Dungeons & Dragons

Why aren't there any new/decent D&D PC games anymore?

Last game we had was Sword Coast Legends, mid 2015, which was rather crap. Before that NwN2, which wasn't the best (at least in my opinion), but it was okay. That was 2006 to 2008 with all the expansion. There is still MMO Neverwinter, but you know, it's MMO.

But most of you probably remember the hype for everything that was before that. Icewind Dale, Neverwinter, Baldur Gates, TOEE, Torment + games on MS-DOS before that. I bet many of you still playing these sometimes.

Seeing how Games Workshop is giving rights to their franchise left and right, getting decent games of various genre all the time, I wonder why can't it be with D&D as well. Forgotten Realms or whatever you want, plenty of existing stories to make references to (for fans to hype), everything is ready.

You can make classic isometric RPG, you can get Skyrim/DA like game as well, hell, probably even some strategy one in this world.

I'd love to play againg some Lolth's Cleric Drow
>pic related

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dark elves eat nothing but spiders and spider shit. why would you ever fuck something with that kind of diet?

There is Pillars of Eternity but is so shit.

Same reason there aren't any old decent DnD games.
It sucks.

They don't eat spiders, as they are sacred to them. In one of the books I remember reading there were references to their diet which consisted of mushrooms, various Underdark's cretures meat and eggs, snails, insects and fish (underground lakes and rivers).

Also Eilistraee is top tier deity waifu. Fuck Lolth.

I honestly just want a DnD Dragons Dogma.

Wizards of the Coasts has generally been retarded when it comes to thinking about the advantages of having computer versions of their game.

Also, the last two versions have been pen and paper versions of mmo shit. Translated to the computer it's just going to give you some bland, balance fest like Pillars of Eternity.

But that's not D&D about which OP is asking.
Sure it isometric RPG, but the world is what counts.

I suppose it has something to do with the change in the Industry. The big boys in charge don't see it as profitable.

Sort of a shame, though, since old RPG's were offspring of old DnD systems. Hell, a few of the big RPG settings in vidya were once homebrewed DnD settings, and had a lot of mechanics reflect that, like Tamriel/Elder Scrolls

Unfortunately, Table Top gaming is seen as a niche audience. Compared to the juggernaught of a cash maker the Vidya industry is, it probably doesn't look that tasty a thing to genuinely try.

I think we're about due for a new Spelljammer or Darksun game.

Because Wizard's of the Coast is retarded and Hasbro has them by the balls. Also they only create games and supplements for Forgotten Realms which is the most boring, generic, and mary sue filled setting.

I'd love a game set in the underdark, even if it was a thinly veiled Not!D&D setting like PoE or what have you.

I just want to fight giant spiders in massive underground caverns. The closest thing we've ever gotten to that is Blackreach in skyrim and that was barely anything.


It seems like both 4th and 5th edition of tabletop D&D, and especially 5th have exceptionally
simplified rules. It's apparent they want to target new audience.

Maybe they want to do something on 5th ED, but that's been already 3 years since 5th came out.

Because the system is shit.

D&D has bad settings and is a terrible ruleset for computer gaming. It is bad and you shoud feel bad.

licensing costs for the d&d brand might have something to do. Also, I think (and hope) devs just want to drift away from implementing combat rulesets based on d&d. I played BG and PS:T and think they're good games, but I don't think the d&d combat translates well to computer games

It's a niche being taken over by smaller companies. In a lot of ways it is similar to the current beer tend. People are sick of the same old shit and began branching out. Even though the old guard still has the majority of the market share it's nothing compared to what they once had. Indie tabletop games are in their golden age, can cater to a loyal audience, and many are just better products.

It does when it's done faithfully like Temple of Elemental Evil but even then it's still plague by fundamental stuff.

Would you dance the Changedance?

Dragon's Dogma is already basically DnD.

RPGs are much more mainstream these days and why pay a license fee when you can create your own property instead?

>But most of you probably remember the hype for everything that was before that. Icewind Dale, Neverwinter, Baldur Gates, TOEE, Torment + games on MS-DOS before that. I bet many of you still playing these sometimes.
People tend to forget IE generation was exceedingly prolific generation in terms of good video games so it clouds the judgement in general.

I would finally fit on Sup Forums perfectly.

if anything toee's problems are that A) it stuck too faithfully to the source material which isn't exactly "video game main quest" material and B) it was troika. which somehow translated into the best ruleset adaptation ever mode and a buggy, unfinished game. I do regret that circular menus never caught on, though.

A proper Forgotten Realms CRPG with the 5e ruleset should print money with the new CRPG resurgence but all big tabletop publishers are notoriously retarded.


Fuck DnD. Exalted when?

Indie tabletops are usually niche even within that niche. Like, there's no way something like Engine Heart will eat a significant chunk of any big name company's market share. And it's both extremely unlikely that you'll meet more than one group playing something that isn't an established product anywhere close around you nor is it easy to find anybody on Roll20.

Seriously this.

>Dark Elf girls are all independent stronk womyn who don't need no man
>also all raging sluts

Right after Fate.

All of this combined

Are you at least aware that it's part of 30-something lore, so fuck off with crying about SJW bullshit
In short - drows were edgy before there was edgy

She's a lovely lady.

Is that why several of the best CRPGs ever are set in D&D?

I'm still waiting for someone to remember that Planescape, Ravenloft and Dark Sun exist.

... and none of them set withing Forgotten Realsm, aka the only setting Hasbro and WotC are interested with.

Devs don't bother paying for the D&D rights because they don't need to, they can just pretty much come up with own version of the world and it'll be more of less the same but cheaper (see Pillars of Eternity)

There's no point in paying for the Forgotten Realms or any other D&D settings

>Forgotten Realms

wew what a cool kid opinion

They're all set in Forgotten Realms you mongoloid





>Baldur's Gate 1
>Baldur's Gate 2
>Icewind Dale 1
>Icewind Dale 2
>Neverwinter Nights 1
>Neverwinter Nights 2
>not FR


What part of PLANESCAPE do you not understand?

Icewind Dale 3 when?

>"Geyser" setting will liquidise the spiders as soon as they hit anything. Also, that would require rules for vaginal tearing.

>and none of them set withing Forgotten Realsm

Are you a different person, or are you just changing the goalpost?

I guess you're simply too dense to follow a conversation

You can't be serious

He is differen't guy, I'm the original user and for me the only good DnD vidya is Planescape, with everything else being utter shit, so go fucking figure what I think about your FR games

Oh, why wouldn't I do to be there again.

It was good for the story. Game itself was easy as goblin pie. Also, Aribeth did nothing wrong.

DnD based videogames just don't do proper Tabletop Gaming justice.

Fundamentally lesser.

reminder that Forgotten Realms is full of Ed Greenwood's fetish shit

You ever gave a shot at the Ravenloft and Dark Sun video games? They're a bit dated, but still good.

NwN - 91 metacritic
NwN2 - 83 metacritic

>lel metacritic

NwN - lowest press score 87,5/100
NwN 2 - lowest press score 8/10

Is Neverwinter Online any good anyway?
