I love helping people in these games. Anyone else feel the same?

I love helping people in these games. Anyone else feel the same?

No. In my mind, people learn best on their own. I like invading really bad players and just destroying them. When the game first released, I could actually 1v3 people. it was incredible how bad they were. In a way, im teaching them too. I think instead of relying on crutches, players should play the game the way it is intended. Summoning should be taken out desu

i'll give tons of advice but if you summon for a boss fight, I will be so ashamed

Yes. Co-op sums the majority of the time I've spent with those games.
In fact, until a few minutes ago I was going from The Old Hunters' lamp to lamp helping people with the bosses.

Yes. I occasionally dickwraithed when I played DaS but I primarily went co-op.


God people like you are so cringeworthy.

Same here. I helped some guys with Orphan and Ludwig

I love destroying twinks almost as much as I love destroying faggot summons. Such a shame that I can never seem to get summoned for the capra demon though.

It's not my thing. I generally only coop to get the rewards from sunbro covenant or blues and then it's back to invading. I just never feel like I'm getting anything out of the game by ganging up on enemies or invaders. I honestly have more fun fighting 1 v 3 or just generally fucking around in a hosts world.

I was grinding medals at fume knight like a true motherfucker. It also had the effect of making me realize how terribly bad the average player is

playing with others is always fun, even tho I get more satisfaction from killing bosses alone clearing zones together is more fun. I had invader today help me kill vordt of boreal valley

>Get summoned to help someone.
>Do something stupid and die in five seconds once combat begins.

got pounced on and one-shotted by the first tick thing we tried to fight in Cainhurst last night

I summoned for Gascoigne.


I like helping people but the games are clearly not intended for actually sticking at this, youre suppose to do it once or twice then move on.
>would sit in the burg with my own twink build and just wait for summons while I would browse the internet etc.
>to this day I still get summons for Blood Starved Beast in Bloodborne and I just sit in that area waiting, made a gimmick character just for this
Im actually surprised there are so many people playing BB still, and why that particular area?

Made me curious what Deep Down was going to be like, considering it was built on Coop and different builds, so you would have someone specializing in healing and buffs etc but still actually able to just fight. I want a coop dungeon crawler that isnt an MMO, Id prefer to work with people to overcome something hard rather than make myself the hard thing to be overcome.

O&S is impossible without Sunbro.

I only like to give advice for my friends and let them do the thinking. Summons are fine if someone is truly stuck or just replaying for fun, but I think player vs boss is where it's really at (O&S is kind of an exception for new players where Sunbro is acceptable but not necessary).

I have a friend who on his first DS1 play through summoned another friend on every area and boss and let him kill literally everything while he watched from a distance. Great experience, eh?

They should solo the first playthrough.
Its really their loss if they don't.

But I do enjoy defending a shitty host against invaders.

>that new invasion glitch where you can enter boss battles as an invader

wtf I love invading now

>Shoot boss as they attack the host.
>It parries and the host gets to visceral the shit out of them.

if someone double summons me they're trash

>jump here

Taking so much pride in being better then other people in a videogame must be such a pitiful existence .

I'm in a weird spot where I think that being summoned is tons of fun, but that summoning should be used sparingly.
I hope the people I'm helping are either well and truly walled and getting frustrated, or not on their first playthrough. Wouldn't want to shit on a boss that somebody hasn't even tried to solo.

You're just like me. Sick, nihilistic, and a wicked sense of humor


Just remember if they summon more than just you leave them to die in the boss room.

You're basically the guy no one would ever play with.

>when your sunbro dies
I let you down

Today I was helping someone with the wet nurse and I accidentally sent the elevator before the boss down while was exiting causing the host to miss the ground and step off the elevator, dropping him to his death.

And he summoned me to help... I felt so bad.

i like to use the black separation crystal on my summoned coop partners right before i kill a boss to deny them souls

I usually place a summon sign down and wait 10-15 min , if nobody summons me I start invading to punish those who willingly choose not to play with me

I managed once to solo on a magic build, i just suck at that fight no matter how many times I try it, i used to kill them and respawn them using the cheat engine and try again and again but i still suck, how do I git gud?

O&S solo is just a matter of patience and keeping your greed in check. Ornstein will zip around and leave Smough in the dust, separating them. That's your chance, but you still have to keep a close eye on Smough because he might charge. Their AI is pretty dumb and gets caught on pillars a lot so you might be able to buy a few precious seconds by hiding behind one.

>tfw you watched your friend beat O&S on his first try, solo, no magic or bullshit
>it was his first souls game
Made me feel bad about my own skills desu

Yes. I have 2 or 3 characters at friede just for helping people. One of them is almost at 80 hours played, at least 60 are just co-oping that boss.

Absolutely, I had a Quelaag co-op character who had throwing knives for cool quick kills against the little mosquito fucks (although maybe HP scaling made them not OHKOs depending on amount of summons) and a bow to try and stunlock Quelaag's delicate body.

It allows me to make gimmick builds that can actually work.
>entire set is stone guardian
>stomp around the map tanking everything
Felt great, I could never progress through the game like this or go into PvP.

I soloed them. Took me like 15 tries though. Less than some of the bosses in ds3. Fuck you pontiff.

Me right there

Anyone that didn't summon for Sister Friede is a tool. Ludwig? Sure. Laurence? Gimme a sec. Orphan of Kos? Difficult, but doable.

But this three-stage shit with Friede has got to stop. What a way to ruin a perfectly good boss fight.

I make it my mission to solo every boss so when I finally beat one I'm stuck at I drop my sign and solo it for other players


What's a good level to stop at in bloodborne if I want to get summoned for as many bosses as possible?

People are still playing this in NG+? Good to know. Just beat the DLC and wanted to do a quality build for NG+ but I was worried that nobody was playing.

Matchmaking doesn't give a shit what NG cycle you're on, senpai. You can play with annyone within your level range.

Just got Dark Souls 2, Iv played 1 so much but I know nothing of 2 and Im looking forward to figuring it out


Is there any things I should know right now from the outset, I don't mean tips as such, any fights like Seath where its unwinnable at first or parts where some door will be locked unless I back track half the map away and get a key with no indication from the game. Also is it true that enemy only re spawn 15 times then stop?

That's true, enemies stop spawning after you kill them enough. To get them to spawn again, you can use a special item called the Bonfire Ascetic at the bonfire that's considered part of their area.

That item pushes that area into the next cycle of ng+, so enemies are way stronger there and all spawns are refreshed.