ability to get outside levels and become invincible has been wreaking havoc on 3v3. Good and righteous players who abhor cheating in all its ghastly forms are sick of it. After prolonged silence, Blizzard’s finally said they’re gonna do something about it.
>Blizzard’s plan, announced by game director Jeff Kaplan on Overwatch’s forums, has two components: 1) eradicating the exploit and 2) “aggressively” punishing people who use it. The first part should happen today, but Kaplan’s not 100 percent certain the fix will get the job done. “There is always the chance that our fix could fail,” he said. “We’re currently testing to verify the fix.”
>“We will be taking action against those who abused this exploit,” said Kaplan. “Overwatch is a PvP experience so that means exploiting game mechanics like this comes at a cost to those you are competing against. We take aggressive action against people who abuse game mechanics, hack or cheat. This case is no different. We may test out new forms of punishment this time instead of a simple ban or suspension including removing an offender's loot boxes, skins, or charging them a fee if they have a credit card on file.”

Based Blizzard fixes shit quick. Meanwhile Valve dicks around.

Other urls found in this thread:

>We may test out new forms of punishment this time instead of a simple ban or suspension including removing an offender's loot boxes, skins, or charging them a fee if they have a credit card on file.”

Is that shit even legal?

>For weeks
>fixes shit quick


nothing will come out of it, exploiters are going to exploit and bug is not going to be fixed.

> charging them a fee if they have a credit card on file.

I haven't looked up the source for this article, but regardless if this article is real or not, could Blizzard legally charge someone's credit card as a punishment? I've never heard anything like this.

Yes, you have basically zero rights when it comes to digital purchases because

>lmao license

Why don't they just fix the game instead of fucking people?

>exploit in game they put in
>punish players for using it
So blizz was literally cucking their player base for playing the game to it's fulliest?

Actually, I didn't see the "fee" part, yeah, that's pushing it legally

There's no fucking way that's legal

>use exploit that is a fault of the games code, not a third party program
>Uuuh you get punished
Fuck kapcuck this is him and his teams fault, he's a fucking pandering retard anyway and is already trying to ruin the game

the source is kotaku
and op is a faggot, he added that part

>punish people for exploiting their shitty game instead of just fixing the problem
>or charging them a fee if they have a credit card on file
Bravo Blizzard!

Well, if you go to a building and break through a wall, you don't think they are going to charge you for it?

>OP posts no source
>puts something inflammatory in post


>We fucked up while designing this, and instead of just figuring out a fix and moving forward, we are going to actively punish anyone who does it, perhaps by stealing their money.

Is this a fucking joke?

they should've constructed the wall better so i can't punch through it

I understand their perspective. Sure, they could fix the game, but does that do anything to the actual people who take the time to find these cheats and implement them?

Blizzard thinks that punishing those who do this could make the person think twice about doing it rather than simply fixing it and having the person go and do something else that negatively impacts the game.

It's not, it's an unauthorized purchase Aka credit fraud

They didn't make you abuse the glitch you turboautist

Tell it to the judge.

I hope they give people who didn't use the exploit a special cosmetic, the butthurt from the TF2 halo was incredible

Hey, faggots, pay attention to this post. OP is trying to rile you retards up.

Can someone show me the part about the fee, because I didn't see that in the article and it sounds fake as fuck

You probably authorized it somewhere in that giant list of terms and conditions you pressed OK on.

>didn't post a link

I've lost 3s matches because of this. It's straight up cheating and I reported all of them.

Get fucked fags.

>Good and righteous players who abhor cheating in all its ghastly forms are sick of it. After prolonged silence, Blizzard’s finally said they’re gonna do something about it.

What kind of cunt writes like this?

This reminds me of the pretentious way I used to write in high school before I realized just how awful it sounded. This writer is jumping between indulgent purple prose and extremely casual slang from sentence to sentence with no mind for flow or consistency.

Somebody got paid to write this.

>punish people for thinking outside the box, and working within the system
They do live their blizzdrones after all.

It won't be as good as the TF2 halo though.

Especially because you can't trade items in OW

>tfw was idling on couple of servers
>tfw got a halo

shit was glorious.


>What kind of cunt writes like this?
Well, it IS a kotaku article

You couldn't trade in TF2 when the halo came out

If the exploit gets out of hand and makes the game unplayable cant they disable the character like riot does every two patches or so?

>based blizzard
>punishing players for using an available game mechanic

>wanting link to Kotaku
>pastebin /pR4dzM2r
>kotaku /blizzard-says-theyll-punish-overwatch-players-who-use-m-1790809796

>use a legitimate game mechanic
>get banned

No you didn't, only the person who owns the credit card can authorize the purchase. You can't sign away your rights. You aren't purchasing some service with a renewing contract like a wow subscription or some shit. They're gonna attempt to steal your money as arbitrage? That's illegal

Not if the wall is made of data that costs absolutely nothing to repair and is one instance of millions of said wall existing in virtual space.

Real world comparisons to digital issues like this are always stupid because data is not physical matter that is finite and costly.

Clipping through a map is not legitimate.

If it's in the game, it's legitimate.
It wasn't done using hacks or any other 3rd party cheats.

This. If it's in the game and you don't use third party software then it's fair game. Don't release broken garbage.

Article doesn't actually say that, nor the "charging them if they have a card on file". OP is baiting.

>or charging them a fee if they have a credit card on file

Wouldn't that be illegal?

Were you using software to do it?

If I remember correctly the halo was about the external tool, not idling as a concept.


Who fucking cares

Y'all, OP added that last part to stir up a shitstorm.

Please investigate for yourselves before flipping out.

That said, Blizzard is a shit company and Overwatch is a shit game regardless of whether or not they literally steal from you.

Still cheating.

Get cuck'd cheater.

Is charging a fee legal?

By your logic, rocket jumps and combos are "cheats" too only because they were originally bugs.

>Not if the wall is made of data that costs absolutely nothing to repair and is one instance of millions of said wall existing in virtual space.

You think fixing the bug is free? They gotta pay somebody.

Children, I swear.

It's a glitch unforseen by developers that's not intended at all

It's not a fair legitimate mechanic at all

Its not. You're a literal idiot if you believe it. Everything int he game is legit for fair use in play.

It's the best mode, so you should care

I doubt that feature will come to OW

>get punished for playing the game

By my logic exploiting a bug is cheating, yes.

I can't believe I have to deal with retards like you on a daily basis.

>abuse game mechanics

How far we have fallen to the hugbox age.

>If it's in the game, it's legitimate.
I don't know what kind of fucking sand monkey you are, but exploiting glitches and bugs should always be a bannable offense.
>but i-it's l-legitimate!111!
Making yourself invulnerable using a game glitch is not an intended feature nor a legitimate one.
Why am i even replying to you, as you are probably eating your own feces in this precise god-given moment.

Just make a kill zone volume if Mei leaves the initial fighting area

Gaining an unfair advantage via glitches isn't cheating? You're fucking retarded and you probably play soccer with your hands

>punishing the players for uncovering glitches
It wouldn't be a glitch if it was foreseen by the developers you fucking retard.

>ANYONE at all even thinking for a second this is legit
>ANYONE seriously questing if anyone making unauthorized billings to your account is legal or not


So you're a retard. I get it.


Just like combos or wavedashing in fighting games.

It is a glitch Jesus christ you're so thick developers patch games all the time for glitches you retard

Quake players learned to bunnyhop, a mechanic not intended or expected by Id. In response, did Id threaten to punish people who bunnyhopped? Fuck no. They incorporated it and added more movement mechanics in subsequent Quake games.

Punishing players for exploiting your fuckup is terrible practice. Blizzard is a joke, and you are a braindead fanboy.

Of course it is legal goy.

Your not allowed to use hands in soccer.

The rules say nothing about wrapping the ball in your legs and crawling into the goal though.

The intelligence of Sup Forums

This thread is full of falseflaggers who only pretend to be retarded Blizzard fans, right?

You can't pick the same characters and do the same thing?

You can't come up with a counter strategy?
Shit metagame.

Were you kid born before 2001? No, were you "men" born before 1984?

Wave dashing isn't a glitch >Your not allowed to use hands in soccer
You're not allowed to clip through a wall to make yourself l either

>wreaking havoc
Hah, who's this hack
>Nathan Grayson
Can't make this shit up, one of the Five Guys?

t. Rational person

> did Id threaten to punish people who bunnyhopped

Cheaters like that should be punished.

>We may test out new forms of punishment this time instead of a simple ban or suspension including removing an offender's loot boxes, skins, or charging them a fee if they have a credit card on file
That's extremely jewish, even for actiblizz standards

>You can't come up with a counter strategy?
>Shit metagame.
There is no counter play for invincibility

Mei is just a conceptually broken hero.

AoE freeze ult that sometimes glitches and freezes vertically

Ice wall can be used with 2 meis to block one of the many chokepoints in every map forever

Freeze gun, losing control of your character is not fun, at least the tf2 devs knew this and shot down every weapon idea that included stuns

depending on what they mean by it im sure there are ways. such as banning the account but allowing it to be transfered in repurchase. they couldnt just charge the account but they could charge to unlock for rule violations

epic trole bro!!

Blizz literally fixing shit and laying down the law first week after their holidays. If only all companies were this good.

>or charging them a fee if they have a credit card on file.”


This situation is a bit different because clipping through a wall wouldn't serve as a game mechanic, but you're correct in assuming that banning for it is retarded.
Just patch it and thank the players for discovering the bug. That's all Blizzard has to do.

Maybe since all the characters are free and available from the start there's no way to remove them from selection?
Seems like something they should be able to do though

The overall effect in Tekken was initially a glitch.

They were already paid to make the game. If devs were too retarded to make it properly shit's on them. Of course people exploiting it are bad, but saying they need to pay for abusing a failure the devs put in so they can fix it is retarded.

Beat them to the punch or apply it to your team as well.

Except the sandman, evidently.

So fucking what, you cockgobbling motherfucker?
Should we allow fucking idiots to go through walls because some old farts who used to make good vidya thousands of years ago did the same thing?
You pissdrinking fucking niggerfaggotlord, why are you even defending this if not for the sake of going against apparent ((((blizzdrones))))?

I don't understand how anyone can take anything written here on Sup Forums at face value.

I mean holy shit guys of course it's not true

>yfw you did not fall for the Overhype meme

Mei exploiters have already been punished with a temporary suspension. First time violators have received a 7-day suspension from OW. Repeat offenses will have the amount of time doubled.

>Ice wall can be used with 2 meis to block one of the many chokepoints in every map forever
except for the characters that have mobility skills
Also TF2 includes stuns and knockback. Stop being a baby

>abuse an obvious bug that gives an obvious huge advantage
>get punished for it