I'll post this everyday for PC port
I'll post this everyday for PC port
You'll pirate it anyway. Just buy a 360 copy for $3.
Greatest TPS of all time.
Not OP, but i already bought a physical copy and a digital copy for the ps3, all i want is to give more money to this franchise.
That game is generic af, desu
RE6 says hi
it was generic ass gears of war ripoff that failed. no one cares fuck of weeb
I want 60fps and better controls.
>SEGA say they're going to port more games after the success of Valkyria Chronicles
>literally only ported Sonic Lost World since
It had one game and fucking bombed.
It only looks generic.
>wanting a shooter which was designed around controller on PC
The game is already faulty by design, it's worthless garbage.
it's true
if they ported it and see how it would do in terms of sales, it could have a sequel.
look at dragon's dogma, game sold much better when it came out on pc and capcom might do something new with it
How do you feel about very probable Shenmue HD?
>implying you can't use a controller on PC
I support you OP
For real? Bought it because of the praise it gets on Sup Forums. I think it was too easy, story was call of duty tier and gameplay wasnt as fun as everybody says. Sliding mechanic was just a gimmick and not really mandatory during the game. Gears of War Series was way better because it didnt pretend to be something differnt than a TPS and gunplay was on point. Trying to time reload did made a difference and giving some locust a headshot was satisfying. Should have spent the money on Binary Domain.
You're a delusional moron and you're only setting yourself up to be upset.
Doesn't change that a shooter designed for controller is utter garbage.
You need to start making noise on social media if you want a port. As stupid as it is you need to start a twitter following and harass SEGA about it.
stop playing on easy
just because you hate video-games now, doesn't mean everyone has to
I stopped playing Binary Domain 10 minutes in, Gears was good in 2006. Vanquish is far more fast-paced with more mechanics.
I wish the melee was a little bit more balanced, most of the time it just isn't worth killing 1 enemy for instant overheating.
melee is also less viable on higher difficulties wich sucks since it's the fanciest way to kill enemies
binary domain is pretty good too
>literally a qte
all the stuff i have
Vanquish is on another level compared to Gear of war (in term of gameplay)
op here
give me sega's twitter and i ll try for it; let hope they not blocking me
I have a PS3, should I play this game? It looks like Halo meets Gears of War meets Killzone I like neither of those games.
its trash dont fall into Sup Forums memes.
i made this for you OP
hope you enjoy
T-thanks dude
>always do the opposite of what Sup Forums tells you
You absolutely should. Unlike those games Vanquish doesn't take itself nearly as deathly seriously. It's also way more fun to play.
only bad thing about Vanquish is the framerate and the graphics.
gameplay and levels are really fucking fun.
also, no other game plays like this.
i always appreciate games that are truly unique.
>no other game plays like this.
Okay that sounds interesting might try it.
Why does Platinum/Clover make the best doggos
The Chihuahuas from God Hand