Pass the controller bro

Pass the controller bro

Why the FUCK is the dpad so small?

because Nintendo knows mostly bebes and little girls use their products

It's a single button shaped like a dpad

it's a + sign, the other side has a - sign

>playing a smash brothers game on that

yeah no

>that tiny ass dpad

It's made for children

I love this meme

nintendo wouldn't design a button like that, it's not ergonomic. It would've been round.

it's a d-pad.

It seems pretty obvious it's the plus button from the wii and wii u carried over but okay

This is a plus button.
The d-pad is nintendo's most iconic button, they wouldn't remove it. This mini d-pad is essentially like the new 3ds's c-stick

no you fucking autist, its just there to be an indicator on witch side of the tablet to put. The other part has a minus on it.
>inb4 you fell for the bait
I dont fucking care, right at the beginning of the reveal it was easy to understand yet people made a meme out of it for le ebic lulz XDDDD holy fucking shit this webside

I guess we will find out in 6 days. I don't have a good feeling about the nx

remember when we thought that the NX would be as powerful as the neo ?

>The d-pad is nintendo's most iconic button, they wouldn't remove it. This mini d-pad is essentially like the new 3ds's c-stick

Are you sure? The other controller has a minus on it so I don't think what you said holds.

It's not a button you retards, it's an indicator for which one of the controllers it is. The other one has a minus.

How THE HELL does Nintendo expect me to input DPM, 360, Delta, and pretzel motions on that thing? No one will make to Evo with THAT D-pad!

that's a rocker switch for adjusting the volume. game devs can use it also similarly to the select and start button.

only retards would have thought that considering Nintendo's hardware has been underpowered since at least the Wii. I don't know the specs of the Gamecube so I can't make comments on that but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the weakest console of the 3.

I noticed that his hand has some imperfections, unlike other handmodels.
And if you pause at the right moment in the trailer, you can see smudges around the bezel of the Switch screen. All of these minuscule details to show that this person may have used the Switch a lot.

Do you see a d pad anywhere else? no? exactly.
also, that "button" is a light. it's use to indicate low power in the controller obviously

I think the point people are trying to make is: Why would there be a big indentation to indicate the +/- ? Why not just have a smooth flat graphic?

Accessibility, so even blind people can play video games by just feeling which controller they're holding.

>the Switch can have both Start and Select button, yet still add a share button
>but the PS4 can't

it was more powerful than the ps2 actually.

holy shit you're a fucking dumbass
pic related, a plus button and a dpad, notice the fucking difference now?

exactly, blind people need to know what controller they're holding.


That controller really does not look comfy.

Is it not tiny?

It's not a dpad.

Hey, is that dog.

less space to move finger better attack formula

Prove it.

I like how you can play local multiplayer without having to buy a second controller.

>4 buttons and an analog
enjoy your mario i guess

They each have gyro controls and two shoulder buttons on the rail insertion side.
Source: the patents

This thing looks awful. Guess I'll be buying a Pro with my Switch, whenever I decide it's worth buying anyway.

> two shoulder buttons on the rail insertion side.
you mean those little metal hooks are button? that's crazy

Anybody who thinks that controller looks even remotely usable is a certified manlet. That fucking thing is like the size of a one of those rectangular pink erasers you get in elementary school.

Or... are they made... for the hands... of children?! Really gets my noggin joggin.

their target market is young adults, as seen in the trailer.

Sure. Then a couple months after release they'll start putting out commercials on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network.


so same as the PS4 and xbone?

Dude you must have sweaty palms because it slips around a ton

That looks fucking uncomfortable to use.

>Source: the patents
A patent isn't a blueprint, you fucking idiot.
They're copyrights for IDEAS. Have a look at what Apple of patented.

>b-but Sony



Not an argument!

your shitposting game is weak