My sister is going to visit with her 5 yo son tomorrow. What video games should I play with him? Serious question

My sister is going to visit with her 5 yo son tomorrow. What video games should I play with him? Serious question.

Pic unrelated

Cave explorer

Minecraft or Roblox
All my younger cousins and friends' younger siblings play them

The "fuck your sister and make her son watch" game.

You shouldn't bother. Trying to play games with young kids is a fucking hassle, they have no coordination.

Kirby Airride.

I dunno, something bright and simple

GTA San Andreas

> Minecraft or Roblox
Don't do it user I've made this mistake before...

5 year olds dont play video games you autist

I don't remember how competent a five year old is, but fighting games work well when the kid has no idea what they are doing. They can just mash button and things happen on the screen with no need for any type of coordination.

I disagree :)

>He hasn't been playing games since he was 3

Do you know if he already plays games, and if so, which ones?
Also, keep some cartoons and movies prepared just in case.

El oh el

>mfw I beat Mario and Sonic with 3
My fate of being a virgin was decided long ago

>sister is married with a son
>OP is a weeb married to pic related
>OP is probably hiding all his weeb dolls that he faps to while waiting for answers

Not videogames, faggot. Go back to Sup Forums or /jp/

Castle Crashers and Kirby.

Some basic flash games. Don't know which ones exactly. After reading the thread cartoons sound like a safer bet desu

You should fuck your sister instead, faggot.

Battleblock Theatre, Castle Crashers, Besiege (not co-op but show him the ropes, it's educational), Guacamelee, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, Octodad, Rayman, Rocket League, Trine. Some of those are a bit more complex than others but most are fairly simple to grasp.

A puzzle game of sorts, but nothing that will frustrate the kid; something to make them think ever so slightly, but not too, but just enough to introduce them to critical thinking.

Kids racing games are good too. Young children have a hard time conceptualizing 1st, last, etc.

OR if you're a turbo autist like I am and was, you have your father have you play Everquest pre-Kunark and Abe's Oddworld at age 7.

maybe just play some mario or something with him :) seems like the simplest answer :)

Any lego game. It's impossible to lose and Co-op.

This is the best answer you will get, I promise.

Also possibly Magicka but you may need to be very patient.

You posted it, Rabi-Ribi.

Hmm, solid suggestions. Thanks

Hell no. These games tested my patience at times. I'm not subjecting a kid to this.

Oh yeah forgot about those, generally inoffensive.

mario, kirby or anything Nintendo related
or are you a pissgaymer?

Senran Kagura. Get him started down the waifu path early on.

PC, PS3 and PS4. No Nintendo consoles at home.

Also, what do you guys think about Okami? It seems quite simple and with lots of bright colors.

This I have good memories playing lego indiana jones and star wars with my younger brother

More kid appropriate would be Shantae my man.

okami sounds like a nice game I played it when I was close to his age :)

COD, bitches and kids love COD