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Video Games #3631
Video Games
The answer lies in
Babies bitched and moaned about Zarya being OP
Stormblood FFXIV discussion
ITT: We describe a game with only ONE word (not the game title), others try to guess. Starting off with the easiest
What's the best pinball videogame?
ITT: games that aged like shit
What are you playing
Tfw no game that lets you build clay huts this comfy
Some guy threatened to report me since I killed the Adamatoise before post game
Which bundle would you buy?
Star Citizens Advice n' Shiet
Consoles are holding back graph-
Iwatch this on twitch, literally every streamer and commentee is enjoying themselves
Resident Evil
What games can you consume coffee in?
Kinda drunk so fuck it
Battle Station Thread
Which video game development company has the most cancerous fanbase?
Would you buy this for Switch?
Who did you pick?
Was it really that bad?
Stand tall my friends
People think pic related is an OP character since his pickrate is high. Some redditors want him nerfed...
AGDQ 2017 starts in 1 hour. are you ready for cringe
H-hey son
Why does everyone like Going Commando the best?
Numerous Concerns Surround ‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ as Launch Approaches
What's the point of swords when it's much safer to shoot from a distance?
So, just a few questions, why is called the first season, is gonna be a 2nd...
Did you know that Rins game is actually only 2 days away?
Spit it out
Say what you want about Kojima's games, but he knows how to market them
If you look closely you can actually pinpoint the exact moment her heart breaks in two
Yoko Taro on 2B r34
Just ordered this. What am I in for?
What are some good games where I can play as a ninja. Are tenchu games any good?
Lets say the make a new Playsation All Stars game, but actually good this time
Next year people born in the year 2000 will be allowed to post on Sup Forums
This is Lenni, say something nice about her
Citra vs cemu
Redpill me on this game
ITT: Post unique character designs that nobody can even attempt to compare another character with
Seeing as we've just established that Smash Bros. isn't a fighting game...
Name a better Grand Theft Auto
Who wins?
This game is actually quite enjoyable if you mute the music
And this is where Rockstar will always stay ahead of Ubisoft when it comes to open world details. Even in the older GTA...
Grove Street
Who would win in a fight bloodborne or 2 amgry wolfs
Glad you could make it, Uther
Tfw no bf
Mordhau thread
Nintendo makes a console which you can take with you anywhere you want...
3 Weeks
There isn't one person on this board that doesn't think this thing will not only sell incredibly well...
What are you emulating?
Danganronpa v3
Tough choices in video games
What video game BEST emulates the feeling of having a girlfriend?
I´m going to play Dragon Age: Inquisition, any advice?
Should Nintendo make a top down console Zelda to diversify things a bit?
ITT: Famous people you would like to play vidya with
Its a NOD causing yet another world war because some bald fag told them too
Play anything recent
...Even the doll, should it please you
ITT: You Hear, You Lose
You now remember Day Z
PS3 exceeded its predicted 10 years cycle and is still getting games to this day Unlike the shitty Wii U
Brutal doom 2.wad the game
What is the secret to making the game industry crash?
Crazy things Console friends say
Alternate timelines
Remember Virtual Reality?
Now the dust has settled and everyone recognizes Undertale as a masterpiece it really is...
What is thy bidding, my master?
What does the skeleton say, Sup Forums?
Fuck Video Games
So how was Tsubasa's game?
Can you guys help me out...
ITT: We pay our respects to Denuvo
How could nintendo do this to us?
Being a girl is like playing a video game on hard mod-
Things you can say about your vidya, but not your girlfriend
What went wrong?
Apparently that blimp race is the "end of the game". I'm technically into the post-game now
2true :(
Shut down or start up PC
This is gonna be one of those "Looks shitty when you show it off but is actually amazing" games isn't it?
Mirror thread
Recommend games from 2000-2010-ish that people may not have played
Gimme something to shoot
What headphones do you use for vidya?
Why are games always forced to choose between great gameplay and a great narrative...
Peach, Rosalina or Daisy?
Should I switch from 2DS to New 3DS XL or would you consider that a waste of money?
Only 4 days left, post your Swishlist
Is this movie good? Worth watching? Do I need to watch it before I play the game?
Draw yoshi with your eyes closed
I don't get it
This will be a phenomenal device
Play a game on steam
Triple A game
Darkest Dungeon
What games feature usable umbrellas?
Guys, I am proud to bring you all, the Nintendo Switch lineup for their presentation
Is GTA V radio music the worst one in the series?
Hello Sup Forums, I've been wanting to get into the Metal Gear series...
Quality PC masterrace exclusive title, thanks Gaben
Anyone know how to fix unrecognized disc error for ps4?
Is there a single soul on this board who will buy The Last Of Kratos?
User stop looking at my panties and help my find the Titanfall 2 disc! I wanna play RIGHT NOW
What are some games that we can all agree on are amazing?
"It is a good life we lead, brother."
Did anyone see who took my Power Star?
It's time to VOTE! The voting will end on January 16
Guess the metascore
Brother, may I have some games?
This piece of shit is collecting dust in my living room. Name one good game for the PS4 that isn't Bloodborne
New Vegas Reload Benches
Dark Souls: Prepare to die edition
Who is the better Watch Dogs girl?
This is a video game released in the year 2014
Why did you give up on trying to emulate this?
Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's bad
Infographics thread
This is the best Star Wars game
What is it about Overwatch that triggers team fortress fans? Even just mentioning the game sets them off on a tangent
ITT autistic vidya terminology
Far Cry Primal-CPY
Can we get some funny Overwatch pictures in this thread?
Metroid Switch
This is my first time watching a AGDQ. what am I in for? It starts in less than 10 hours or so
Will vidya eventually become gud again or should thou abandon all hope?
"better QTE" they say
What killed MMOs?
SWITCH:new leak from reliable source
Which Va11 would you Hall-A
Every game I like is at least 10 years old
What the fuck is this shitty game design?
What the FUCK was her problem??
Drakengard/ Nier thread
Draw a dyke
Why doesn't anyone talk about TF2 anymore?
This man is contracted to kill you. Only the last videogame protagonist you played as can protect you
Hi there
Every day is a new day. A fresh start. Another opportunity
Can anything save Battleborn?
"video game music" thread
Is this worth emulating?
What are some games that allow me to slaughter normalfags and moralfags
Gamer fuel thread
Being a poor fag in 2017
Game makes you re-defeat all the bosses again in a multi-boss level
Will he get better base hp in 2017?
Super Smash Bros Wii U
Go on Deviantart art or google and find and post the most ridiculous Keyblades that you can find
Sup Forums pretends to like Doom
I play Darksteel Citadel, tapping it for 1 and cast Springleaf Drum, then I cast Mox Opal, two Ornithopters...
Based EA is finally turning things around
ITT: Games only you played
They'd be foolish not to do Mario, it practically makes itself. There are so many characters...
Who are some of the worst game developers to disgrace the medium?
How do I stop getting frustrated and pissed off when playing games?
Does Sup Forums like friendship simulators?
Is there anyone that didn't grow up with this game that played it recently and considers it the best game ever made?
Are you looking forward to it?
Nintendo Switch third party thread
ITT video games that play themselves with little to no user input
I love helping people in these games. Anyone else feel the same?
Why is Sup Forums's taste in anime so bad?
How does Sup Forums feel about Bill?
Tfw don't like playing multiplayer games cause i think i am ruining someone elses fun time
Choose one videogame character to be your brother in arms. Your most trusted ally
ITT: the most tedious game series you've ever played
52% of gamers are female
How do I get good at fighting games, seriously
Cheat in a game
You get sucked into any game of you choosing. The game is re-worked to be realistic. (Stats aren't a thing.)
How come Marvelcucks need to share half of their spotlight with characters from another company to have an acceptable...
This is supposed to be a children's game and yet it's fucking filled with disgusting innuendo like this shit...
Which one are you Sup Forums?
Start up overwatch for the first time since sombra's release
Sup Forums, you are under arrest for pirating video games. Come quietly
OwO what's this?
Sounds like she is saying "Dr. Jade!"
Will you still be playing videogames in 2056?
> I miss just putting a game in and playing it
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
What the FUCK was this bitch's problem?
Game mechanics
Post best final fantasy girls
Any spooky ocean games?
Will you play the system shock remake when it comes out?
So Sup Forums is know this is not Vidya related...
Do you wear any subtle vidya fashion Sup Forums?
Any games where i can go『F A S T』?
Why does it feel so good to shit on games and trigger anons? It's like an addiction...
Does story matter in any video games besides porn games?
People actually disliked the new voiceovers
There's no such thing as a best Zelda gir-
How do I git gud at FFXV?
ITT: We make better bosses then Edmund could ever do
Will it be good?
Halo MEGA BLOKS Cancelled Game
Shit game based off shit show
Princess Peach wants you to say something nice about her
All these teenagers that will never experience the glory of an early minecraft Sup Forums thread
Why does Nintendo, what the others don't?
From still hasn't bothered to fix this unfair gamebreaking bug
Which one should I play?
ITT: Superheros who deserve their own game
Digital copies cost the same as physical copies
When did Pokemon first jump the shark?
This War of Mine thread? Its free on PS Plus so I grabbed it and I'm really getting into it. Any stories...
Pre-AGDQ hype thread #3
Is there literally no fucking way to reliably play this shit now a day?
Is this the most underrated Pokemon game?
BloodBorne: This mother fucker right here
Spin-offs have voice acting
What was he reading?
Nintendo Switch
ITT: God tier JRPG's. Bonus points for PS4 games
What's the worst Mario Kart game?
Skins you wish they'd add but never will
Anime and manga are shit to the point where it's not even worth torrenting anymore
You can only choose one row of games for the rest of the year of 2017. Which do you pick?
Difficulty: HAHAHAHA
Hello Sup Forums
Mega Man bosses
What's your gamer pose?
Dark Souls is the living proof that most are bad
Ocarina of Time
"Zelda is being delayed, guys!"
Valkyria Revolution
What are the best H-Games out right now aside from Honey Select?
What if dark souls was turn based?
I noticed I had this game lying around, but I've never played it. Is the Wii version of RE4 good...
Name a better character you've seen in these last three years
Y-you saved me, right user?
Boss gives monologue
Gravity Rush 2
Why does Sup Forums have a historical fear of easter eggs?
Anyone have, or know where I can find, a good image of the GamePro game rating score of "1"?
How did you react when your sire came back from final death?
This game seems peculiar to me, it's probably one of the only games that has consistent threads discussing it...
Whats the Sup Forums equivalent to this
See that mountain? You can climb that mountain
Post characters who share your name
Mods are asleep, post some childhood defining games
Can we have a Dota thread?
She keeps dying
What are some games where pic related happens?
Mario Maker thread? Have nothing to do and wanna play some levels
FFXIV Stormblood
/yhyl/ - You Hear You Lose
Is this worth checking out? It just went on sale on PSN
Opinions on these guys?
Hackers drive up value of NES Classic by 350%
Sven Co-op with Sup Forums
So he was grey fox right?
Kick-ass Fantasy Games
Capcom vs Jump
Okay /v, I have never played a final fantasy game in all my 26 years. So the question is this...
Post an image that you'd like to see turned into a game
Who has played this game?
If this thing doesn't have a Mario Kart port, Smash port, a Splatoon port...
Webm thread
E3 2017
This is a childrens card game
I'm afraid it's been
This is a Japanese indie game
So is the "Overwatch is bad" thing just a stupid meme...
What does Sup Forums think about romances in video games be it a sub plot ala Bioware games or a game where romance is...
ITT post forced characters that ruined or almost ruined the game
Knuckles says shit
How's your channel, user?
Explain this
Comfy Nighttime Vidya Music Thread
Beat final boss
Is it worth $60?
I fucking HATE the winter soo much, Sup Forums
Game has romance options
Senran Kagura thread
ITT: Games with god-tier, underrated OSTs
Final Fantasy XI FFXI
What's the first game that comes to mind?
*breathe in*
Do you agree with it?
What did he mean by this? I don't understand. At the beginning of the story he is with you...
Do you understand just how much of an indirect impact these two will have on vidya in 2017?
This shit is mad fun. Why is shit like Skyrim and Fallout so popular? Even The Witcher should take notes
How come everyone in the game is white?
What did he mean by this?
Post a game with better female soldiers
Pick one and only one Sup Forums
Is this shit any good, or is it too dated by now? Which version should I play?
Fie is best girl of Sen No Kiseki
How do you pronounce Shenmue?
Pre-AGDQ hype thread #2
FFXV is the gayest game I've ever played
Dude turns on your mic
Why was sprint put in Halo
Should I even bother or just jump into Risky's Revenge?
Who are the best elves in vidya?
Someone in voice has a green/blue MX cherry
What if it fails?
How come there aren't games with anthropomorphic animals anymore?
How the Switch Direct starts
What are you playing tonight/v/?
Why is Tracer so based?
Can you imagine a world where we're all represented by a font?
Just bought skyrim for ps4, why didn't you tell me the game is so much fun!
Why haven't you hacked your 3DS yet?
Vidya ABC
When she has a cartoon profile pic
Are there any video games that provide you with interesting probability dilemmas?
What area of dark souls is this?
Every single game mechanic has a plausible in-universe explanation
Nioh thread
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Tfw started hating game I previously liked because Sup Forums told me it was shit
Sven Co-op with Sup Forums
Robot boss
Down Syndrom Developer
Who was in the wrong here?
Villain you fought escapes after you beat him
SWITCH lineup
Well, Sup Forums?
Filename thread
[theme song and background music]
Mario Musou/Mario Warriors Coming?
Mass Effect Andromeda
Her game
Please put Miiverse on Switch
Which is better overall?
Porn games on steam
He doesn't own a GPD XD
Post the first video game you ever played
Game set in far future
Name a better AVGN episode
Does Sup Forums know what are the best mobile controllers?
An ancient evil awakens
It was good?
Which is the best MOBA?
Why is he called "Yoshi"?
5 days until the Japanese release
Is there a single video game in existence that frames a rebellion as a bad thing?
Is their a game out right now with a more toxic and annoying community?
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Low quality shit
Sup Forums, I'm CHIPMAN
Space Engine
Why do people pretend this isn't the best Zelda ? Is it because they weren't alive at the time ?
What were the threads like when this first came out and Sup Forums started to take interest...
What headphones do you use for vidya?
Buyer's delight thread
User on Sup Forums wants to be recommended a MMO
What are most /lit/ vidya?
Pick your poison
Tfw you will never be LTG
Why the hate?
Ace Attorney Thread
"aw jeez, I'm running late for work!"
Is Halo finally returning to PC?
How would you fix jrpgs Sup Forums?
Have you ever fell in love with a male videogame character?
Why do normies defend FO4 so much?
Argument I had with a buddy of mine:
I feel like these series has left behind Ace Attorney. Anyone else?
Metroid Prime ruined the Prime series by introducing it to a bunch of kiddies who think they're experts on the series...
Honest question: how do I toughen myself up in multiplayer games?
Why don't you see the huge potential in VR, Sup Forums...
Suspended from uni for a semester. Looking for an mmo or mmo-like game that I can grind my time away
It has been 1 days since Chris begged for money
Ready for AGDQ 2017, Sup Forums?
Nobody asked for this
Final Fantasy Thread
Any good farming games
Are you buying Karna's game this month, Sup Forums? Well, are you?
What does Sup Forums think of him? We've all read stories about him, including the famous Fast Inverse Square Root...
Sakurai just plays videogames and develops videogames all day every day
Name a vidya character that can defeat Kirby
You can only play games from your country
Name ONE video game that isn't already all-female that wouldn't be a thousand times better if the entire cast was...
Musou games are trash
Tfw psvita failed
ITT: Sup Forums personified
Holy shit lol, calm the fuck down, it's just a video game
This guy developed a program that can make rudimentary games from scratch...
Defend this
Nier Replicant censorship in regards to Nier Automata
Reminder that this is the correct ranking of the soulsborne games as of 2017:
Menial tasks and bad anime cliches: the game
*gasp* w-who are you?
If I was not too into Trails in the Sky and SC, what are the chances I would enjoy Trails of Cold Steel?
Why was devil in the the witcher 3?
Pass the controller bro
The year of Tekken 7 is upon us
You MUST post in this thread if you made your Steam account before January 1st, 2010
I kind of want to play this game. What am I in for?
Lets get a little autistic for a minute...
What are some games that let you be an otaku weeb?
Recommend me a good PS2 JRPG that isn't Final Fantasy or Persona
ITT - Who would win?
Wake up and look for something to do
They should ditch the transformation system altogether
I need a game to get out of depression
$141 Million LOL
Better dead, than Al Bhed, Ya?
Play this
Is Path of Exile any good Sup Forums? I'm looking for a semi-recent diablo/baldurs gate like game. Is it p2w?
How about that Bomberman
Who is the best Resident Evil Girl?
Nioh thread
L O L!!!!
Coming in almost two weeks
Switch price leaked. US$250, same as the DS...
YouTube Cringe/WTF
What are the best MMORPGss out there right now? I've just got that MMO itch
Are hitboxes cheating or is everyone else a bunch of cry babies...
Bloodborne is the best game of all time
Judge each other based on your most played games
Pc gaming is dead everyone may it rip in peace such a sad day ;-;
ITT: Things you never noticed in video games
Your appointment with FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator
So, uh, when is this supposed to get fun?
Real Lives Thread 2.5
Wtf this is not a girl? what a gay game
Should monopoly be legislatively regulated in order to protect consumers' interests ?
Problem running dark souls 1 on ps3. Game just shows the black screen with bonfire and appear to infinitely load...
Can you imagine making an expansion so shitty and vastly inferior to fanmod that you pull it from sale? Well...
Ding to 110 just now
Was this the last good Bioware game?
Perfect games don't exi-
This is a "thirty" year old Mexican hacker
That autistic-ass fangame that you were interested in which will never be finished
What happened to the camo index?
Is this the only good thing to come out of Final Fantasy 十五 (15)?
Buy Day One Edition of a game
Trails thread
Game has outdated memes
Can we all agree that Gamecube Era Nintendo was the Golden Age of Nintendo?
Schmorky dun diddled
How do you justify piracy in the year 2017?
So what happened to this
Lets get a comfy Diablo 2 nostalgia thread going on boys
Post griefing videos
I've never played an ASSFAGGOTS before, which should I get into?
Chinese reproductions to kill game collecting market
Why is she so perfect, Sup Forums?
Has anyone played Dragon Quest Heroes?
Oh dude 4 str 4 stam leather belt?
Let's make an 8 bit retro game! But give the guy a shovel XD
How anyone can not be touched emotionally after playing this is beyond me
Rumor starts that EVGA was gonna make AMD GPUs for VEGA
Kat is
Childhood is when you idolize PCs
ITT: characters that did literally nothing wrong
ITT: Games you feel the urge to play right now but are too lazy to get on it
Should I get these on PS4 or PC?
Summarize Sup Forums in one picture
You can press two buttons...
Calm down its just a game
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Hook nerf
Thinking about playing FFX again
Dark Messiah
ITT Red flags in Vidya
Now that we have D44M
Who is the target audience for this?
It's going to be shit, right?
There are actually people on Sup Forums who think Doomguy has a chance
I e-mailed Fangamer again to ask what's taking so long with the physical rewards for MN9 that I'm waiting for...
So we can all agree, that it was the true MGS 5?
Why DSP won't go away
Latest videos not even breaking 100k views
Ooooooh, so THIS is what people mean when they say videogames can be art
It may not be perfect, but it's still one o the few 10/10 video games
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
Why are plushies banned from AGDQ?
Nintendo fans sure are Fujos
Anyone hyped for this game? Looks like it could be decent
Real Lives Thread2
This is a character in a final fantasy game
I want to sniff 2B's butt
Just finished dark souls for the first time. took me 77 hours (give or take a few afk/pvp/farming hours)
Are you ready for Escape from Tarkov?
Hacking Nes Mini
Post a cuter vidya character: mods are alright edition
Have you ever bought a lewd weeb game in public? Did you get any reactions from the cashier?
Will Runescape ever be popular/worth playing again?
Post your MBTI and your favorite game genres or series
Pre-orders starting on Jan 13, who else is excited?
Is there a game with an evil LBGTQBBQetc. character?
How do we stop Terry Crews becoming Doomfist in Overwatch?
Money or you're life, Sup Forums?
He still hasn't hacked his 3DS
Dungeons & Dragons
What's for you the best year in vidya industry?
Honey select
Does anyone have the chart that guides as to which final fantasy games to play?
Why do you hate sports games, Sup Forums?
The last video game character you played is fucking your tight asshole. How literally fucked are you?
Gaming Headset thread
Mario Musou on the Way?
How can such a disastrously flawed game be so loved by Sup Forums
How shit is your PC?
How come Mercy is not yet married at 37?
Ready to get triggered Sup Forums?
ITT: Characters that remind you of yourself
Good character designs
Diablo 3
Why weren't they in PlayStation AllStars? They were created to be PlayStation mascots
Day One Edition
Let's try this again, this time without any shitposting
I had never played an XCOM game until the current humble bundle and holy shit
Do you like Capcom as a game company ? What do you think of them then and now...
What's the point of this scene and why is it played mid credit instead of during the game?
Place your bets on characters for Super Smash 4 Nintendo Switch
ITT: We guess about the "positive gaming trends"
About to start Persona 3 for the first time. Should I use a guide...
How can Nintendo afford to give away such deep discounts?
Battlestation thread
What I had to do was watch Sonic the Hedgehog...cartoon. And, and listen to what Sonic says at the end of it...
How do we fix Sombra?
My sister is going to visit with her 5 yo son tomorrow. What video games should I play with him? Serious question
You only have one condom, which one do you choose?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...