Can "edgy" be done right?

Can "edgy" be done right?


they look like transexual femboys that no one can take seriously

Yeah. Vergil for example

every character in uniel is edgy

Big Boss

>Hamfisted cheeseball.


If you play vidya for anything other than comfy and sex mods you are a manchild and should kys

If you increase the ham factor throughout the entire game, yes. Kinda like how Broforce did 80s action movies.

Seth is self aware of his edginess, and in a world where even the little girl with the bee movie sweater is centuries of edgy condensed into a violent fuck, you learn to kinda chill out.

Helps that everyone in fucking UNIEL has been edgy for so long that they either stopped caring or became Carmine


I don´t even know what edgy is actually supposed to mean. Doesen´t it just mean kids acting like dark, bloody and generally "evil" stuff makes them more mature?

Pretty much.
Edge just sums that into a word.

Think Shadow the Hedgehog and it's more or less that.

Uncle Death isn't even edgy, he's literally the embodiment of death sent to fucking destroy the earth...except he finds that edgy, so he just plays video games instead

He's just a goofball wearing a scream mask

Ragnarok Online assassins. They're only like 1/16 of all the options a player can be and they also fit in the game's style perfectly despite game itself being as non-edgy as it could be.

What's the point of them?
Wouldn't a dagger be more effective?
Are they essentially bladed tonfa?

Sup Forums seems to like that guy on the news that sheathes his sword.

It's exotic weapons, man. They had to waste a whole starting feat on that shit, just let 'em have it

>inb4 2B

It's like you described, or
But it's usually out of place, a good example again being shadow the hedgehog

Well in that case it probably has to be kind of self aware, sort of over the top and be played for laughs sometimes.

First thing that comes to my mind that actually worked like this is Mortal Kombat.


>The edgy shitter is actually the best character of the game

I seriously didn't expected that, Gladio is too good for that shitty game.

Nah, Jewpuncher is pretty straight to the point and professional. Eltnum just rambles on too much and the robot loli doesn't like to wear clothes or has emotions.

that was a good meme, user

here's a (you)

Not if your "edgy" character looks like Sia.

Mortal Kombat transcended edge and was straight into radical territory back in the day. No one ever took it seriously, and Rayden screamed "chicken marmalade" or something when he'd do moves. MK3 came from a different place and was all about its edge, down to Kabal and cyborg bodies with human souls

Edgy was like, Spawn


Reminder that it's ok to like edgy things

>They had to waste a whole starting feat on that shit
Alright, I won;t say anything.

only if it's self aware


/r/ing that vidya EDGE chart from a few months back.

Sure can

>Enter his hotel room
>"Get out"
That's when any doubts about if the game was going to be shit were killed

Only instance I can think of are these assholes, and that's because of god-tier VA and dialogue.

He's a mute mass-murderer. He's not edgy, he's unhinged.

Edgy isn't bad at all. It's just so often done tastelessly by deviantart tier weebs. I love me some tasteful gothic shit.

My favorite edgey character of the last decade, damn shame they shit all over him so they could give all of the waifu characters happy endings. Rest in pepperonis good guy, gone but not forgotten

>Self aware edginess used for comic relief
Perfectly executed

Even if the actual character was a mess, I think Shadow's design is amazing and one of the better "dark hero" design trope. And I'm sad that he still gets made fun of his design despite being so good.

When it's so edgy it's comical, like Reaper from Overwatch

And the first one was even better.

indian developed a fighting style that essentially boxing with katar. also katar are a type of dagger. its design also made easier to put more strength and weight into the thrust or slash

Less his design and more for his game.
His design is alright at least.

>Hyde looks edgy as fuck
>play the game
>he's actually a happy bro that tries to help when he can
Glad to see that. I think the only edgy character in it is Hilda.

>Not posting le fedora fingerles glove snekman.

Was really hoping Reaper would usher in a new age of "so edgy it's comical", but I guess it's too much to hope for Keith Ferguson to voice three to five growling characters for the next decade

Shadow was a great character in SA2 and a real breath of fresh air at the time. The problem is he was made to begin and end with that game. Bringing him back just because he was popular shat on his story, and they just made him worse and worse from there. That and most of his fans are retards.


Also this (if you play the game correctly).

His own game was just stupid as shit, he was okay in SA2 and Heroes

Hatred is the best game ever created

they all look chuuni as fuck but super restrained. i actually really enjoy uniel's character designs.


Probably my favorite thing about the story, bunch of people been in this terrible situation for so long they still look edgy as fuck but are all completely lackadaisical about the whole thing.

Except Linne, but that's just because she needs some insulation from Hyde. Hilda's sort of justified in her edginess, main villainess and all that

I hate how the designs are going away from the original art style, the way the personalities clashed with the looks was special

Speaking strictly technically it's a fantastic design. When you look at it, you instantly think "dark sonic". He looks like Sonic but also is immediately distinct and his own sillhouette.

My dear anonymous poster, we both nu there was nu way she was ever going to get a happy ending.


New French Bread game when?
New melty to save fighting games when

When the Tsukihime remake comes out

No. The line is much too close to cringe.

Buy Dengeki


What am I supposed to even say to this

and its a blurry fucking line

I think I might've hated Dark Pit had he actually been edgy

I don't think even think he was truly edgy in Sonic Adventure 2, the problem was bringing him back as he was somewhat inherently a one time character and without much character developement he was doomed to become an edgy caricature of himself or at least becoming annoying with time as he continued brooding for reasons the players care for less and less.
I find him very tolerable in games like Sonic Heroes and Sonic Battle where he has some baggage but his angst is toned down though.
His game is probably his only terribad incarnation.

DFC om pc when?

I still can't get over that one of the best renditions of Shadow is from a fucking autistic MSpaint comic

Shadow's great in Archie though

Buy Nitro+ Blasterz

Man, I forgot those were even a thing. It's been forever since Sonic generals were cozy enough for those readings. Miss checking in with that sometimes

UNIEL does it right.

UNIEL is chuuni but super restrained.


Does it really count as chuuni when they actually have the powers?

Chuuni is an aesthetic

>Thousand night, recurrence night, reverie end invite... and... 7 days immortal, unreal black things.

What did they mean by this?

>no one has posted our boy gig

what the fuck Sup Forums?

Do it right. unreal BLACK THINGS.

I don't know about that, chuuni as a concept is too case-by-case to properly give it an aesthetic. I mean, the whole point of a chuuni is they're just children trying to look cool. I don't think that's the right word for UNIEL's aesthetic

the only correct answer

uniel has tons of gratuitous english usage and dumb terms and names for powers, so it can be considered chuuni. just held back a bit.


Every game has a different version of what's cool within that world, you just need the willingness/ability to be open minded about it.

by the stupid current definition of the buzzword, no

but yeah, it can be done right, pic related

Yeah no, that doesn't constitute it being chuuni at all. You're basically calling any anime or show where they announce their powers chuuni.

The gratuitous english usage is a calling card of french bread's that they've been using for well past a decade. Besides, you're honestly saying engrish means chuuni, when it's just something the Japs have done forever?

I feel like you don't know what chuuni actually is.

>Cutscenes have shitty animation and no music.
>What should have been a hype as fuck moment where Ragna defeats the main villain with his Astrals just ends up looking awkward and weird.
They really dropped the fucking ball with these.

>by the stupid current definition of the buzzword,

Uh no. Edgy still has the same definition as it always did. The only difference is the current era of people are sick of edgy characters, hence the meme.

Also you pic related's "slicing through everything" mechanic is a prime example of edginess done wrong in vidya.

This. The whole point of edgy is that the character has been through some shit.

Look at his arm, its fucked. He's also not twelve and thinks he's seen everything.

Metal Gear Rising is edgy but it's done right, there's plenty of comical moments and random absurd power level bullshit, it's all fun and at no point did I cringe or think it was overdone

a character that literally was, by dictionary definition, "on edge".
the difference between this and stereotypical examples is, that raiden is a character that is well written in a way that he seems plausible as a human being.
I also liked how his personality perfectly fit with the way you most likely played the game.

who else took their time to slice the melons open in Denver?

Who is this man?

Since '99

Polnareff was kinda edgy.

Dante isn't edgy he's a loony toon. Virgil is a proper chuuni.


You would have to define it first

>literally *teleports in front of you*

Edgy is a buzzword