They are giving out Me2.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck, I just bought this on steam tho

Just refund it dude

>Origin shills

Shoo shoo

So are they

Neat. Wish they've give ME1 though. Haven't played it since around release and never finished it. Would wanna do that before ME1.

highly recommended

Thanks OP, it will probably sit in my library forever but I like free shit.

What's the difference between Standart and Deluxe editions?

lol how about "no"

The Digital Deluxe Edition includes:
• Bonus in-game weapon and armor
• Bonus in-game Incisor sniper rifle
• Mass Effect 2 Soundtrack (digital download)
• The Making Of Mass Effect 2 videos
• Digital version of Issue #1 of the Mass Effect comic book by Dark Horse comics
• Digital 48-page art book
• Cerberus Network code granting access to bonus content
those things can be downloaded elsewhere

Tell me, how does it feel to have Gabe's cock lodged so firmly up your ass?

>using bullet points
you've been caught in the act, ea shill

>there's no GOTY editions for ME2 and ME3
>you have to buy the DLCs separately
>DLCs are still at launch price
>the ME Trilogy pack only gives DLCs for ME1


>implying EA is any better

It's a copypaste from the website, retard.

>not being a pirate
How does it feel to use your colostomy bag, faggot?

copy pasted

Yeah no

and the DLCs have been free for a while

Looks like this actually IS the deluxe edition unless they fucked up

neat. have not played overlord and genesis yet

>Installing Origin
>You have to pay for ME1 and ME3
>You don't even get the DLC

Why would you bother when you can just pirate the trilogy with all DLC and not have to accidentally support EA?

Fucking based

Thanks famalamabamatram

Hell yeah, I got a Pirate Bay Giftcard on Christmas, time to start getting some games.

When did people in this board start tolerating EA, ffs?

Why not make them free through Origin?

You would have to pay me to download origin on my computer.

Why doesn't steam give out free games?

Why would you refuse free shit?
click on Install and it'll register to you
and yes it has cards

Why would a corporation offer you "free" shit?
They're paying you for installing their spyware. Anyway I'm out of this fucking thread.

If we are going for hurr the botnet, then if your PC is capable of playing videogames, then it's already rigged.
Basically because you are going to be using a Microsoft OS, and Microsoft, unlike EA, is part of Prism, AKA, the NSA.

That's going to look nice on my Origin account of free games I'll never play, thanks.


>hey guys, you have a free game

Thank you kind user

kek, same here bro


>remembering me3 ending

as if i'd want the cancer that is the mass effect series on my fucking account
no thanks

Nice, I got ME1 for free years ago when some origin promo code got passed around that let you get games 15 dollars or less for free.

never played ME before, is it worth picking up ME1 for 3 quid and playing through them all? Are they actually any good?

>Shit game
>Shit service

Wow, where do I sign?

Giving out a free game regularly is shit service?

Wowy I get to have a game everyone seems to dislike. instead of a game that was Game of the year, and on some lists, best game of all time

You fucking spastic

It does tho, not my fault you missed em

cool, never played any of them

Insult me all you want, can't deny the truth

If the games are shit then yes

how long you gonna act like a kid dude

All it costs is YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL.*

*aka installing Origin