i really hope we get to see glauca and gladiolus fight
Ffxv dlc hopes?
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Last I heard, it was supposed by Gilgamesh.
the same space aids that gave him a demon horsedick is what reforms his body when he takes damage
Versus 13 as dlc plox
I'm reasonably sure it's Gilgamesh, although I can't seem to find the source that I saw that in, so take that with a grain of salt
Hoping I don't cry like a little bitch in Ignis' chapter
>Cape Caem will never be as good as it could have been
>you will never get to expand the house with a library containing all the cosmogony, a bestiary, an expanded photo album, and cook books
>you will never have special events where you and Iggy cook dinner for everyone as they gather around the table
>you will never help build a weapons room or a trophy room to show off all the horns you've broken and the weapons you've collected
>you will never help teach Talcott the basics of fighting in the dojo room you helped build or battle with Iris to improve her skills and earn her new abilities for another one-on-one date into the local wilderness at night to test out her new line of stuffed moogles
>you will never go on a quest with Monica to rescue cats from all across Lucis for your mini cat ranch
>you will never expand the farm so that you can grow any vegetable in the game
>you will never get to use Regis' boat to go deep sea fishing
>you will never help build a quick access ramp down towards the coast so that you and everyone can camp next to the beach and watch the stars
Hi sidequest-kun
>have a legit band make a cover of "Stand By Me", along with original tracks like "Too Much Is Never Enough"
>can't listen to them in the car
It's a feels song. Not a comfy song.
I'm gonna go with licensing or laziness
either way its a damn shame
The Gladio/Iris pics are too cute.
remember when FF was good?
I do.
You mean never? Or right now? I'm not sure which retort to go with.
well glauca did kill his dad in kingsglaive and it wasnt talked about in the game, which was pretty fucking stupid
id say its more towards the second picture than the first actually
>ffxv dlc hopes?
My hope is that people will stop making DLC for games. That shit is fucking Jew tier. Make the game complete before you release it.
Have a PS4 Pro connected to 1080p screen, which mode should I choose, Lite or the other one?
Having Stand By Me available in the car decreases the emotional effect of having it serve as the credits song.
Translation of the Japanese dialogue between Noctis and Luna in that CGI scene. There are some differences but it looks like they really fucked up with the subs.
>Luna: Noctis.
>Noctis: Luna?
>Luna: It seems that you have made it here.
>Noctis: Yeah, you too.
>Luna: I did not think that I would be able to see you once more.
>Noctis: What? Why not?
>Luna: Because I have fulfilled my duty as Oracle.
>Noctis: Even so, we can still be together, can’t we?
>Luna: The gods have acknowledged your strength, Noctis, and soon, the ring shall be returned to you. When you are back with the others, please visit Tenebrae - you will be greeted by many flowers.
>Noctis: And you?
>Luna: You coming to see me is more than enough.
>Noctis: Why…Even if it meant dying, all I wanted was to save you…
>Luna: If you find yourself feeling lost and alone, please remember me. Although it may be from a place a little further away from here, I will continue to watch over you. Farewell, dear Noctis.
>Expanded Iris garden that makes it...something more than just 4 carrots in a full field
>More locations on the Regalia type-F can reach
>Revamped NG+ that offers a higher challenge and enhanced rewards
>Chapter select feature, allowing you to return to specific story quests and the corresponding phasing in the world, allowing you to replay the story that way.
>Expanded Altissa in arena, allowing you to fight instead of just betting
>More fishing quests, including new mega fish (Or quests to catch existing ones) and a tournament.
>Episode Ardyn, wherein you revisit Eos in the distant past and live out important moments in Ardyn's life that made him pursue his goals.
>New magics like cure, haste, slow, gravity, and aero.
>New trophies for new and old content, including clearing the key dungeons, clearing Pitioss dungeon, completing the fish and meal archives, reaching hunter rank 10, and other similar end game tasks
>A fix for the mother fucking Cid glitch preventing me from upgrading my weapons
I leave it at High so there's more detail in the distance and less jaggies. People say there's "frame pacing" issues like on the regular PS4, but I don't notice it.
How long did Pitioss take for you guys to beat? For me it was an embarrassing 3 hours
>Even if it meant dying, all I wanted was to save you
fuck that makes me sad
No amount of dlc will fix this game when it is flawed down to the very foundation.
>Cid glitch
elaborate... is this a thing after clearing the game?
I want to play as Aranea and Luna
Could have at least made it and the other two F+Machine songs unlock after the the epilogue or something.
FF15 should've been stripped of Ardyn--Fedora.
It started before I cleared it, but has continued through to post game. After doing my first upgrade to the engine blade II, he didn't give me the follow up for further weapon upgrades, and never did after. I've not been able to upgrade a single weapon since, even after gathering the materials necessary to do it.
Why she didn`t warn Noctis about eternal hobo? Why she didn`t safe Luna in Altissia? The most friendly Astral, my ass.
Probably because she wanted Noctis to fulfill his destiny of sacrificing himself to stop the World of Ruin, and telling him about Ardyn would've done nothing towards that goal. I actually don't know and all of this is speculation
Damn, a lot shit is getting repeated in these threads
Just got done with Titan trial. It was pretty cool
>Give Ardyn a pretty good backstory that could have been given a lot of detail in the narration
>He spends the entire game with unknown motives just fucking with Noctis
>He ends up just coming off as a dick that held onto a grudge for way too long instead of the tragic character he was supposed to be
More costumes & playable characters like they said they wanted to do.
still waiting on the moogle fair & the mariachi costume god dang it mang
>UMI DAAA beach costumes
sign me the fuck up
Hoping for cutscenes that will add more to Noctis/Luna's relationship
>Just found out the Mariachi outfit isn't free DLC
>Can't even just buy it on its own for like 50 cents, have to buy the season pass
The fuck man, now I don't care about post-release content in this game.
What's going on here? Did Ardyn literally fuck his brains out or something? Ravus looks non-functional.
evil motherfucker
you should stop playing triple A titles user
Hopefully the DLC adds stuff to the main game, and not just a bevy of sidecontent you can only play through as Gladiolus
An optional dungeon with Gilgamesh challenging Noctis for the Armiger at the end seems way more reasonable than him just fighting Glads for his weapon van brand zweihander unless it's another case of Tabata not giving a fuck and just tossing him in there even though he's a consistent character of the franchise
Haven't tried it yet. Kind of scared. Although at thi point the only things I have left are pitioss and the menaces. Also, I guess I need to fight the super boss that drops the magitek suits.
Who was Gladius' dad in Kingsglaive?
And where did this Gilgamesh thing come from? I've never even heard of Gilgamesh in this story. Why does Glady want to kill him all of a sudden?
Clarus. The older man with the blonde crew cut who was with Regis and promptly shanked within 10 seconds of facing off with Glauca.
Gladio`s father has 4 different designs.
Oh, adding that I want new Reglia soundtracks; FF7 compendium (Advent Children specifically), Kingdom Hearts, Chrono Cross/Trigger, etc.
>cat ranch
Hah not a bad idea actually a terrible idea
Not sure why they didn't just keep the guy on the bottom left
>mfw I just beat chapter 13
What were they thinking
Whenever I see the lower left guy, the name "Giovanni" always comes to my mind. It's hard not to see him as a mafia boss.
What's the best song to listen to in the car and why is it Calling for Rain?
Damn that's heart breaking thank you for posting it again even if it is copy pasted
According to some of the Kingsglaive BTS, they were gonna go with his old design but they changed it fairly late.
I think it's fine they went with top right.
bottom left just looks like older Gladio, which is retarded.
>tfw no Gentiana Noctis /ss/
The girls in the magazine had been nice to look at, but they didn't make his heart speed up like Hat Man did.
Hat Man was just so strong, and solid, and Noct couldn't help thinking back to the first time he'd accidentally fallen out a window and thought he'd been about to die with a terror that had frozen him to the bone, but been caught in Hat Man's embrace instead. Noct had never been afraid of falling after that. He knew Hat Man would always be there to catch him.
That was what he'd been thinking about when he'd gotten into bed that night, experimentally running his fingers over his cock and trying to figure out what he liked best.
Some more pressure, and maybe, Noct reached over to his nightstand where he'd unceremoniously dumped his jacket earlier, wrapping a corner of it it around his palm and then resuming his attentions on his cock. That was almost like the kind of gloves Hat Man wore, wasn't it? Noct gripped a little harder, toes curling as he stroked himself, and he'd been almost there when Hat Man himself had come through the window and—
Would the game have been better if they dropped Ardyn entirely and kept the Empire as the main enemy throughout? It'd certainly be less of a fever dream in the latter chapters
But it's his dad, isn't he supposed to?
Kids tend to look like their parents? Some are spitting images.
>Ravus fight
It's actually sunleth waterscape
Spira unplugged is also great.
I don't think they needed to drop him they just needed to remember that the Empire was just as big to the plot.
Ah ok thanks I missed that
I think bottom left could look good but it looks a little too much like the old Regis
>tfw you realize Luna's death could actually have been a strong moment if they had just made Luna an actual character instead of a nothing character who appeared in 2 scenes before she died
No, because Ardyn's entire storyline is better than the empire shit. Tabata is just a hack that divided up Ardyn's story between a game, a movie, and 1300 pages of a book.
A FFXV without this handsome devil? I can't imagine it.
I would like a DLC that gives us more Cor, Iris, and Aranea. Which the world of ruin gives a perfect setting for those three to be involved in.
Maybe flesh out "The Six" a bit more or just give us some more Gentiana, I'd be happy with that.
I don't have a problem with ardyn being the main villain in the end I thought it was going to be chaos, and the crystal was actually evil but whatever
I just wish that there had been more of a chance to fuck up the imperials themselves. killing those two generals in the magitek armor was satisfying though.
I always get a little unsettled when looking at these renders.
>tfw no actual betrayals
I was 100% sure Cor was going to be a traitor
Instead he was cut from the game
>tfw when I can`t look at western games no more, because men are too ugly
Is it something what waifufags feel, when their see SJW approved designs in Bioware games?
wont be the same, you need a focal villain for the plot to move forward. Plus, Ardyn being so fucking eccentric is what brings flavor to the game. It's just fucking unfortunate that his backstory is mostly relegated to Ultimania.
On my map there are 2-3 obvious imperial strongholds that I can't take over. Am i missing something or are they literally just decoration?
Did Ignis get to fug Aranea
What kind of autistic retard plays games in a language he can't even understand.
By the way, that's the same as what they say in English
I tried uploading another of that same image but it came up with this. Spoopy.
He said WESTERN games look ugly. Because men like Ardyn exist in JRPGs
Aw fuck. I apologize. '
I haven't done all of them, but the one that I killed the generals at was the one in the first region.
Does Ardyn even eat or sleep?
Does he have sexual needs?
Riveting photowork, Promto.
I did that one. I think there are 2 in Duscae and the one closest to Insomnia that either I can't get to trigger or dont do anything
Wait, Gladio's father died in the attack too? ...I mean, what? How did that not affect him or have any ramifications for his story whatsoever?
I like to think he unknowingly sowed many wild oats in that 2000 year span
We were taking photos for our debut album, we all agreed this one looked good.
Yeah Clarus died.
It gets mentioned like once in game but you can use it to infer about Gladio's later dialogue in the story.
>any ramifications for his story whatsoever?
You already know the answer to this.
I'm assuming they don't do anything. wait for the dlc goy
Despite the story being a bit of a mess, I was OK with the linear action up to that point.
Then we got ring combat for 75% of it, and long and tedious look-alike hallways that were clearly there to pad out the game and to hide the cuts.