That's a competitive game you've got there.
It'd be a shame if something happened to it.
That's a competitive game you've got there.
It'd be a shame if something happened to it.
>Competitive game
I never wait more than two minutes.
What is going on? Did everyone just stop playing after xmas?
>That's a competitive game you've got there.
>it's another "Widow 'main' missed 3 shots in a row on a stationary Ana while Ana killed them" thread
>Roadhog irrelevant
>D.Va dead once again
No, he's just retarded. I've had the queue just not work for me before, unqueued and requeued, got into a game within 5 seconds.
>Roadhog's hook is broken at launch
>"Don't worry guys, we're fixing it."
>it's even more broken
>"Don't worry guys, we're fixing it again."
>it's even more broken again
Why don't you just admit you hate healers? Because it seems like every season a healer needs to get nerfed.
Because it's never the actual healing that's the problem. With Lucio it's speed boost making him a mandatory pick on 100% of the maps. With Zenyatta it was discord. With Mercy it was her res and attack boost (on PTR). Ana is the only actual healing that needed to be nerfed, and it wasn't even her direct healing, it was the boosted healing and debuffing enemy healing that her pissjar did.
>Dva nerfed
>Roadhog nerfed
>Ana nerfed
Tank meta is finally over
If it wasn't the case, we would've 12v12 funservers
Sad they did this to best girl, glad I been playing lucio almost exclusively now. Can w take a moment and appreciate how amazing lucio can be in the right hands
Seriously, how the fuck do we fix biotic grenade?
My suggestion:
No boost to healing received
Debuff diameter cut in half
Debuff is shortened two seconds
>No Mercy buffs in the PTR
That guy has been posting the same screenshot for a while now, never explaining on what server he's on or to what time he tried to find a game. It's always the exact same ss at that. If this shit happened often you'd think he had more ss's.
I'm not that guy, EU west here, and queues usually are 4-5 minutes in best cases
Have faith user.
Mercy will be part of the meta some day.
>he doesnt realise there are grandmaster mercy mains
Sure thing, brah. That's why you keep on posting the screenshot of someone else instead of making your own one.
What, where? I can't see it, is it behind Overwatch?
>same image
>usually find games in 10-30 seconds
>thinking that logic is going to work on me
Get rid of the initial healing and damage completely. She doesn't need it when her primary weapon already does ranged healing and damage.
>"But then she won't be able to self-heal."
>in the right hands
user pls
Lucio is OP because he's amazing in anyone's hands, even a braindead retard.
Completely remove its damage and healing. So its only boosts healing and stops others from being healed, it does no damage and it does not heal the Ana.
There the Ana now has no self regeneration and has to rely on either other healers or health packs, shes now way more vulnerable when dived on by the flankers like most of the other healers are.
was there ever a point in which reinhardt or lucio were not liberally picked?
On my ping i always got 2 minutes or less to wait. Is not my problem if you are playing in Narnia
What did they do to D.Va?
Complete nerf.
She's back to being useless.
Nah they just made her way less obnoxious, she was always an off tank and taken for the Defense Matrix which is unchanged.
Its just much less of a fucking pain to kill one now.
Good patch list faggot
Lucio isn't even that amazing anymore. His speed boost is still useful and always will be, but his healing is reliant on syncing his amp with Ana's pissjar to not be garbage.
These are suggestions that only a leditor would think is actually fair and balanced. These suggestions would make ana completely useless. Leave. You're all retarded and should be banned.
>You will never put your head on Ana's lap while watching the sun stretch across the egyptian sands
>She'll never pet your head, while the calm southern wind streaks across your faces
I miss my grandma
I'm so happy we'll go back to rein/zarya/lucio/zen/soldier/mccree, other characters being used was annoying.
t.Ana main.
Perhaps put a distance meter onto the healing part of the nade so that Ana can't just look at the ground and get most of her health back. So then it starts getting used like an actual grenade and not a portable health pack.
Health changed from 400 armor/200 normal to 200 armor/400 normal. This means she takes significantly more damage from low-per-bullet characters like Soldier and Reaper since her armor runs out faster.
Cannons changed from 8 bullets of 3 to 11 bullets of 2. This is a very small damage nerf (from 24 per shot to 22 per shot) but ends up being a very small buff at longer ranges since there's now more bullets per shot to potentially hit.
Fuck off with your cancer meta
So that's why it was feeling weird last night
>change her health to instantly melt
>don't change her fucktarded critbox
ebin game blizzard, I suppose having a new character in the meta was too fucking much.
Making her a squishier character does nothing to change he fact was that she was picked for her defense matrix. She'll just be behind the lines more than before.
I dont think the update went live yet, if it I didnt notice anything different about her
>it's a tries to delete Symmetra or Zaryas laser episode
it never gets old
Welp that's fucking nothing, you had me worried for a second.
I like playing roadhog
She has a move that destroys any projectile/bullet that projects from her head, and a way to fly out of danger when she gets in trouble
Not to mention her second health bar
I downloaded a patch last night don't know if it was it tho
Hoo-boy that gives me a right proper chuckle.
Did anyone really expect Overwatch to be a real competitive game after the long-standing joke that is the WoW PvP Arena scene?
Blizzard has proven time and time again that they have no fucking clue how to actually balance a game, they can only do their classic rotating wheel of OP that's pulled back and forth by the whingy whims of their community.
Except Ana's Nano has been buffed in the past and people currently bitch about her damage.
People just find some reason to get healers neutered instead of focusing on one simple thing. And that's the fact that the first character designed to potentially counter this meta (Sombra) is garbage and does none of the things you would expect her to.
Like she doesn't stop healing at all.
If she was used for DM she would've been used a lot more months ago but she wasn't.
But she's getting nerfed?
Biotic Grenade bonus healing is only increasing by 50% instead of 100%.
Its more entertaining seeing Genjis hit all of their buttons at the same time.
"One of these must let me win every situation at all times! I'll just hit them all one after another"
>That's a competitive game you've got there.
Which game would that be user? Surely you can't be referring to casualwatch?
Hey I just do it out of instinct.
Just watch her go back to being completely irrelevant.
So what? She's still shit, the players just compensate for it.
its a bad instinct
Nanoboost isn't healing. Damage isn't healing. All I said was it wasn't the actual healing of the healers that was being nerfed. It was their utility beyond healing.
Maybe she'll go back to being in around half of my games, not all of them
I'm really looking forward to that
That being said, its sad and hilarious at the same time that D.Va got hit with the nerf bat harder than Ana
dva got a buff and a nerf, she is fine mate.
Prove me wrong m8.
I'm not any of those you replied to but I can understand them. No healer can instantly get 100 health back. At least if you can aim you can kill a fleeing mercy or a dancing hopping lucio but ana will negate 100 of your damage no matter what you do.
>inb4 just shoot more.
It's not just that. She has a longer ttk so now she's back behind rein or hog's ass and the advantage you had from flanking is gone, or she might even have slept you.
You can give her a movement ability for all I care, the grenade is too convenient.
Ana can also do way too many things :
>aoe heal
>deny healing
>aoe damage
>long range dps
>choice between hitscan and projectile
>ult countering (for non instant ults)
Even one of the most versatile support, zen, can't do that much shit.
>plays a game that's known for having gay and lesbian characters, created by a company that mainly employs atheists and stands up for liberalism and SJW values, uses characters from various religions in a blasphemous way
>uses the fedora meme
>less ehp
>less damage
Armor nerf is alright if they:
1. Make Defense Matrix big enough to be a viable shield
2. Make her critbox smaller
I hope you never are in charge of balance, because you clearly have no fucking clue what you're doing.
And I'm saying that's an excuse. It all ultimately leads to healing getting nerfed. Zen has had his healing messed with, Lucio has had his healing messed with, and Mercy has had her healing messed with.
Ana hasn't been touched yet and people clearly want that to change.
go ahead, defend why ana can do so much more than any other healer AND be better than them at healing.
>posts animu images on a west African trump spam board
defense matrix is a viable shield. you just need to use it effectively. You cant just project it forward and expect it to get everything
She wasn't used for the defense matrix before because it was a retardedly made ability before. Lasts 4 seconds on use with a 10 second cooldown
i like it
It might be time to find a new hobby my friend.
They gave her the strong self-heal because she has zero mobility options. The grenade is too powerful and Blizzard is nerfing it from +100% healing to +50% healing. They should probably just switch it out for something else, but they never will.
>nerf for being usable for a few weeks
>don't touch rein for almost a year
Rein was almost untouched on koth maps for quite a while when double winstons dominated, then it became zarya winston and after her first buff, zarya dva. Reinhardt by far has the highest pick rate in this season though, the entire meta revovles around shooting behind his shield and breaking the other reins shield
>If a character isn't viable in pro games played at the highest level of play, they're garbage
Its this mindset that is ruining this game. People just look at the pros, see what they're doing, and mimic their picks and reasoning for picking them
Guess what, 99% of the people posting here aren't top tier players. You can stomp people using the 'OP' characters as fucking Torbjorn if you know how to play him well
The differences aren't as huge as the pros would make you think
Play who you like, unless your team is really suffering for it
yeah, I understand they tried to give her an alternative to mobility options, but that's only fine in a vacuum. In the context of competitive matches, those two things are far from being equal.
No, they've been mandatory since forever meanwhile other characters have been buffed to push them into the meta then nerfed when people complain about having to deal with new things.
Rein's strength is obnoxiously inherent. That shield is by far the strongest ability in the game. Even stronger than some ults, in fact.
Dvas damage falloff makes her bullets 60% weaker at distances over 10m. And the armor being easily the best thing about her is tissue paper to dps characters.
This nerf is at the point where nobody will use her.
>plz nerf one of the only true balanced heroes!
pssst...You know that big red shield he's holding up? It breaks if you shoot it. And then you just kill him and everyone behind it. Whoa.
Reminder that almost all the balance issues in this game come from Ana and more specifically her piss jar.
Reinhardt will never not be good
His shield literally breaks the game, especially since most maps are tiny chokepoints followed by long hallways. The meta will never not be balanced around Reinhardt.
If Rein is "balanced" then every other character needs massive buffs.
they could easily just reduce rein's shield's hp
or just remove it and give him something else
Ana is cancer as early as gold. This shitty meta affects everyone.
On top of forcing lame picks, it makes people stay in groups, in a small melee of rein shield vs rein shield. Flanking isn't viable and games becomes unbielievably boring.
>that feel when they'll never nerf Reinhardt
Why don't you learn to swing that glorious hammer around Sup Forums? Truly Reinhardt is the masterrace.
>D.Va got nerfed so hard that I can finally play her again
Anyone else have this special snowflake complex where they only play underpowered heroes? I used to have around 30 hours of D.Va before she was nerfed, but once she got buffed I stopped using her.
I'm a Mercy main and I never heal, I just attack with the pistol.
Okay I keep hearing that Rein's shield is like the second coming of Christ, but whenever I use him if I have it up for 2 seconds it's already destroyed. What the hell am I doing wrong?
I think all tanks could do with health reduction for the sake of lowering damage across the board. It feels like they came up with Roadhog first and were like "we have to give him A TON OF HEALTH" and then sort of realized that they had to give other tanks tons of health too, and then they had to increase the damage on dps heroes, and then realized even further that if tanks are going to be able to fight themselves, they need to deal more damage, which inevitably caused the problem of the tank meta, because if a tank can kill another tank in a reasonable amount of time, then they can kill a dps in an unreasonable amount of time.
he's incredibly balanced in a vacuum, but it's what his team can do behind him that causes problems. The shield is so good that you should always have a Reinhardt no matter your picks.
Her healing can be insanely unreliable when her target isnt a tank
So many times ive tried to heal niggers on the brink of death, but some fucker jumps infront of me and soaks that shit up and the other guy dies
Or maybe some guy is fighting in the backline and i try to heal but a shield blocks my shots and nade and he dies
Literally no other heal can be blocked physically, you can always heal the target you want consistently. With ana you have to deal with friendlies blocking your shot, enemies soaking your shot, and shields blocking your fucking heals
You don't constantly keep it up.
Only keep it up when there's a flurry of damage coming your way. You need to rotate between holding shield, using E, and swinging your hammer. Sometimes shift if your front line starts to fall and they push through, or when you want to start a nice push.
pick one
you realize the point of a tank is to take the brut of the damage not do damage right?