Seriously why Sony can't release a game that is not LGBTQ+ agenda pushing?

Last of Us
Dad of War
Detroit Become Human


Follow the trends to follow the money




I know a false flag when I see one.

Are you saying a normal, regular video game like Omega Boost 2 wouldn't sell?

gay =/= political statement
Fuck identity politics.

The jews fear the samurai though

>my reaction when this becomes true

>omg Sony fans are the fucking worst they non stop shitpost!!!

>Dad of War
>Detroit Become Human
What do any of these have to do with LGBT

Look at the past big releases Sony did for PS2: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, Okami, Ratchet and Clank, Shadow of the Colossus...

now compare to this garbage: Last of Us, Uncharted, Last Guardian, Beyond Two Souls..


What's God of War and Detroit got to do with agenda pushing?

They did it's bloodborn

>''Diversity is more important than game play''

Wait, really? maybe that's why their games have 10 min game play and 3 hour cut scene.

The last of us, The last guardian, Uncharted are all better than the ps2 games you listed by a wide margin.

Dad of War is nu-male "MY WIFE'S SON! PROGRESSIVE HIPSTER EMOTIVE" and Detroit is another Heavy Rain emotional cut scene:the video game for the Feminist Frequency/Polygon crowd.

>neogaf: the post

I didn't know robots and Demi-Gods were included in the +

>A fucking white male!

Please be bait

[citation needed]

It's very progressive.

Sony is much bigger than just PlayStation and as I recall, isn't PlayStation their most successful branch?

Many people will say "haha bait xD" but the truth is I sold my wii u early last year and my PS4 last december

it's worthless to buy a console to play 3-4 good games every 2 years.

Jesus christ calm the fuck down. How do you know the kid is his wife's son?
Isn't this just Sup Forums spouting bullshit like always?

>Dad of War
I laughed hard. How have i not seen this yet

How is Bloodborne LGBT agenda pushing?

Fuck this shit thread, post your rare Louie's

>How have i not seen this yet
Because you are a new fag


Made by a third party not related to Sony in any way and it was decided as exclusive in the last minute. Also smooth 23fps.

Too bad they just can't live off Playstation alone

Its going to be a point in time Sony is going to have to sign the playstation brand over to someone else

>Dad of War is nu-male "MY WIFE'S SON!
I have a very strong feeling that this is just memes with absolutely no basis in the actual content of the game/trailers.

If worse comes to worst, they'd probably just close the other branches and become just PlayStation.

Why the fuck would they sell off their successful business in order to save the failing ones?

sony pictures is doing pretty well despite releasing literal shit

Sony films is hemoraging money user. Didn't you hear? They were expecting to make like 15 more spiderman movies if the 2nd one sold well.

why does it have to be an agenda. why can't gays have some characters too

>They were expecting to make like 15 more spiderman movies if the 2nd one sold well.
You say that like there was any money put into those projects.

Don't play the innocent card. We all know it's them pushing an agenda for pink money

it wouldn't even be an issue if it wasn't shoved in everyone's faces almost constantly


Because it's weird and off-putting when LGBT characters are thrown into a game and "being LGBT" is their defining character trait. It's just weird and I don't like it.


No sane person has ever given a fuck about a character's race or gender in video games, books, movies, etc

It's when you're CLEARLY trying to push some sort of agenda with your strong independent black woman who is also trans, disabled, autistic, and also has a love interest who is the same but also they're both gay AND by the way this game's story is a metaphor for Trump's presidency that annoys the fuck out of everyone

Oh wow what a real thing that I absolutely believe happened

Amazing Spiderman 2 had a budget of almost $300 million.

Yes, but there was no money sitting on Amazing Spider-Man 3 because its existence depended on ASM2.

It's possible but not this year, maybe in two or 3


Why does japan get a free pass to include gay shit in all their games and anime but you people throw a fit if it's even remotely hinted in a western game you didn't intend to play anyway?

It was codeveloped by Studio Japan you inbred retard.

They handle it differently

Oh those poor oppressed straight people, they have to acknowledge that gays exist! Oh the horror! Mooooom!

love to push the LGBT agenda every day.

Why aren't you a girl yet OP?

why do you care

The only problem is when they're badly written and all they do is stereotypical gay things.

Other than that LGBT can be in anything and it doesn't change anything significant

Because if people still bought games in a box western companies would list it as a feature on the back.

Japan makes it normal. The West makes it a bunch of special snowflakes.

is it so hard though?

if you dont like it, dont buy it

>10 min game play and 3 hour cut scene.
That never happend.
Way to overdramatize shit nigger

>The only problem is when they're badly written and all they do is stereotypical gay things.

But that's what they're like in real life.

This. Whenever there's a gay character in my JRPG or eroge, I just say
>Ah, boy. I'm in for a ride.
Or in the case of School Mate 1
>fucking skip, skip, skip, skip i just want to jack off to my custom designed girl
Either way, they don't push it hardcore like western devs do.

You can also switch out the gay character's skin with a skin-color vader

user this may come as a surprise to you but not every single gay person is a flamboyant fucking homo sissy boy that shits glitter

I stand by the gay couple in Mission Hill being one of the most accurately written gay couples in fiction

Either go all the fuck out and let people know up front a character was gay, or don't touch on it at all.

The worst thing you could possibly do is yank the chewed rug out from under your consumer's feet half-way through your shitty game and say,

>"Gotcha! That character you like? Well guess what; they were gay! Really made you think, didn't we?"

>gay couple in Mission Hill
based Gus and Wally

What if they just weren't blatantly stereotypically gay and you only found out later after some character development?

this board has fucking faggot trap threads literally every single day and you pathetic worms gets all bent out of shape over a made up person being gay