Welcome to Sup Forumseenie Hut Jr's. How casual are ya?
Welcome to Sup Forumseenie Hut Jr's. How casual are ya?
dark souls series is a casual series
it's one of the most popular series. You see sluts stream it on twitch, reddit loves it, facebook loves it. Everybody plays the game and shares memes about it.
it really is a casual series, just had to get that out there.
I bought Xmas Shooting Scramble for the 100% Orange Juice character. I didn't even beat the first level.
Does popular equal casual though. I mean I hate dark souls, but I don't know if I'd call it casual.
I shelved Demon's Quest after the worst ending
>Demon's Quest
meant Demon's Crest. More fuel for the fire though
I play every pc game with a gamepad. Be it shooters, isometric rpgs etc.
I like Fallout new vegas
I savescum.
I consider exploits fair game.
I bought the Skylanders Wii U pack
At Walmart
I currently am playing an idle game on my pc. I got stuck on the second bridge flower puzzle in undertale for at least 10 minutes, but I got to the area with the abandoned quiche almost instantly.
Do you at least learn the environments from savescumming and eventually don't need to do it anymore for a specific game?
To this day I have yet to beat the first level of God of War
Even on the easiest difficulty
I'm 2k mmr
I used a guide and savestates to beat final fantasy crystal chronicles
I do my placement matches in league of legends ranked and then never touch it again. This season I placed into gold 3, and my account will decay until gold 5 I think. I could probably be plat or diamond if I actually regularly played the game and wanted to learn it, but I just dont.
I'm using cheats to beat hell in cave story
>/vr/ as the big boys club
>when they are the most pedantic nostalgiatards to grace God's given boards
Swap Sup Forums and /vr/ for how toxic Sup Forums is on a daily basis and for how much of an echochamber /vr/ is
i want to agree with you, but you forget about how rampant the furry sjw tumblr menace is here.
It really is a safe space now
So it's a salty spitoon for people from pol then?
I only play 2fort
Sup Forums is to hostile an environment to be the standard weenie hut jr's Sup Forums and /vr/ should be swapped.
I really like how 2 fort is the casual comfy map, along with probably harvest. On almost every other map, I feel like I have to my class for what my team needs and think about how I should be playing. On 2fort and harvest, I literally pick whatever I'm feeling with any load out I want to try and run around like an idiot. Don't even care if we win or lose.
I button mash in fighting games
I savescum in XCOM
I refuse to play games on anything but the easiest difficulty even if I'm really good at the game
I can't play any games that aren't turn based or able to pause because I suck at real time anything
Eh, it does require at the very least an understanding of game mechanics and boss patterns. I wouldn't say its hard, but not casual at all
You dont decay in gold anymore
/vr/ and /vp/ should be removed as boards and turned into generals on /vg/
Pokemon and "retro" games aren't THAT popular
Well I hope the one time you won was worth it.
I play League of Legends.
I don't have to try map rankings
>one engie in intel tier
>two pairs of tryhards have stalemated the map tier
>Stalematey deathtrap tier
Tf2 is great for the casual half hour games of ctf
Nothing else quite like it
I cheated In infinite money in FTL and still can't beat the flag ship.
The only PVP game I play is Overwatch.
Rest is co-op, like Killing Floor 2
I play the mainline Pokemon series.
Without checking their IVs and nature.
That only means that you're possibly not unhinged.